The nazis are getting what they deserve
tf is a leaded stick
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
He's a libertarian and his wife's Chinese. How is he a nazi?
>bad optics
what is this new fucking buzzword and what psyops group coined it?
ironic shilling is still shilling, fuck off
>bad optics
Should we disrupt this meme?
What does it mean?
What even ARE bad optics?
Pretty sure they're talking about he brought something close to a baton, maybe?
Batons are usually weighted for more potential energy, that's why you can see police FUCK someone up with one of them.
Karma for mixing with a chink whore
He would've avoided it if he unlocked hid full power and married a slav
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
Shillelaghs may be hollowed at the heavy "hitting" end and filled with molten lead to increase the weight beyond the typical two pounds; this sort of shillelagh is known as a 'loaded stick"
>haha y-you nazis hurt peoples feelings, you deserve to die for saying things that might be true but are mean
>we get to tear down statues because the founders of this country are racist, so fuck monuments and the constitution and shit :) deal with it sweetie
Oh man, oh man, i cant wait for you faggots to get your wakeup call, you all seriously deserve to be fucking carpet bombed
Been in use for ages, but I'm not sure who started using it here. Probably someone with connections to real political or advertising groups, shills basically.
Pretty sure this is a new copy pasta. Anyone who gets fired is fired for "nazi larper type shit"
the way i keep seeing it used makes it seem like someone is trying to push its use.
Since when is it illegal to possess a stick?
>alt right
Wait, isn't Kyle a diversity loving civic nationalist though? Guess that time spent trying to distance himself from the white nationalists was pointless kek.
>civic nationalist
civic nationalist is the same as white nationalist to most people. the concept of pride in your country is generally frowned upon.
Said the russian rape baby
You leftists faggots don't even know what the fuck you're talking about anymore, do you?
shouldnt it be kinetic energy?
Stop! IF they get you to think of it, they win.