Any attempt would be seen as vacuously empty as it is, for as much as the right wing conspicuously chose to ignore those things and prioritizing anger.
Ethan Clark
No, why don't you dumbasses just start talking about actual victims. In Russia, the far-right would do protests and march with posters and signs or people who were recently killed by shitskins (uzbeks, tajiks, chechens, etc). But instead of doing this, /pol fags just march around with confederate flags.
Jaxon Butler
No, no way OP. That is the same sleazy bullshit the neolibs/neocons do. Just tell the truth and be thoughtful and clever about it. Seriously that is all you need to do. Look at Jordan Peterson. The fucker when dealing with matter of fact ideas can not be beat. You just need to tell the truth. You know, like Society needing strong families because they make children that continue a society. Do not kill babies unnecessarily. Abnormal behavior of less than one percent of the population can safely be implied as a mental disorder. Leave people alone and tolerate ideas you do not agree with. Do not spend above your means. You know... Normal ideas that make sense. I never thought I would be living these kinds of times.
Christopher Murphy
We need to make it saleable so we can stay in power. Basically.
Sound like a cool idea, but in developed countries, such things are seen as uncouth. We have that sort of thing in Britain, from groups like the EDL (English Defence League). But they're just seen as commoners, chavs.
In developed countries, I think focusing on liberty, security, safety, family values, these things are more saleable.
The far-right is only saleable when a country is experiencing severe economic hardship. We need to focus on right-wing populist ideas, because it's the best way to stay in power.
Samuel Perry
Of the far right, he said, “These guys are a collection of clowns,” and he called it a “fringe element” of “losers.” “We gotta help crush it,” he said in the interview.
Jackson Sanders
We need to brand an AntiCom movement that has no relation to the 1488 crowd.
Evan Long
Sorry but I don't agree. Yes JBP is awesome, but he only has niche appeal.
I'm talking about having population-level appeal, because that is how you influence the government, and that's the best tool for changing a society.
You say society needs strong families - yes very true. But we don't need to focus on specific policies too much. Keep things nice and vague, because that's the best way to lure the population into supporting you. If we say "transsexuals are mentally ill", then that seems a bit mean, and it puts people off. But if we just focus on nebulous, positive concepts like "allowing families to prosper and flourish", then people can get behind that.
I just think that Charlottesville showed that far-right ideas hurt everything we want to do. It puts us in the political woods. It gives the left ammunition to increase their influence. We need to have as broad of an appeal as possible.
Think of it as a trojan horse if you want to. The point is power. And power should always be the goal.
Mason Thomas
Yes I think you're absolutely right, Anticom is definitely far more saleable to the general public than 14/88 stuff. Also, it's a fresh new brand. It doesn't have baggage.
He had to say that because of political realities. And that's the whole point. We need to focus on the broadest appeal that we can have. We need to make ourselves saleable.
Hunter Bailey
Force out anyone waving nazi/confederate flags. Only US flags allowed. In order to strike at the enemies of those groups we should focus on trust busting like Teddy, break up the large media conglomerates. Also we need to dismantle the food stamp program. Rice, hotdogs, and a head of cabbage can feed you for days on $5. We don't need to be giving niggers a bunch of free money so they can feed their 10 children
Tyler Martinez
Not really. This is exactly what the left does with their "victims" and it works. The far-right get's all hyped up about white people being killed, raped, etc. But then when we protest, we make the rally all about us and not about the victim. When we make it about the victim, the people opposing us look pro-murder or pro-rape. It worked in Russia to the extent where Putin had to start virtue-signalling about being hard on illegal immigration, crime etc.
Chase White
>Force out anyone waving nazi/confederate flags. Definitely.
>Only US flags allowed. Indeed, national flags should be used.
>In order to strike at the enemies of those groups we should focus on trust busting like Teddy, break up the large media conglomerates. Very good idea, very politically saleable.
>We don't need to be giving niggers a bunch of free money so they can feed their 10 children That will be more difficult to sell. If you want to sell it, don't make it race-based. Ever. Instead use positive ideas of self-sufficiency for all families. Providing families with jobs so that they have independence, so they can fulfil the American dream. Those are the terms needed.
Jack Jones
Okay you might well have a point there. But it has to be couched as a right-wing populist issue, not a far-right issue.
I guess you're right though - clearly controlling the borders is popular with a big mass of the American public (same in Britain and most countries).
So yes I guess in America, highlighting issues where illegal immigrants have done heinous criminal acts can be a good thing. But it has to be done very sensitively. As I say, it MUST be couched as a right-wing populist issue, not a far-right issue.
>Russia Russia is a poorer country though - like I said, far-right politics only get mass support in poorer countries (Russia, Eastern Europe, Philippines, etc.). In more prosperous countries, these issues need more delicate handling.
Logan Edwards
Abandon anything related to Nazism/Hitler. This is antithesis to American patriotism as they were an enemy of the nation we defeated and people have been exposed to Hitler as the very definition of evil ever since so abandon your ideological purity if you actually want results.
Focus on American symbols and historical figures in your imagery
Make art with subversive messages to influence pop culture (the left did this and this is how they won the culture war, use the internet to get past mainstream censorship to distribute your material, has worked for people like Sam Hyde)
Use coded language instead of explicit idpol terms like "white pride" or white power, instead promote pro-white policies like merit based immigration, tax incentives for working families having children, removing affirmative action, traditional values, etc.
Focus less on religion and issues like abortion/global warming/anti-science, very unpopular especially with the future generations
Become an admirable, likable, charismatic person and that will naturally make more people receptive to you and what you are saying. Work out and get your life in order and become more confident in voicing your opinions. This will make people more open to your ideas instead of you being some fat kekistani neet.autist.
Parker Price
>let's be "for" these things >but lets position ourselves as an "anti" group Thinking so backwards it hurts.
>And power should always be the goal. Power is the goal of a political party. The goal of proponents of an intellectual strain is to see their ideas embraced and adopted regardless of whether a party they prefer in power. Optimally, if your ideas become so widely popular that can be perceived as a common American ethic, your core ideas should be embraced by both parties.
You know what would've been a whole lot easier than tricking your way to power? Having the intestinal fortitude and the balls to actually support the genuine article.
Andrew Phillips
>Abandon anything related to Nazism/Hitler. Absolutely. It's political poison. Focus on symbols of national pride, of your own nation.
>Make art with subversive messages... has worked for people like Sam Hyde In a way you're right, but Hyde is too far-right for the mass population - he just is. So it needs to be ideas that are more saleable to a mass audience. Right-wing populist ideas are MUCH more likely to create the change we want in society than far-right ideas.
>Use coded language instead of explicit idpol terms like "white pride" or white power, instead promote pro-white policies like merit based immigration, tax incentives for working families having children, removing affirmative action, traditional values, etc. I would say don't focus on race AT ALL. Focus on those latter things, yes. Look at how Trump does it - he says everybody is American first. That's a good way of skirting around race.
>Focus less on religion and issues like abortion/global warming/anti-science, very unpopular especially with the future generations That's a very good point too.
Mason Richardson
>the cultural war is won or lost bzzt. The culture war is the essence of the political struggle, and can be no other with as big a cultural divide as there is between today's left and right. >Focus less on religion and issues like abortion/global warming/anti-science, very unpopular especially with the future generations The anti-science positions are denying the humanity of a fetus and adopting the global warming agenda in stark contrast to the climate's failure to conform to how alarmists promote, which are not rooted in science, but flawed and manipulative predictive models.
Most of your other points are valid, though.
David Brooks
Of course don't make anything race based. I was giving the reasoning, not the marketing. The point is to remove identity politics from the platform proper and create a more moderate christian nationalism. We need to focus on principled family life, the stars and stripes, and pushing policies that weaken the jews firstly while removing the safety net that perpetuates the breeding of low life indeviduals (most notably blacks).
We need to sell these ideas as "American Values". Most importantly we need to crush completely those that think shaming people should be outlawed. The only way to create a strong society is to shame degenerates. If there is no shame in society then there can be no honor
Grayson Phillips
>let's be "for" these things >but lets position ourselves as an "anti" group Anticom is great and I fully support it, but it isn't the only tool in the box. I'm not proposing an anti-communist party. I'm proposing right-wing populism. A broad coalition of right-wing populists of all flavours (as long as you drop the controversial imagery like nazi stuff).
>The goal of proponents of an intellectual strain is to see their ideas embraced and adopted regardless of whether a party they prefer in power. Optimally, if your ideas become so widely popular that can be perceived as a common American ethic, your core ideas should be embraced by both parties. Specificity isn't needed. Most people don't give a fuck about day to day politics. They care about broad ideas.
I am merely inviting you, my friend, to help contribute ideas that we can use to spread right-wing support as wide as possible. With memes, on Twitter, and whatever else we do.
I just feel the right-wing brand needs repairing after Charlottesville.
Noah Fisher
If we want to repair the right-wing brand in the wake of Charlottesville, controversial topics like abortion and climate change might be best avoided, for the moment.
I was reading about Steve Bannon's ideas of economic nationalism and I think those could be good ideas that a lot of the public can get on board with at the moment. He strongly believes the US is in an economic war with China, and that it needs to be won (I think it's true for Britain too).
Protecting and improving America's economic health, especially with China's economy as a threat - that's an idea that can get very popular support.
Nicholas Lopez
>We need to sell these ideas as "American Values". I agree with that.
>We need to focus on principled family life, the stars and stripes, and pushing policies that weaken the jews firstly while removing the safety net that perpetuates the breeding of low life indeviduals (most notably blacks). As you say, it needs to be sold as family values.
Over here in the 1980s, Maggie Thatcher was very good at appeal to people's aspirations. Their aspirations to be independent and upwardly mobile. Affluent, all this stuff. One of her key policies was allowing people in council housing (public housing) to buy their property off the government. It was very popular, lots of people did it.
So perhaps you could appeal to the same sort of emotions in America with those who are currently dependent on the government. Emphasise the dignity of work, of independence, of aspiration, of upward social mobility. Because that means people get jobs, they get houses, and they're productive members of society.
Brayden Rogers
Your posts are wholly subsumed in identity politics, which is a tool most conspicuously used by the left in their bid to control the people through the tactics of divide and conquer, heightening racial tensions as pushed by Obama which has naturally flowed into Trump's America.
If you are not of the opinion that prosperity can be had by all by your works and belongs to all who work for them by your values, then you are not a true rightist, but a leftist by any other name.
>Most people don't give a fuck about day to day politics The left does, because--unlike most on the right--they're fully aware of our culture's inherently political nature, that the people's voice has much sway in politics, and embraces it. Folks on the right are not so knowledgeable or active by habit, made less so by the conceit the left advances into the culture (which must certainly hearten the GOP's party leadership) that people with jobs are (or should be) too busy to take an active interest in their world.
>I just feel the right-wing brand needs repairing after Charlottesville. There's not much "right" about National ~Socialism~ in an American framework to begin with. Neither is the alt-right by definition "right," seeing as it conspicuously brands itself as alternative to it.
The way to rehabilitate the right is to completely disavow these group's participation in their wing, or see rightism overtaken by foreign element just as surely as liberals were consumed by socialists and communists.
Blake Davis
>forgot family values Why europeans never, NEVER, talk about family values? This is not popular even among conservatists in Europe?
Dominic White
>If we want to repair the right-wing brand in the wake of Charlottesville, controversial topics like abortion and climate change might be best avoided, for the moment. A tactical approach towards politics is the wrong way to go about it. Do you see the left often dropping core elements of their agenda or rhetoric if ever they suffer temporary electoral reversals? No, they understand they'll be given another chance at political power as the 2 party dynamic ensures that they will, and does not work to weaken int he meantime their own coalition.
Rather, that persistent call you hear from those on the right to abandon social issues (or perhaps even issues other than cultural, such as the conservative approach towards economics) is only evidence at how successful the left has been at making their cultural values a "common American ethic."
Kevin Turner
>If you are not of the opinion that prosperity can be had by all by your works and belongs to all who work for them by your values, then you are not a true rightist, but a leftist by any other name. Not sure I agree identity politics is ALWAYS on the left (see naziism). But yes, I think the right at the moment needs to drop identity politics, and emphasise nationalism. Because that is the philosophy that is most likely to win the most support in the current political climate.
>The left does, because--unlike most on the right--they're fully aware of our culture's inherently political nature, that the people's voice has much sway in politics, and embraces it. Folks on the right are not so knowledgeable or active by habit, made less so by the conceit the left advances into the culture (which must certainly hearten the GOP's party leadership) that people with jobs are (or should be) too busy to take an active interest in their world. I think you might be right. Although I'm more inclined to agree with you that the right is less aware by nature, rather than because of leftist persuasive tactics. The right is the side of individualism, therefore by nature it includes individualistic people who are focusing on their own lives, rather than the state of the world.
>The way to rehabilitate the right is to completely disavow these group's participation in their wing I think the alt-right is playing a very useful role. There's no reason to disavow them. Disavow violence against innocents, yes.
Adrian Lee
conservatives in Europe are not conservatives by the American definition.
Adam Butler
What is the difference? Also, this means that europeans really don't care about family values?
Adam Jones
It is popular, but it should be phrased as "helping families", rather than making people conform to the nuclear family. People don't like that, they like freedom. That's the case in Britain anyway.
Tactics is a huge part of politics and yes, left-wing parties do drop bits of their agenda when they're in power if they think it's going to be politically poisonous.
And they, just like us, have to consider how to brand themselves, especially after a PR debacle (like Charlottesville).
I'm not saying abandon values, I'm saying we need to focus on PR. Hence why I mentioned a trojan horse here: Although I don't want to stress that idea too much, because it makes us seem deceptive, and that's wrong for the moment. At the moment we just need to focus on the most popular ideas, to rebuild our brand. The more controversial stuff can come later.
Austin Brooks
My posts were intended to allow an alternative to the far right ideals. I gave race neutral solutions to perceived racial issues. I proposed nothing that was intended to be couched in identity politics. You also miscontrue the meaning of right and left.
The point of it is to appeal to the moderate side. Apply race neutral policies that assume everyone can get by on merit. More moderate far right racists could say "well x group will be harmed so I am for it" while moderates and independants say "every group can prosper so I'm for it". The whole point is the make the most marketable pitch that not only gets the most traction but also gives a direction.
To simplify: -Suggest race neutral policies that can be marketed to both far right and moderates -Push American exceptionalism based on family, community -Use the focus on community to push personal values of honesty, integrity, honor, discipline, health, strength, moderation, tact, etc
I suggest starting community groups called American Honor Society
Brayden Nguyen
Yes we're different. But right-wing populism has been international. The culture wars are international too.
Every country has slightly different politics. Family values should be important everywhere, but every nation has slightly different ideas about families.
Here in Britain, the idea of forcing everybody to conform to a nuclear family is seen as very old-fashioned and oppressive. People think they're being rebellious by breaking free of this convention. So over here, I think it's better to appeal to "supporting families".
James Perry
>People don't like that, they like freedom. You do understandt that it is a necessity that people should conform to the nuclear family, right? I mean, why they see the nuclear family as not being free? As I see it, It means that they want to spend their lifes on meaningless personal pursuits that ends up in degeneracy. Isn't it what we're fighting against?
Mason Baker
Do a proper rally. >anti-commie/antifa banners >anti nazi banners >"We are the Right" banner >american flags all over the place >also gadsden and whatever else flags that belong to the right Walk around, denounce anything too authoritarian, support the constitution.
If some idiots start with supremacy chants like in c-ville ask them to leave, you need to become a choice that the media can't misinterpret, see it as a way to establish an alt-right identity.
Also bring guns (not sure if legal?), warn antifa to not fuck with you.
Joseph Davis
gas the opthamologists, lasik war now!
Alexander Jenkins
Years ago just the far right was at risk, now the entire right is becoming marginalized, and lumped in as a hate group
Sebastian James
Good post
What country are you from, can I ask?
Yes the family is important. I think it should be sold to people, something they can choose.
>I mean, why they see the nuclear family as not being free? As I see it, It means that they want to spend their lifes on meaningless personal pursuits that ends up in degeneracy. Isn't it what we're fighting against? Yes I agree with all that, but I know my country well, and I know that there are lots of people in this country who think it's a bit too right-wing, a bit too authoritarian, to force everybody to conform to the nuclear family. It hasn't always been this way in Britain, in fact it's a very recent phenomenon.
Brayden King
Not a bad idea.
That's why we need to appeal to people as much as possible.
Jordan Diaz
>Not sure I agree identity politics is ALWAYS on the left (see naziism) Again; National ~Socialism~ is not big picture rightism. It the right wing of the Socialist left's big tent, with the battle between communism and NatSocs only being an internal dispute over the nature of how Socialsm would be better implemented. NatSoc's nationalistic appeal only seems to bleed over into rightest thought for as sound a defeat has nationalism suffered in left wing politics.
>The right is the side of individualism, therefore by nature it includes individualistic people who are focusing on their own lives, rather than the state of the world. Absolutely true, and the one thing which gives the left the advantage of discipline, but there should be instilled in our individualists a common concern for the individualism of others. Rightists cannot be complacent to allow the left to enjoy too many structural advantages.
>Disavow violence against innocents, yes. By then its too late. >I think the alt-right is playing a very useful role. There's no reason to disavow them. If they are the new element to the right's coalition which are comfortable marching side-by-side with that element you would have excised, then they (the leaders and any promoting them) need disavowal themselves, for they are exasperating what you see as a problem rather than ameliorating it.
If you (as that other poster said) want to be on the side of politics governed by a respect for scientific principles, this is the only logical conclusion.
Parker Gray
>optics Fuck you, this is subhuman. To them, optics is nothing but fucking lies. Go ahead and make that faustian bargain, and burn
Daniel Bailey
>But it has to be done very sensitively. Yea, that's what I mean. Replace every poster that says "fuck muzzies" or "fuck pakis" with the poster saying RIP with a picture of one of their victims.
Kevin Allen
White geNOcide!!
ASIA FOR THE ASIANS, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY! The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to PROMOTE a program of geNOcide against White children. – According to International Law, open borders, FORCED integration, and assimilation is GENOCIDE. Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children. Then they call it “multiculturalism” STOP WHITE GENOCIDE! Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
Hudson Jackson
How about...
>Fighting for our goals, because no matter what we do, we would be labelled as a 'violent' group anyways. Peaceful protesting was something we could do long ago, but now the game has changed. And obviously the last peaceful protest, you saw what happened, kicked us hard in the balls.
John Jackson
NatSoc is seen, by most people, to be "far-right". I know it's not the furthest right economically. But it is in terms of social conservatism. That's why it's seen as far-right.
Whereas ancap isn't seen as "far-right", even though, in economic terms, it's to the right of naziism.
>Absolutely true, and the one thing which gives the left the advantage of discipline, but there should be instilled in our individualists a common concern for the individualism of others. Rightists cannot be complacent to allow the left to enjoy too many structural advantages. I agree which is why it's important we continue to fight for opposing left-wing "progressivism".
>If they are the new element to the right's coalition which are comfortable marching side-by-side with that element you would have excised, then they (the leaders and any promoting them) need disavowal themselves, for they are exasperating what you see as a problem rather than ameliorating it. If you (as that other poster said) want to be on the side of politics governed by a respect for scientific principles, this is the only logical conclusion. I want the alt-right to still exist because I think what they are doing is great. I hope that white identity is one day a legitimate thing, just like the identity of any other ethnicity is. So I think what they're doing is great.
If I were a Republican trying to gain office then obviously I'm not going to try and display any sort of public affiliation with the alt-right, in fact I would publicly distance myself from them, but I wouldn't try and shut them down. They're doing good work.
If your values are "gas the kikes" then you're not going to get anywhere. What's actually important to all of us on this Malaysian finger-puppet forum? I would say that opposing leftist identity politics, gender/race quotas, the payment of our taxes to minorities/immigrants/refugees, open border policies, etc. - THESE, surely, are the most important values to us.
Cameron Cooper
After recent events, I think we can all agree that the use of Nazi symbolism just won't work. Even 2-3 guys with swastikas will ruin it for an entire rally. But too many forget- what about our own history? The left is always guilt shaming us for America's racist past, reminding young students that the framers of the Constitution were white racists, and that not a single President until JFK believed that all races were the same and equal(ironically he praised Hitler in his diaries). Why not embrace this image, and adopt it in our ideology? They've set it all up for us. We have a great opportunity to use this for white nationalism, but instead, some still think it very necessary to keep a National Socialist approach, despite the fact that this isn't even Germany.
14/76 not 14/88
Jason Morris
I mean look, the alt-right are catering to these concerns and they're doing a good job. I don't think they're going anywhere. Richard Spencer et al., they're doing a good job, and I will watch what they do with interest.
But we need to make general right-wing policies - Trumpist policies, right-wing populist policies - popular to the general public again, especially after Charlottesville. We need to keep launching this fight against the left. But that means that the right-wing needs to look good, it needs to offer a positive vision and a positive brand. Rather than the ugliness seen at Charlottesville, which has had the unfortunate effect of emboldening the left-wing.
Connor Flores
I'm not getting you, are you pro or anti Whtie geNOcide?
Xavier Gonzalez
The only way to win is to denounce the media, obsolete it.
Nolan Price
we need 20 totally independent movements that denounce each other. Have an event every day.
Eli Reyes
Obviously I am against massive immigration, and I am for the collective bargaining of the interests of white people.
But mainstream conservatism / right-wing populism should never bring up this idea, because it is politically toxic.
Sebastian Turner
You can't make it popular because this is America and mostly everyone is an immigrant to the country especially following into our most industrial time period that depended on the work and labour of many different types of people.
Unless you could drop the racism and realize National Pride would include ALL Americans of ALL types...people would make agree with you. Otherwise it's a dead cause before it even started.
And say, if you did manage to get the Right-wing popular, how would you deal with the rest of the world, since America is dependent on much importing and not so much exporting.
Jaxon Cox
Dress respectfully. Act normally. Conduct yourself with pride.
pro tip; Fashwave is kek level cringeworthy.
Jordan Turner
>Obviously I am against massive immigration, and I am for the collective bargaining of the interests of white people we're in a genocide situation, respectability won't fix this problem
get over your issues with telling the truth about the most important issue of our time
there is nothing more important than stoppin the genocide of out people. so far cuckservatives won't even acknowledge the problem. how do we solve a problem we pretend doesn't exist?
will they cal you anti-White hate insults like racist etc? well, what kind of faggot lets their entire race die out because of names?
Eli Cook
No - use the media to our advantage. Push OUR agenda using every media channel that there is.
Obviously no, we don't need that. I think the best thing for us plebs to do these days is give our support to right-wing populism. Right-wing populism has shown itself to be popular enough to win elections across the Western world. We need to keep advancing that agenda.
The alt-right should continue doing its thing, as long as mainstream right-wing figures (like Trump) can plausibly deny having any connection to it.
And, most importantly, get rid of the nazi symbols because they hurt everything that we are trying to do.
Caleb Lee
conservative's and anyone on the right wing is an idiot
Parker Cook
>. I gave race neutral solutions to perceived racial issues. that is BRILLIANT. They have to also resolve anti-white propaganda and and anti-white discrimination. >Apply race neutral policies that assume everyone can get by on merit. It takes a lot of explaining to normoies, as leftists have redefined racism. They claim that merit-based systems are racist. They claim only tilted playingfields are non-racists that product equal outcomes. They have been pushing these for years. so: We have to debunk this "unequal outcomes are racist" myth. Trying to debunk it will get you labeled a racist, and antifa will be bashing your skull with a baseball bat. I think this is the mardest part of all to resolve: proving that unequal outcomes come from unequal abilities, and not hystoric or systemic oppression. basically we haev to disprove the leftist lies.
Ryan Long
you need to read "why johnny can't think" by robert b whittaker
enjoy, it's pretty funny, especially on respectable cuckservatives who never stick up for anything important, and specialize in incrementally losing gracefully
William Butler
then you have to get rid of the DNC.
Matthew Lopez
I recommend the 13-star flag for those of us here in America.
The colonies shall rise again!
Nolan Campbell
First you need to actually get rid of the Nazis and white supremacists because no matter how you try and brand Nazis and white supremacists, if you are associated with these people, you lose.
Leo Howard
>Diversity (the proper one) >Heritage and history
Colton Russell
>Use the media to our advantage I mean yeah, alternative media maybe.
But the mainstream media all owned by like 4 people, who's various leading people are husbands and wives of actual politicians? They're the reason we're in this mess. Charlottesville was about 90% fabricated bullshit. Like one guy with a nazi flag who nobody could identify, cops letting unpermitted antifa to counter protest.
Basically, it doesn't matter if Sup Forums showed up in full hippie attire and preached Peace One Love they'd still find a way to demonize the right into this narrative. The point is that you can't try and derive good publicity from the MSM by treading carefully, you are their political enemies and if it wasn't for the laws of this land they'd murder you on the spot.
Brody Morris
Remember when everyone wanted to be American in the 80s? Recreate that vibe Have massive impromptu parties, the new rave culture. Attract prettier girls have more fun. Be cooler. Funnier Stop playing this crusty ww2 era shit it's cringe
Be the counter culture but be fun. Laugh at the enemy. Be living propaganda.
Luis Howard
>Unless you could drop the racism and realize National Pride would include ALL Americans of ALL types...people would make agree with you. Otherwise it's a dead cause before it even started. That's exactly what you need to do. Do that. Emphasise liberty, freedom, family values, economic nationalism, etc.
>And say, if you did manage to get the Right-wing popular, how would you deal with the rest of the world, since America is dependent on much importing and not so much exporting. I don't know what you mean by this exactly.
I think you're right, we need to take ourselves more seriously now.
The alt-right is doing its thing in trying to remedy these issues, and trying to shift public opinion, and it should continue doing its thing.
But the mainstream right-wing across the Western world should not embrace the alt-right - they should remain separate. They fulfil different functions. Only mainstream right-wing parties are capable of gaining power in government. But the alt-right can influence culture in a way that governments can't.
They are both needed, but they MUST remain separate, else they destroy each other, and then we're all fucked.
Oliver Phillips
14 in the streets, 88 in the sheets. I won't stand by while anyone shits on the NSDAP or tries to hide Jewish influence though. Only IRL events should be heavily policed.
Samuel Hall
>nationalisation of railways, energy and other utilities and remove any foreign influence in it as well. >Put a limits on overseas property buyers >Cut taxes for the poor i.e the way the tories do it with income tax threshold >Invest in self-sustainability >ban safe spaces and other lefty hive mind zones
Mason Anderson
>muh PR
Carson Richardson
Civic nationalism isn't a solution and Hitler did nothing wrong. Hitler rounded up antifa stuffed them into camps and executed their Jewish leaders lawfully for communist treason and terrorism. One man has crushed antifa. Only one.
Obviously his regime collapsed in 1945 and using NSDAP symbols isn't a good idea. Hitler wrote about the power of "original ideas" in Mein Kampf. Still, don't let anyone shit on Hitler or tell you the kikes aren't the real problem.
Lincoln Cox
Well, if you're just going for the American Pride thing, you need American Industry, if you're just going for the White Pride Thing, technically the rest of the world does not need America, especially with poorer countries either entering or exiting their Industrial ages.
How would America be sustainable?
Also still I don't think the American Pride thing would be possible, rich old dudes hold the power and money and isolationist ideals don't hold well to their bank accounts.
Eli Robinson
>Hitler rounded up antifa stuffed them into camps and executed their Jewish leaders lawfully for communist treason and terrorism. One man has crushed antifa. Only one.
Sebastian Gomez
Take race politics out of it and focus on globalization
Ethan Thomas
>That's exactly what you need to do. Do that. Emphasise liberty, freedom, family values, economic nationalism, etc. how does this stop or reverse our genocide?
>But the mainstream right-wing across the Western world should not embrace the alt-right - they should remain separate. They fulfil different functions. Only mainstream right-wing parties are capable of gaining power in government. But the alt-right can influence culture in a way that governments can't. kek, there is no mainstream right-wing anymore, they haven't realized it yet
why do you think everyone hates politics? the cuckservatives have conserved nothing, and they won't acknowledge our ongoing genocide, many even support more immigration of shitskins
we are going to start having more alt-right candidates who just don't give a hit about names. imagine a farage who just says "yes, we're racist, we support Whites"?
I'm not even sure what you are doing here. do you really think we want to elect weak spineless cucks? they won't save our race. at this point even stopping immigration entirely won't solve our displacement/disposession. it HAS to be reversed
Jordan Roberts
You can't
Michael Adams
This was the biggest blackpill for me. Our ruling goy class is fine with kikes dividing us against each other. They think they can get poor whites to vote for lower taxes this way. Hitler spoke often about being able to convince communist workers with truth, but that the intellectuals and conservatives couldn't be convinced no matter what you laid out in front of them. They strongly resisted any change whatsoever and they didn't get onboard until the commies were a serious threat.
The best thing that could be done right now is making the GOP a white party. The GOPe fear this more than anything else because it will mean the end of lolbertism for the industrialists/old money and the end of playing nice.
Leo Nguyen
Realistically, say if you wanted to keep the White Pride thing, you could take over a state and industrialize it and show off the superiority of a state that's 100% white. You'd have to control everything, local to state politics, maybe sure it's a thriving society, low crime and so on.
Looking at those rallies and marches, that's completely unrealistic, you need to educate your allies so they have some sense. Maybe use the lower educated ones as the work force.
Ryder Bennett
I think a common mistake being made is thinking that all the rich are jewish...or I should say Wealthy.
The thing's not the jews, it's not the blacks, wealth comes from industry and a successful industry and once a person becomes wealthy the race thing becomes insignificant. A lot of wealth is in white families who started early on in staple American industries.
Chase Anderson
This is how you do it: don't make it about pride, preserving your heritage, or anything like that. The deal is about freedom of association and the right for people to have nations.
Nationalism for white people is tainted, but if Black Americans promote nationalism for their people and a separate nation in the American South or someplace, it wouldn't be bad for white people to want the same thing.
Black nationalist rappers should spread the word and form an alliance for European American nationalists. Nazism, 14/88ers, any sort of bigotry should not be tolerated. This is about nationalism, not hate.
Jeremiah Ramirez
>>National pride >is inbred and retarded >>Liberty >but only for themselves, no one else >>Safety >commits terrorist attack >>Security >violent march against other people existing >>Economic prowess >thinks isolationism is a stable economic plan
Jaxon Flores
We've benefited from Charlottesville though. 100%. Especially now that they're cracking down on Gab and other free speech platforms. We can't solve jack shit without going full 360 on these kikes. There was one NSDAP flag at the entire rally, the media uses the exact same picture. They use KKK pictures from other rallies. It will redpill a few normies. This woke up untold thousands to the JQ and only drove a few people away.
Of course all of this will put a fire in the kikes and the non-whites, but that's a good thing. I want us and our enemies to pacman it to the center.
Watch how many views and likes are pouring into these videos. Something is happening.
> National pride People are realizing nationalism is dumb, the rest is cool tho
Angel Sullivan
>Of course all of this will put a fire in the kikes and the non-whites, but that's a good thing. I want us and our enemies to pacman it to the center.
it's comments like these which make me suspect you are either a nazi larper or a cia shill. You will never have a white nation with that kind of attitude.
Luis Johnson
Yeah exactly. 95% of them didn't come out to attack us but 5% did. Mitt Romney and his crew are freaking out that the GOP will be a white party. Their divide and conquer shit on the middle class plan isn't working. They now know they will have to fight the commie kikes eventually if nothing happens.
Idiots could have learned from history that multicult has never worked. Idiots could have flooded us with poor eastern europeans that would have undercut out wages and fully assimilated. But no, they wanted to divide and conquer.
I miss an entire sentence in here about the ISIS attacks in Spain. Autism.
Isaiah Rogers
Thus you'll never Amount to anything because you're not living in the year 2017.
Leo Murphy
doesn't really matter if it all goes out the window as soon as some asshole fbi agent rams into a crowd of asshole paid protesters.
Jeremiah Edwards
>nazi larper Convince me that this is okay. Convince me that Hitler was wrong. Try it. Go ahead.
Also you know 5/8 American babies are born to non-Europeans, right? I don't think you understand the fight ahead of all of us.
Nathaniel Rivera
would really help if you started beating down those waving nazi flags and also burning nazi flags.
Carter Hernandez
Not an argument.
Samuel Bailey
Ok, I was trying to do it with trippy hitler gifs tho
Jeremiah Thompson
Multiculturalism did work. I'll even give Slavery a pass since it ended BUT if it weren't for people coming here and populating the states, shit wouldn't have gotten done. Whether it was done corrupted ways or not.
White people alone, would not have been a sufficient force to build up America.
Hell if it weren't for trade, whites would have probably died off due to lack of sanitation.
Grayson Clark
Multicult has never worked once in human history. Not once. Also this is an imageboard, not reddit. A paragraph isn't a sentence.
Jackson Cooper
Oh sorry. You won't get anything done ever because you have nothing practical to do. Just like the protesters thinking just because they had a permit they would not be opposed. Drop all the conspiracy garbage and think.
Cooper Howard
>Convince me this is okay
It isn't. Doesn't mean I have to dehumanize Jews. But it's an argument for a separate white American nation.
>Convince me that Hitler was wrong.
Invading non German countries was no business of his. If Hitler didn't exist nationalism would be seen in a different light.
>Also you know 5/8 American babies are born to non-Europeans, right?
The only bet is a separate country maybe in the Northwest or New England. Work with nationalists of different colors to strive toward a common goal.
Ryder Torres
its almost like they lost the keys to heaven so their hoarding the keys of awareness or something like that
Parker Hall
Next time bring some Tiki mugs to that party, alright. Give the media something fun to report.
Jace Reyes
I have a good argument against flying the NSDAP flag. Hitler did nothing wrong, we must all realize that, but we must also realize that shitloads of men went off and died fighting him. Talking about how Hitler was right is fine, flying flags that we've fought before isn't productive.
Canadians stuffed Boers in camps. I wouldn't ever fly the Boer flag, but i'll tell the truth about Jewish diamond mines and their influence over the British Empire.
Isaiah Johnson
That rally was a success how can you not see this? Sometimes I wonder if you folks are JIDF or if you're just interested in belonging to a 'cool' group. You're not interested in winning, we should be doing everything in our power to get the Jewish media in a frenzy. Make them overreact like they are right now. Make the kikes crackdown on orgs like Gab and have the EFF and ACLU defend us. We have the truth on our side, all we need to do is stoke conversation.
People are waking up the fact that free speech is fine so long as you don't talk about the real problem. This is absolutely necessary.
Colton Cook
Push how illegal immigration hurts blacks by taking jobs and lowering welfare benefits. If we can get the blacks to realize Juan's ten kids are cutting into their gibs, they will ally with us. Make it a "take care of our own first" argument. Publicize the media blackout on black genocide in Compton/LA by MS13 and Mexican gangs. Ally with elements of the Nation of Islam to move against (((them))). Remember that Black action against Talmudists will disturb the narrative.
Luke Hall
>I want the alt-right to still exist because I think what they are doing is great Then what you are doing with this thread is trying find a way to put an acceptable face on an intellectual strain which is already seen by the larger sum of people and voters as unacceptable, a task which is doomed to fail, and is purposed in all its effects to position the American right as more out of alignment with a traditional classical liberalism but in line with that Eurpoean neo-populism that has so conspicuously failed to arrest the march of progress.
Thanks for clarifying. Should've guessed by your flag that your input would not be helpful.
Camden Edwards
95% of blacks vote democrat. I argue that we need to turn them against us, make them say every white man is a nazi. Get them to be as hysterical online and in the media as possible.
Brandon Powell
You left off this one >Sexual inclusiveness
Hunter Hernandez
Rockwell tried this approach with some success though, so you do have a point. I still can't shake the fact that 95% vote against us. If we have to rely on negros.. I don't think it will work. Every black man knows what would happen if we separate. They would be unemployed and starving in no time.