ok, guys, if you live in pasco, citrus, sumter or hernando county in florida, please head to Brooksville.....they are planning to take down our confederate monument and we need a counter group ASAP. I just found out about this....even if you cant show up please bump.
the last time this happened
> tearing down historical monuments
Yep. You are devolving into Idiocracy. Bet this year some antifa activists will start to blow up Mt Rushmore. And the whole world will laugh at that idiocy.
They are already calling for that exact thing.
we must stop this.....I refuse to tolerate this
I know, that's why I mentioned it. Stop that crazy bullshit.
shill this thread everywhere please
Go shill your own thread yourself motherfucker, I don't do that cross thread bullshitm not ever. Either you get replies, or you don't. Boohoo.
Besides, everybody knows what is going on.
I didn't say shill it on pol, lmao.........normally you would be right, but this is personal to me to the point where I will shill like no ones business
we need to set up multiple hidden cameras, live streaming 24/7, around every monument. ideally with IR lenses to see through antifa face masks, like this (the video is unprofessional but the concept is demonstrated clearly):
unironically this. there is only so much we can sit still for....this is one of the things we cant brother....
This power crazy leftists can't keep white washing history to further their agenda of violence and discrimination.
Trump is days away from getting impeached, those monuments like the American dream are done.
I'll give you a bump
thank you my good sir or maam
ITS OVER! They won.
Symbols of hate must all go. Sorry pal
>symbol of hate
>wears hammer and sickle
bro........do you even history?
He's just trolling you. Bet he's one of us.
true, but a lil banter can be helpful XD
especially when I am this pissed
Actually this is a good honeypot. The alt left / antifa is so violent, stupid and lacking in self control that we can easily control them indirectly right into a legal trap. They're "offended" by everything, so just quietly place an "offensive" item in public and record their vandalism / property damage. And again IR cameras would help greatly with rendering disguises useless.
Hobby drones with cams could also be used to follow them from a distance, without the drone operator being in harm's way.
dude........you are brilliant.....and they would fall for that.....YES
Why aren't the cops stopping the destruction of public property is what I want to know during these events? Just imagine one of these dumbfucks yanking on ropes to bring down a statue and gets someone injured or killed. Who's going to pay for that lawsuit.
In this instance there are cops involved but IDK if they are protecting it or trying to keep it up
Gotta say, I'm a Yankee through and through, yet tearing down Confederate symbols NEVER crossed my mind.
Why are retards JUST NOW getting triggered 150 years after the war?
Confederates were treated like veterans just like all the Yankee veterans. They were fighting for their homes.
The fuck is wrong with people. I'm so sick of all this hate and toxicity, if I dwell on it too much it puts me in a seriously bad funk.
Thank you. I know a fair amount of northerners and none have a problem with it, just the leftist nuts. Unironic retardation
if it's govt., you can't stop them by force or you will be worrying about dropping the soap
if it's antifa or their pets in the blm who do some of their dirty work, set up cameras, record, have evidence, bring it to Sup Forums and take a copy to local, state and fed authorities/media and they will be the ones worried about dropping the soap
>when antifa used their white privilege to get some black woman to climb on durham statue for them (antifa field nigga), they didn't even wear masks
>now several people could very well be headed to prison, at very least they will do some time and pay a shitload of legal fees because, oh btw,
lawyers and courts fees ain't cheap and aclu won't be representing these fucks
>when bikelock eric used a mask, user found him anyway
just get the criminals on camera IN. THE. ACT.
who gives a fuck about statues?
>they're only tearing them down because you butthurt
let them go, lefties will go too far and it won't take long
>gotta take down da crosses cuz dey racist too y'all
see what i mean?
>get. out. of. their. fucking. way.
the entire left side is doing it, don't go the way of the dinosaur with them
>let them fuck up so bad that if MSM protects them they'll will all lose credibility with normies, too
>let them fuck up so bad that feds have no choice but to hunt them down and make it so they can't fuck our country up any further
win, win
>get criminal antifa/blm acts on camera
>turn over to local, state and fed authorities, media and user
let them slit their own throats
>do the same if you want, i don't care
>or use your fucking head for a change and start winning the PR war
>tfw in NJ
>tfw no controversial yet valuable pieces of history to defend with my life.
come down here we have plenty
exactly what i'm saying in top kek
It bugs me, just because a statue is such a nice thing to see in a small town. aesthetically pleasing.
It's just grotesque that somebody would tear something like that down.
Strange too... like 20 years ago, nobody would even think of such a thing. Everyone is foot stamping angry about all sorts of things they never even cared or thought about a few years ago.
so true......and desu the leftists are more up in arms over it then the kangs are XD
Smart minds think alike. My addition was using IR lenses to see through their masks. This would be a huge advantage and a game-changer. And make sure the cameras are hidden and there's nobody around (IE the target is a statue, sign, etc) so they feel emboldened to attack. Even if they wear masks, we will see their faces.
What is with this sudden surge of activity, anyways? It reeks of psy-ops. This is a distraction tactic.
My f*****g city is about to get its history shafted and I have a duty to stop it
The lefties won't be happy until they have a Chinese "cultural reformation" that destroys all traces of our history. The niggers in Chicago defaced a Lincoln statue (oh the irony), and plus there's this:
It's coming down to gunfire boys, I can feel it in my bones. Keep your powder dry, it's gonna be a looooong winter.
They are doing this in Bradenton on Monday. Get down there - leave the Nazi, KKK, Confederate shit at home - and just bring a damn American flag. wfla.com
*Chinese "Mao style cultural reformation" desu
YES......THIS EXACTLY thats why even non southerners should be working against this
user i hate to say it but if anything try protecting it to make sure it isnt smashed by the antifa commies.
The movement has too much wind ATM and honestly I'd prefer to see that statue remain intact in a museum then smashed in an Antifa propaganda video
This isn't a distraction, this is a nerve.
How is wanting to give the means of production to the people something that advocates hate?
You're going to die.
IDFK, ask the Ukrainians or the north koreans about how hateful a bullet to the head can be
I advice you, to not lose ground cause it's very hard to recover.