UK is accepting the sharia bit by bit. Inshallah the country will be ours


just put alcohol there anyways, tell the little faggot to swipe it or get his little ass kicked.
oh wait, your police would storm the building and shoot you dead if you dared stand up for yourselves. lol.

What about pork?

>oh wait, your police would storm the building and shoot you dead if you dared stand up for yourselves. lol.
this isn't clapistan we're talking about

cops in the UK don't have guns

Not a terribly big fan of Aldi in the first place.

You will have to take it and use the barcorde scanner yourself, you filthy animal.

They shouldn't be allowed work in a shop that sells alcohol so?

Think of this shitskin every time you dont get pepperoni on your pizza when you order it. These cunts need a gassing

No alcohol is able to what?

How do we know it doesn't say "no alcohol is able to be consumed in this store"?

Your Aldis sell alcohol? Fuck, I'm jelly.

>No alcohol is able
What the fuck does that even mean? I'd wager he did this himself.

We're talking about a hate crime here, they'll bring the army if they have to

Cops in the UK actually do have guns, but prefer not to use them as it provides a friendly reminder to the public that they are there to keep the peace, not to act as part of their totalitarian state.

But if Islamic extremism continues then there will be bombs in every school, in every mosque, on every street, in any car.

Do something OP, i'm getting bored of your shit. Common open the Irish can of worms already! I want to know what my country is capable of.

Who cares. Alcohol is degenerate anyway and causes many problems. I'll be happy to see it gone.

TFW you live in a Amish controlled state and you can only buy alcohol from beer distributors or liquor stores.

Just walk out with alcohol in hand? What's the problem?

Fake news. Probably more due to the kid being under 18 depending on policy and no supervisor able to overwatch the transaction because it's busy. If it was due to him being a muzzie I'd expect it to say no alcohol or pork products.

Go knit a sweater, grandpa

I love Pennsylvania, but this really is an antiquated law.

the inability to handle alcohol is what's degenerate, thats why the irish are subhuman, little leprechaun


fucking moron.
Why don't you just get rid of Porn, Video Games, Weed, Get rid of Whites privileges to own a Car, Get rid of the queen while you're at it.
Dumb crooked teeth nigger.

Depends where you are. They've been loosening up. It's getting easier than ever to buy booze on a Sunday, and a lot of the bigger Giant Eagles sell beer.

But I've always been of the mind the current system has pretty decent prices and selection and even if it's properly all-American to buy beer at the gas station or the convenience store, really it's not hard if you're not an alcohol to maintain adequate stock at home.


Why is he employed if he cant do the job ?

these mudslimes are pushing their fucking agenda further than their own religion. they can't consume alcohol, but there's nothing wrong with them swiping it. see any fucking middle eastern hotel, bring ur passport and they'll pour all night.


The UK deserves this

qu'ran doesn't even make any provisions against handling alcohol. This guy is just some goon who learned a way to annoy whitey without them asking too many questions.

I'd guess it's because he's underage then. Although most places will let them serve as long as they are given permission.

>Implying assault isn't a crime in the US

Hiring quotas.

>buying your alcohol at Aldi

>cops in the UK don't have guns

>making it easier to choose the checkout that isn't run by a terri that smells like poo

I think i had do without a £2.00 bottle of wine from aldi.

Fake news, the cashier is under 18.

I'd go with bacon

How much wine comes in a 2lb bottle? Is that like one of those single mouthfulls they sell at airports?

better yet
>buy angostura bitters
>dumb cashier is none the wiser

wow what a tolerant and progressive guess, here have some kosher halal good lad points


Aldi's cheap gin just won a competition to be the best gin in the world. beating all the big famous brands and small exclusive manufacturers
Aldi is GOAT

Very funny...damn colonials...

So he's not allowed to touch an alcohol bottle?

>Underage bongs can't even touch a six-pack of beer to ring it up on a cash register
Just as pathetic.

It was actually a serious question :/

Don't know what the law is in yankland, but you're not allowed to sell booze if you're under 18. I worked in a store while at school and I couldn't.

you like milk, you got the money to pay for that milk? #youbunchofracists

That joke doesn't really work when it's typed out and not spoken, sweety

I already scan my own stuff. I'll even wait in line to use the self-serve machines over the cashier-worker lanes. (Mostly niggers, and I'll be damned if one them touches my purchases)
Fuck those assholes. They're already obsolete.
That goes for the sackers, stockers, and cart retrievers. Fuck them all, they don't deserve a job.

Who would want a filthy sand nigger in a place where food is sold anyway?

Alcoholic degenerates detected.

They don't you fucking asshat, it's only the ones used in counter-terrorism. Much like in every other country that outlaws guns.

I'm not sure what the laws are exactly, but I've been to places before where the waiter was underaged and had to get somebody else to serve the alcohol after taking the order.

And get arrested and put in jail for five years...

Wheres the problem? I mean he doesn't have to drink it.

Put alcohol on conveyor anyway. If they complain just tell them they are free to get the manager. If they do calmly explain this "rule" isn't enforceable, so either the muslim can bag your shit or find new employment

at least our drinking age is 18
yours is 21
still treating 20 year olds like children? wtf??

they can vote, die in a war, legally produce the most disturbing fetish porn they like, but cant have a bud light?

makes perfect sense

I know that people don't eat pork in communism, because they don't eat anything.

One time I was told I couldn't use my apartment's common exercise room because a Muslim woman was using it. I was working out while this Muslim woman was using the room, I walk out to use the bathroom and when I come back there is a flashcard on the room saying "Muslim only hour." I should have just walked in anyway, but it was 9PM so no staff were there and there were a lot of Arabs hanging around. I didn't feel like getting jumped so I just ended the workout early.

Luckily, I'm moving out of that place into a house with some bros at the end of the month.

>quietly remove sign
>watch the inevitable triggering

IDK its common in our state to require a cashier that is 21 to sell alcohol. How old is Aldi?

Good call, I think it's the same here. I don't understand this kind of faux outrage when there are literal grooming gangs still at large in your country.

>Le brave Muslim warrior conqueror manlets, courageously "taking over" Europe courtesy of redistributed whitey wealth through welfare, and their openness, kindness, and tolerance.

Mohammed would be so proud of his fearless, gallant warriors.

Just got alcohol at the grocery store where I'm at. You can only put it through certain checkouts because the person at the till needs alcohol sales training, needs to be above age, etc. If it were because of a Muslim grocer, pork wouldn't be allowed through either.

Sup Forumstards have no critical thinking skills though, and will automatically assume brown kid+can't sell alcohol = Muslim appeasement

>being this retarded

You're American so I'll let you off. Normal bobs can't have guns you're right. But Armed patrols are literally everywhere you spastic.

Uh, this is true in the US too. I went to buy a six pack at K-Mart a while back and the cashier had to go get his manager to do the sale because he was 18.

It's gonna be 25 in California soon.
I gotta get out of here.

18, i'd imagine.

>I was working out while this Muslim woman was using the room, I walk out to use the bathroom and when I come back there is a flashcard on the room saying "Muslim only hour." I should have just walked in anyway, but it was 9PM so no staff were there and there were a lot of Arabs hanging around. I didn't feel like getting jumped so I just ended the workout early.

Luckily you still had your cuckshed to continue your training in.

This is made up nonsense. I have Muslims as much as you guys but you see all those paki shops selling alcohol and bacon all day long and they don't give a fuck

lel din't see your post, its 21 here.

oh, because he won't sell alcohol. you know there is such a thing as dry towns.

you would be surprised how good the scotch from aldi is. trust me, i drank way too much whiskey in my life. aldi scotch is unironically 10/10.

silly mart sharters thinking they know things

Alcohol isn't even banned in Islam... Iran and many other countries drank tons and tons of wine up until 1979

Sunnis are scum

It's the same where I live till 18 in restaurants. Grocery stores are ok, though.

>no alcohol is able
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

yeah he's another grey haired 15 year old syrian refugee

Fuck you. I thought I was having a stroke reading your goddamn sentence.

that's a small price the British people have to pay for the benefits of Islam, Inshallah.

Oi m8 just shank him with a spoon if he refuses it

Shut up you shill.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab, and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful”

[al-Maa’idah 5:90]

Try the toad one. It's pretty good

wait, does that mean I don't have to put alcohol on the belt?

unfortunately Northampton sucks

>confederate burger flag
now we are talking...

What if you buy rubbing alcohol instead?

It was because he was under 18 - the licensing acts here prohibit under 18s from selling alcohol.

That said, I always make sure that I go to a moslem cashier if possible when buying booze and pork pies.

Having to shop at Aldi and not based Publix

why does Sufism exist then

why is there centuries of recorded wine drinking and vineyards all across the middle east?

You're a fucking disgrace, you couch your cowardice in your imagined superiority.
I don't drink that often but I enjoy the CHOICE TO.



I went to a Publix for the first time the other week. I was all hyped to try out these famous subs they have, but it was so fucking complicated and packed with people logjamming the isle.

Also, whoever decided what to put where in that store is a schizophrenic. I've never seen anything like it.

If it weren't for the fact that Rubbing Alcohol and Isopropyl Alcohol have government mandated additives that would kill you even in small amounts, it probably wouldn't get a pass either.

In know some Aldis in Germany didn't sell cigs for the longest time because the Albrecht brother they belonged to didn't want to sell that shit.

Nigger management.

Don't be a queer, bin that beer

Then maybe he should be given a job where his age doesn't inconvenience the clientele of a business, maybe a fucking coal mine.


Well theres your problem right there, get the Publix app on your phone, you can order a sub on there and just pick it up 20 minutes later, no lines.