For teh lulz

I'm no Alex Jones fan, but I want to see if we can find this "guy" and ruin his day. I only want their day ruined, and other days/rest of his life is up to you anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's the most Goblin looking man I've ever seen.

I dont think you can do much more to ruin this guy's life.

not your personal army fuck off

>This guy
>ruined life
It's working user.

Looks like he's wearing a WWE Battleground Crew shirt. Probably a fucking PA getting coffee for his uppers.

OK we know he is the Seattle metro area...

If we post shoops of him at Charleston as a nazi the leftist faggots will dox him for us...


Sup Forums will ban you for this post. I got banned for nearly a year for a joke I made about finding someone "who is she? Asking for a friend" obviously a joke still banned I dunno new mods or what but yeah free speech on pol died a long time ago

>and ruin his day.
Ruin his day? Use ANTIFA tactics and get him fired.

He used company coffee to assault someone. The company can be named as a co-defendant in a civil suit for supplying the instrument used for the assault.

>That's the most Goblin looking man I've ever seen.

That's the most Jewish looking man I've ever seen.



I doubt he has much life to ruin, he told Alex "I'm your mama" as an argument?

he looks inbred

>he looks inbred

>be AJ
>be streaming and doing his passionate talks
>goblin/jew man says indistinguishable words
>AJ fired up
>confronts said goblin/jew
>goblin/jew displays very neckbeardy and lives in mothers basement type attitude
>splashes probably decently warm coffee on him
>takes thermos and is very close to hitting AJ with it
>AJ stands ground, opposition runs away like tard

Goblin/jew probably angry over losing gbp or something along the lines.

He is the actual epitome of this guy


Assault and battery with your morning coffee.

What a way to start your day.

Oh, and do it on camera. Someone's got some splainin' to do when he gets ID'd.

Holy Fuck seriously lmfao great work good sir.



Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities--Voltaire

Go ahead op, knock you're selve out.
>FBI pls go.








>that title

there's no need to embellish the situation. Calling him "alt-left" and the words BOILING HOT COFFEE are a bit much and probably dishonest.

Just say "incredibly ugly man assaults alex jones on the street". Short and simple.

>Carrying Starcucks like a woman

What happened to men?

Do it faggots

Literal Potbelly Goblin. Alex Jones was right. This guy has green looking skin.

>we can find this "guy" and ruin his day
Alex Jones can fuck off!

are goblins real?

Checked, and this guy proved goblins exist

His face is digusting

You also get banned for responding to the threads. I caught a 13 day suspension for a thread captioning this pic of things Sup Forums would say.

Fucking Lefou got out of the movie

his twitter

Jeez, looking at his tweets, this poor cuck. I don’t even know if I have the heart.


wow nice job user.

Jake Stratton
Pro wrestling for profit in washingmachine
Looks virgin
Sharp teeth, could be demon.
Covfefe didn’t appear to be boiling
Wrestlers are good at acting.
What do?


Professor Stratton?

Every fucking time...

>people actually think Alex Jones is some kind of vehement racist

It's amazing how much control these media groups have over the normies.

the whole video is a setup.


Shit was funny

ladies and gentlemen, a true artiste!


Pic related is Charlotte, North Carolina not Charlottesville, Virginia you fuckwad.

When he runs after that guy. lel
fucking kek

God bless you, Sup Forums

Holy shit.

Is this the same goblin or just a similar breed?

It's staged, you dip. Along with everything else Alex says on his "show".

You obviously don't belong here or even know what this board is about. Leave.

>This year Stratton will continue to refine Grudge Rock, with hopes of building an online audience, and turn his pencil fighting night into a lead-flinging monthly event. He also plans to stage a play and start a new event at Re-Bar called Tape Traders, where he’ll play tapes of professional wrestling matches supplied by fans like him.

That guy with the camera pisses me off more, faggots like that should get their skull broken for tailing someone like that.

He's angry!

He has enough of those people!