And anticipates a false flag following his removal
What the fuck Sup Forums explain this, what is happening
And anticipates a false flag following his removal
What the fuck Sup Forums explain this, what is happening
Other urls found in this thread:
>This will all start to go down around the beginning-mid September
Proven false. This is just Trump improving his optics.
Whoa. He predicted that Bannon would resign two weeks ago, just yesterday?! Amazing.
>He believes random "prediction happenings"
Fuck off until you find something meaningful, I've heard about false flags all too much these past few years. Talk to me when there's a real happening and not some random post on an East Timorese Calligraphy message board. In fact, why don't you go make a happening and be an hero while you're at it, faggot?
You're retarded if you think it's wrong bc we're two weeks away from September and that doesn't qualify to you as "around the beginning of September"
Everything isnt instant gratification, stop jerking off faggot
>This is just Trump improving his optics.
You 4-d chess retards need to gtfo.
See and fuck off newfag
Steve Bannon has read Evola. We don't have a strategist who has read Evola anymore.
What the fuck are you contrarian faggots even talking about
Woah, he read Evola? Crazy dude. I read Evola when I was 15. You're clinging onto a hope which NEVER EXISTED. Bannon was never going to be the savior of the white race and guide Trump against the establishment. Him being out changes nothing, nothing at all. And your fucking stupid "fuggin habbening :DDD" isn't going to come about either. Just accept that Trump fucked up, that the government is eternally lost and that everyone who we elect is a puppet to the deep state. Stop wasting time on muh anonymous user predicted a habbening! and focus on real shit, like Cville and future marches. Trump's just going to fuck more shit up and nothing is going to change that, either, so accept it and move on.
>user predicted Bannon leaving
you dumb cunt shills have been screeching about him leaving since january 20
Bannon optics wasnt toooo good
Why the fuck would you ever place faith in predictions made on Sup Forums? You're not limited to the number of shitty posts you can screencap in case one larping session becomes true.
Bannon's firing was supposed to occur 2 weeks ago.
Hey you stupid fuck. Everyone predicted Bannon leaving because he's toxic. And the rest of that post is garbage
fuck off already
These are shills.
They can fuck right off
Boy is it going to be awkward for them if confederacy 2.0 wins round 2
The union should have gone scorched earth on the confederacy via plundering all of their wealth and putting every last one of your ilk in work camps for a few decades and revoking your enfranchisement.
wow he predicted that the guy who has been on the chopping block for months would be fired
happening xD
Is that that idiot???He fired his 2 most loyal friend.Prebus and Bannon....
Wtf is he doing??
wtf he has KEK in his ID
yah because Bannon can't communicate with Trump from outside the WH anymore...
>Should the public revolt
Bannon also left because of the Charlottesville shit. Are you kidding?
so they really are gonna kill all nazis
It's not as if it's super secret knowledge when guessing someone in Trumps administration is leaving. Been going on since he took office.
Got the month wrong.
> user predicted Bannon leaving
> And anticipates a false flag following his removal
Your reading comprehension is shit. Fix it.
What that user suggested is that there would be a false flag if Trump DIDN'T play ball. Firing Bannon means that he IS playing ball.
The psyops are too strong to handle right now, hold tight (((america))). Get fee or get (((illuminatied))) trying.
>A senior White House official told The Hill that the president had been inundated in recent days from “high-level Republican donors and activists” pleading with the president to keep Bannon on.
>With both Bannon and former chief of staff Reince Priebus out, "a lot of GOP lawmakers are confused and nervous about who they are supposed to talk to in the administration," said one GOP source. "They both did the bulk of Hill outreach."
Save for that one senate member, the GOP wanted to keep Bannon in, it sounds like.
t["Bannon", "#"
]has been a liability for far too long now. Listen, faggots, you think the optics of him and his nazi larpers are what we need to MAGA and get the bluepilled normies on board? Just trust that trump is playing 4d chess.
Where's /ptg/?
GOP members would not be the ones planning a false flag.
Even a stopped cock is white twice a day.
Scandinavians always coming through with the archiving. I still don't get it, but thanks anyway.
Most GOP, especially supposedly "high ranking" and wealthy donors, are very much "deep state" by Sup Forums standards.
god damnit
>tfw conservatives and rightwingers always blamed liberals for false flag, gun collecting ect.
who would of thought it was republicans who would do it LeL "BUT JADE HELM!"
Bring it on.
> Sup Forums
> standards
1488 dimensial chess bro
Wtf was this thread about?! Deleted as it was getting good?
...y'all know Bannon can still talk to Trump
Why wasn't it archived?
They didn't predict shit, this was being reported since march.
The average president has 7 resignations or firings of advisors every four years.
kek, fair 'nuff.
>I still don't get it, but thanks anyway
You're talking to a bot dumbass, how long have you been on here? Go back to shittit
Has Trump done ANYTHING yet to show he doesn't know what he's doing? No he hasn't.
He always TRUMPS everyone and everything in the end.
He is doing everything for a reason.
Screencap this fags
Been here since '08. Though I stopped browsing Sup Forums for a year or two.
that corey lewandoski was taking bannons place. also, hilldawg arrested tuesday
Pls respond
>One user predicted a happening
Sup Forums is like a monte carlo simulation, of course somebody is going to throw the dice and get the result through sheer random variance.
Shit Tuesday, I've got meme magic commited to a Monday happening...crafty chaos
Enjoy being hunted down to the last man by either whites or your coffee-colored utopia kike
>hilldawg arrested tuesday
So... "Lock her up" wasn't a meme? .
I do believe they're dumb enough to try.
God, now I need to buy more bullets...
You forced two nations into one and now the union will collapse from internal division. Imagine that. Enjoy the ride cocksuckers you can thank the southerners when you're at rock bottom. You should have let us have a nation and we could each have our own path, now we will both fail. Your failure will be much much sweeter though.
> Bannon resigned at aug 7
> user "predicted" it at aug 17, 10 days after resignation
Deus Vulters are insane.
You know when you have enough monkies typing out their predictions of events to come in the future, at least one is going to be right. Especially if it's over a minute detail.
We could literally get a bingo card right now for who Trump is going to fire next, make a bunch of posts about it, make some pseudo cold-read analyses on why it might happen and then a month from now at least one of them will be correct.
>post id: sCKKEKKH
It's the price of living in the future.
Rex84, continuity of government, HSPD51/NSPD 51 read all about it. This has been in the works a long time. We are rapidly approaching a fight for our freedom and lives.
If it's true they are trully idiots. Trump's and Bannon's right wing populism is the only reason the GOP isn't in total failure.
Reomving Trump is only going to fuck up the GOP, republican supporters absolutely hate the establishment now more than ever, and if Trump had not been there they would all have stayed home on election day, and likely will on the next elections if Trump and his team are removed.
another of the new cliché words people use incessantly.
just like nothingburger
I think Phoenix is a trap.
When the South threw down the gauntlet and decided to fight a war, the union was finished whether they won or lost.
What sort of union must be forced together with bayonets?
100% right. The GOP is a mix of retards, Democrat globalists in hiding and just money hungry faggots.
Trump and Bannon's populism is the only thing that most Republicans actually agree with.
Which is EXACTLY why i am going
>apparently there was an insider user who called Bannon out by the 18th? anyone has or was just bad rumor?
>larpers spout random shit to get (you)s
>one of these scenarios actually happens
monkeys and typewriters you fucking retard
Ids habedning
Whats with the yank flag? Traitors will be killed first you fucking softcock.
You thought it was over when the war ended. That was just the moment the union decided to fail rather than divide. It took longer than I though but it seems to all be culminating now would you deny it? The division, the collapse? You can feel it too can't you? That's just the tab coming due for forcing the South back into the union. I'm quite pleased to see how steep the price will be.
The key to the dismantling of the united states into 50 new countries is Texas.
Whats whit the yank flag you fucking faggot?
Most members of the media were predicting Bannon was on his way out this month. The NYT described Banon's future "in Limbo" back on the 14th.
>Anthony Scaramucci, the president’s former communications director, thrashed him on television as a white nationalist. Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the national security adviser, refused to even say he could work with him.
>For months, Mr. Trump has considered ousting Stephen K. Bannon, the White House chief strategist and relentless nationalist who ran the Breitbart website and called it a “platform for the alt-right.” Mr. Trump has sent Mr. Bannon to a kind of internal exile, and has not met face-to-face for more than a week with a man who was once a fixture in the Oval Office, according to aides and friends of the president.
After Bannon contradicted trump on North Korea on Wednesday many did not think Bannon would last the week, and they were right.
>monkeys and typewriters you fucking retard
OP only made his crystal ball prediction yesterday after Bannon was already being dragged through the mud and on his way out.
The media trying to claim any responsibility for Bannon leaving the admin (of his own deciding) is fuckin hilarious. Probably the only reason he stayed on as long as he did was because of how overreactive the MSM was to his mere existence in the WH. Trump and Bannon completely ignored them until Bannon's phase 1 mission had completed, now he is reassigned to private sector duty - equally as important
I would agree with what you said about texas. But the US wont divide it will just fail. Which is just the wages of their choice in the civil war. That geographic flag isnt really a political statement for me. Maybe I should use a different one though. I mean I live in the USA. That doesn't mean I'm not anxiously awaiting its collapse.
This. Obviously some faggot who already knew of Bannons resignation.
They're from r/The_Donald. A large chunk of them don't like Bannon because they believe he's the one leaking anti-McMaster stuff to Cernovich and unlike here the McMaster shills control that place.
The biggest evidence you need that this is bad is that Gary Cohn is happy and there were literal celebrations on Wall St. regarding this.
I guess I'd like you around as a minor evil - but the supernations are in the essence of the problem wheter you call them califate, china, russia or murrica.... and man, I love america, from Tierra de Fuego til the the frontiers of Thule - but the superstates just leaves you to open to swampy corruption and I'll be happy to know y'all as Texans and Californians and Uthans and whatnot. You'll still be cool, and while I tad less powerfull, you'd be left the fuck alone.
I think Montana or maybe Colorado will be your cooles country.
Of course they're happy, but that doesn't mean in the long run it won't be bad.
From their prespective of course it's good that Bannon is out.
But if Trump is still influenced by him and he has something planned then they're happy for nothing.
Is that why he signed his resignation two weeks ago?
Woah he really is a time traveler
And "Goy Bye".
The world has been thoroughly cucked by Jews.
In the future they will start to microchip whites around the world and enslave them.
Warnings of mass causality false flag, and NSPD51, "exactly why I am going". Like lambs to slaughter.
anyone who goes to any of these rallies should keep an eye out for suspicious characters, open carriers etc and do their best to stop any deep state shenanigans
saying "jews will not replace us" has got them spooked. they will literally, honest-to-god do a false flag now
Would you say he was familiar with his thinking?
this is a nightmare...
>kill everyone in this thread gif
Anyone with half a brain could see that it was only a matter of time with Bannon. Sounds like an Alex Jones post where you make one obvious statement that you can see coming then follow it with claims of a false flag and detention centers.
we aren't even close to september
Oh bullshit. Can't wait to see the new Breitbart empire tear Trump and his kike cronies to shreds.