We're on the Bannon train now , don't like it GTFO


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Dems will never recover

Milo his VP?

Wrong. We're on Trump's side. Optics are all that matter.

he's against ethnonationalism, he can suck a dick

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

Bannon will create a new social media platform for the people getting run out of jewtube, jewgle, and kikebook

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

Pretty sure Bannon will keep on trying to help Trump.

No, the optics won't allow him.

Bannon can go back to eating chips and guzzling vodka in his shitty apartment.

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

He's fucking going back to the place where he does the most damage. He is our ally in the culture war.


Optics are for science faggot, not politics. Speak engrish

Trump really is going to fire everyone until it's just neocons and big bankers, isn't he.

>optics don't matter

that's what it's looking like
jared and ivanka run the white house now

what kind of a fantasy world do you live in?

Haha you idiots have your heads so far up your asses. Sick of winning yet? Fucking dolts.

It's exhausting moving that goalpost

I warned you. You considered Ted Cruz's wife former job in the wealth management division of a bank branch in Houston to be more damning.

Don't worry, Trump will insult the media again and all his little lapdogs will forget all about Bannon. All will be forgiven

You're not even American. Fuck off.


I hope so. But it seems he's not very good at optics. Does he even own a mirror?

looks like a child rapist

But what about the nuclear codes?

Bannon...He's as swampy as they get...Harvard, GS, Navy Intelligence. A globalist by another name.

Of the far right, Bannon said, “These guys are a collection of clowns,” and he called it a “fringe element” of “losers.” “We gotta help crush it,” he said in the interview.

I'm all for Bannon 2020

>Saying that white nationalists are not bad in a interview
Why do all you faggots instantly wanna go 1488?

We first need the culture shift before that happens.

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction

>Crush The KUSH !!!!!!!!!!!
Do it Bannon

Do you think we're fucking children? A lot of you retarded milquetoast faggots think you can pretend to be allies and then betray us after the victory? If you fuck with us, we'll tear it all down.

All i'm saying is that as white nationalists we'll be viewed as demons by everyone.

First we need to embrace civic nationalism and after a culture shift we can go 1488.

is miller next?

So tear it down, if you think you can, you Stormfront faggots are nothing more than poor white trash. Nobody needs you anymore. Mexicans work harder, Chinese are cheaper, blacks are stronger, and we have all the smart people we need. You were good for working in factories because you would show up on time and work for less and less and less as productivity gains and competition with the Indians slowly started taking over the kind of work you used to do. We don't need you anymore. Fuck off.

I don't think that works. Just look at what happened when we tried to rally. There is no steppingstone to 1488. The kikes control everything, and they'll let us do everything, short of 1488.

fuck off kike, I can smell D&C from a mile away

Nobody speaks your white trash language, stormfag. This is America, learn to express yourself in English or leave.


He has removed everybody who was loyal to him before the election and replaced them with deep state, swamp scum, and jews.

He has attacked people who did vote for him and would have voted for him again to appease people who never did and never will vote for him.

Bannon was the last straw. It was a middle finger to those who supported Trump with hesitance. Only the most obedient sheep are defending this.

Call me a shill. Call me David Brock. Call me a divide and conquer whatever. I don't fucking care. You know it's the truth.


Miller is a kike so of course he is safe.

He was ONI? Hmmmm...I didn't know that. That IS sketchy.

All I know is that Bannon attacked ethnonationalists and is probably responsible for the alt-lite. In my eyes, he's absolutely useless. At least McMaster is anti-Israel. It's also obvious that Bannon was leaking to the alt-lite, and you remember the world shattering kvetching that ensued after a pro-israel kike was fired.

bannon was the beating heart of this board

>Racism is evil.

Remind me who this quote is from.

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction

wtf I love Bannon now

Yeah. This is what's getting me.

I voted for him entirely outside of "HURR DEDURR 14/88" reasons. I voted for him because we're clearly at war with the CIA and Deep State. We have been for decades, they're the people with real power, they're the killers. Clinton was their poster child, Trump was the opposition.

I wanted someone who was an outsider, not part of the banking apparatus or from the intelligence community. I wanted someone to strengthen the military and give it its heart back, put the CIA back in line, get to the heart of this shit. He even said he wanted to, and Bannon was a huge part of this all, much to the chagrin of the DNC and the general Left.

It's awfully close to feeling like we've been lied to. Like he's entirely thrown out everyone we gunned for and wanted, replaced them with shill motherfuckers who aren't in for what we want them for, and lost all moderate support, positivity, and good will the right has had at the same time. You can do that if you get shit done, but it just seems like it's getting worse.

It really feels like he has no loyalty, and like he's just slowly absorbing into their game or just getting used as a tool to just fuck as much up as he can and ensure we don't get another shot for decades, if ever. If Mattis is out at any point we're fucked. And as much as I hate to say it, people here always love to say we just use facts and follow patterns; there's a pretty clear pattern forming here.


He has no option but to be sucked into their game. If you have no real goal or ideology, you will be toyed with.

then how do you explain yesterdays tweet about pershing? does that look like a tweet a compromised person would make?

Too late, faggot.

Way too late.

The trainwreck called USA is done for.

Get comfy for the final curtain.

It's a shame the media has this much power to get a member of trump admin by pure propaganda, these people all need to be hanged.

Is this the new narrative? You fags are like CNN. Bannon was our guy.

Its real



Why is nobody talking about this? This is a turning point

all that plebbit spacing
unironically kys


You faggots don´t realize it

But Bannon has just been unleashed

He can say anything now.

Things will be starting to be interesting now.

Oh and Mike Pence its the one thats making the republican coup.



You're a melting pot. A melting pot of many Caucasian types. You could of been ethnonationalist when you were anglo back in the 18th century. If you want ethnonationalism, then try Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, or Jordan.

I'm all for ethnonationalism, but retards throwing roman salutes, and waving Nazi flags destroy any form of right wing politics, and will stop people from being even REMOTELY conservative to say the least. No one wants to associate with these people, not even ethnos.

Is that real?! If so fuck Bannon!
And if so that has me highly encouraged about Trump with the way he's talked lately and now this.
But is it true?

Yes, it's a fox news article:


Bannon is a civic nationalist cuck

>Mexican intel

Seriously who on pol would pick Trump over Bannon? He is literally ourguy in the fucking Whitehouse

I'm not American. But I hate this "muh PR" argument. Do you have any fucking data to back up what you just said? And mind you, I'm all for not using NatSoc imagery in public, but I hate this cuck attitude where you talk down to NatSocs, who are the muscle within this movement.

I'm really not sure which side to side with. How are the optics for each?


Does anything of this matter to a greater sense? I'm glad Breitbart is no longer in the white house. They are worser shills than /r/thedonald.

Did u expect him to openly larp and get fired

civnat cucks must go senpai

At this point I'm fully expecting a sextape to leak from the Trump camp

T. Brainlet

He pussied out and called for crushing us and god fired anyways. Civic nationalist fag

Bannon is the civic nationalist, not Trump

The deflection is real.

Sup Forums you're getting BTFO, and Trump is becoming more and more a lame duck


USA can never be ethnonationalist anymore. Thaat time has passed. If you cling on to this idea you will lose and the left will prevail. It's what they want.

Well that's exactly what I meant

>cuck flags

Fuck that! I'm on the Bannon train
Firing Bannon is where I end my support for Trump

Well you have any other ideas? Because if not for drastic measures, the left will never be stopped

Bannon = bad optics

Suuuuurrrrreeee s h i l l. When your enemies celebrate we win.

That's genuinely retarded. I don't want to get in their business, because Cville showed that the US is one bad day away from total collapse, but you don't necessarily need ethnonationalism to promote white ingroup preference, which is direly needed in America.

Bannon= winning strategy

Americans became their own ethnicity, White Americans built and created America

To claim Colonial nations have no ethnicity is for jew cunts
so fuck off
jew cunt

Give me one reason why you can't be on two trains at the same time?

America is fucked. You elect a President via a free democratic process, he picks an administration, and it has been dismantled in less than a year because it didn't appeal to the establishment.

Then what's the point in even holding elections at all? You'd may as well just get the banks and corporations and mass media to pick your government.

I really don't know how any of you will be able to sing the words "land of the free" without choking after this travesty.

>I hate this argument. And mind you, I concede the entire point.
>I'm a bird brained reactionary, cuck cuck bkawk!!

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

oh ok. Fuck Bannon then. Can't have bad optics.

Keep fucking around faggot, and you'll go the way of the alt-lite.

Surely a wake up call and eye opener even for the normiest normies out there, democracy is a joke and completely obsolete especially in multi-racial countries

bannon is /ourguy/
>/bane/ posting user
>bane user


America is fucked guys unless there's more behind Bannon's departure than what we realize this isn't good. You're better off either finding a cozy 90%+ white state or going back to Europe.


Soon the U.S.A. isn't even going to be the country our ancestors created. The fact that they are actually removing monuments and statues of our history cements that change. Eventually they will be erasing the founding fathers. This country will soon not look much different than Brazil.

You fell for the most famous snake oil salesman pitch possibly of all time. You're a part of history, in a sense, and at least you're not alone. Do think twice about electing a reality TV star with no experience next time though, alright?