Eric Clanton issues statement

>My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. On April 19th I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web. Suddenly a hit piece by Milo Yiannopolis caused the targeting to go viral. Several old social media photos were posted, online accounts hacked, addresses published, hundred of calls to my employers, and countless threats of physical violence made against me, my coworkers, friends and many others. This harassment campaign is where the accusations against me originated.

>Dealing with an unintelligible internet force smearing and threatening me online was not easy, and created stress to say the least, but I had every expectation that very few people would take them seriously, especially considering the character and credibility of their sources. However, five weeks later the Berkeley police smashed into two houses, held guns to peoples’ heads, handcuffed, verbally abused, and stole the belongings of over a dozen people including books and zines.

>All of this after my attorney Dan Siegel had reached out to Berkeley police on my behalf, and all on the basis of an ‘investigation’ that largely involved detectives reading far right forum posts and studying unverified youtube videos. When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.” My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.

Read more in the above link

Other urls found in this thread:

he looks like a nice cockwarmer



>I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you blasted internet kids on Sup Forums! CURSE YOU, CURSE YOU ALL!!!

>I should be able to break the law, its no fair that people investigated my crimes!

What a moron

>unverified youtube videos

When you use character assassination so much you try it on a camera.

>the internet did the work for us

topkek praise kek

The precedent was already set by faggot antifas getting people fired from their jobs

This is the guy trying to kill people with a bike lock right?
We, as far as i see, he doesn't deny the charges, he is just bitching that "internet exposed me as a socypath blobloblo"


>bludgeon someone
>everyone else is the bad guy

This is exactly it. He isn't denying ANYTHING. He is basically saying "I got caught, and I hate it because they people that caught me don't believe what I believe"


Can we have this faggot killed by a pack of dogs or what?

Kek, he must be facing a lot of time for his lawyers to release something like this. He thinks they are going off our evidence but I guarantee the prosecution has built their own case if they decided to prosecute him for these specific charges.

He's fucked, this is the most desperate legal strategy I've seen. Even orange juice Simpson didn't release a sympathy letter full of conspiracy about evil Nazi internet nerds out to frame him.

I hope he rots.

Wish he'd just stick to playing his guitar


They raided his house, found the locks, the same outfit, documents, everything. He's totally screwed. This is a last ditch effort to play the victim card, and it's a horrible idea.

>“the internet did the work for us.”


Guys is a punk and coward hes scared pf prison but guess what sweetie actions have consequences/
If you assult people you go to jail

Based detective Hong.

What a fag.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't you traitors supported the doxxing of your political adversaries?



the best part is that he will get redpilled and know that he fought for the wrong side and will get raped daily for life

>the internet did the work for us


>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
LMFAO. We did it.

But picture's and his phone's own data and photo gallery dont lie.
Plus the police department subpoena all his cell phone activity so they have more evidence then pol.

>internet hackers known as Sup Forums

when's the trial begin?



Wouldn't doubt it. Hell, if accounts are correct, when people supposedly hacked into his Amazon account, they found an order history for the book "The Ethical Cuck".


>Eric Clanton
>I beat the shit out of people with a bike lock and people on the internet called me out on it. I thought a black hoodie would protect my identity while I committed violent crimes.


So for whatever reason this guy's trying to make a rallying cry for support, but will most likely be sentenced for his crimes because of all the evidence built around the prosecution's case...

What an idiot. Does he really think having hundreds of virtue signalling "comrades" are going to somehow stop him going to jail for assault and attempted manslaughter?

They can't go one sentence without spouting buzzwords, can they?

nice trips, we legion now.

>doesn't deny bicklocking sriracha bro
>doesn't deny being antifa communist
>doesn't condemn violence

generally when people are unjustly accused of a crime, they are INDIGNANT and have an alibi. you see none of that here.

>commit a crime
>people provide a wealth of evidence proving he did it
>complain that they did it

Funny coming from a guy who preaches about there being no such thing as private property.

for free!


He is trying to rally support because he is fucked by evidence.

You can leave comments on that page. Lets show him some support

he will get to see what a socialist utopia is like in prison

Even if his jury consisted of BLM members they would send him to jail after reviewing this link.

The comnent's on it is great.

A jury made up of BLM members will send him to jail for being white in the first place.

post some screens for your fellow mobile faggots


He will experience communist style food ration's and empower black men that are rapist.




Those threads were so fucking worth it holy shit, enjoy getting cock in your ass Eric

he will be shared equally by the community
thats a lot of bolsheviks in his sphincter

Trotskyite about to be a sodomite.

>Sup Forums is one person
>only unite the right hate commies

Who the fuck are you talking to faggot?
If someone bashed someone's head in -unprovoked- at Unite the Right rally fuck them too.

oh man, I laughed


>dey took my zines ;_;
Politics aside, I just genuinely hate punks/the DIY scene. They're just all so fucking corny to me. Their awful fashion, their awful outlooks on life, their awful music thinking they're the next Black Flag, and their awful attitudes. If I had the opportunity I'd gather them on a remote island and wage nuclear holocaust on all of them. Is there something wrong with me? They're just so god damn lame.

How do you like that, professor bike lock? Denounced by the right, hated by the left for turning traitor the second he walked into a police station, now about to enjoy jail and then good luck getting a job with a previous conviction for a violent crime.

This is sweet.


>attempted murder
>claims he's the victim

Typical leftist weasel.

If you're going to leave comments, leave it on his blog version:

This is fucking amazing. Bring a lock, eat prison cock.

Has Antifa made any comment? Probably not.


top kek


From this page

muh xenoracism means i did not commit a violent felony


>Pepper your any
>A friend

>Maybe you shouldn't have attacked people with a bike lock
>A logical person


Again, this is the one he posted to directly:

& GIVE IP TO [email protected]?


>swing the lock, eat the cock
my side fleshes hurt

Ok thanks I'll show him some support

At least he's not a Nazi


also, pretend to be antifa and call him a rat informer or collaborator. Whatever lingo they use

I was talking to that idiot Clanton and his fellow Antifags. I was referencing the habit the Left has to doxx everyone they don't like and making fun of them bitching and crying when they are the ones who get doxxed. Never i implyied in my post that /pol is one person or that only unite the right hates commies. Calm down, boyo.

how can the cops not release him now?

lol 100% guarenteed the article ends with his patreon or something. isnt his family rich?

>most desperate legal strategy I've seen
where did you decipher a legal strategy out of those ramblings? Boy could use an editor, be infinitely better off just keeping his mouth shut if that's all hes got to say. Claiming youtube videos as 'unverified' tho, its not a winner Eric.

>practice dilating asshole before going to prison


>it wasnt me
>detectives find mountains of evidence at his residence, Antifa propaganda, clothing matching Black bloc attire, and U bikelock.

What a rat faced coward, wants to be a gangster until it's time to pay the piper for getting caught.

I would have had a lot of respect for him if he admitted to it without remorse.

Russian CGI obviously

nigger tier defense

Wakarimasen- My bad, Mario bro.


>the guy who writes like this

Top jej

>tfw you can't even peacefully smash somebodies head in with a bike lock without going to jail
"land of the free"

>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
Hong is a fucking savage. Might as well just have told him he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for fat losers on a Bhutanese ice sculpture forum.