Are you hyped for the big Elle/Lauren debate?
Who does Sup Forums stand behind?
Are you hyped for the big Elle/Lauren debate?
Who does Sup Forums stand behind?
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Two broads talking.
>le epic e-celebs
Neither, kill yourself
The one that doesn't literally look like a white mongrel the likes of which you see depicted on those "My ancestor" memes
Lauren is a walking meme that just parrots whatever she sees on Sup Forums that day through a slight filter on youtube for fame. She has no real conviction or belief and is a little girl playing makebelieve political commentator
Elle will win a debate against her even though she isnt some brilliant mind either, in the same way some average skinny fat guy would win a race against a paraplegic
Do you think this girl can win?
You came into this thread because you have interest in it
Also Lauren wins just on account of the fact that she's hotter.
Unironically fuck off.
Lauren managed to both bail out The Shekel and make a living afterward; all the while staying redpilled but not too edgy.
Following Charlottesville, she's one of the Uncucked (Dovaogēdy !)
If last month's shilling attempts against her are any indicator, she's doing pretty good for our cause.
Women aren't funny.
she smells better and has better genetics.
Elle is ugly and hot at the same time
Loren is qt, but knows she has orbiters
They need to take their tops out and start making out and pressing their tits together, alone their tits aren't big enough for paizuri, but together....
>tfw elle is touching herself to this thread as we type
Only if they settle their arguments by nude mud wrestling.
Who and what the fuck is Elle?
White mixed with some kind of fish creature?
Lauren is 22 and looks like she's 30. She's cute, but clearly it's gonna go downhill at hyperspeed.
How tall is Lauren?
Is this actually happening?
Will Lauren name the Jew?
>not choosing Faith Goldy,for obvious reasons
Lauren is not very good.She just spouts whatever the entire community feeds her.can't really think for herself.
That said I would support her.
Goldy would murder.
So Elle?
Destiny destroyed Lauren, so Elle will wipe the floor with that e-begging bitch
Very debatable
Love me some Lauren Southern but OH MY...
>Who does Sup Forums stand behind?
The one bent over my desk.
Says an increasingly nervous virgin for the 7th time...
When is this bullshit taking place and where can I watch it?
>no laurens sister
nigga get the FUCK out of here
>hammerhead shark vs right wing parrot
Both are just thread sliders.
The absolute fucking cringe
cute desu
wtf how am i older than lauren
When is debate?
Come the fuck on, Lauren doesn't have a foot of distance between each eye.
Elle is a deeply stupid individual and im not saying that because we're opposites. anybody who hear her arguing or talking in general should notice that.
Lauren hides her power level too much to be interesting
this shit will devolve into some muh free speech even for white soopremeest boredom
where did you hear that anyway ? Did I just reply to a bait ?
Very debatable
Is that a young Caitlyn Jenner?
>lauren is 22
wtf i'm 22 i thought she was at least 27?
would still marry though
no u
>marrying the ugly southern
the fuck kid
Lauren Southern at least looks like a human and not like some kind of fish that crawled outta the ocean
Neither because I'm not a thirsty fuccboi.
Stop putting women on pedestals and start putting them on their knees.
she's cuter but she dresses like a whore i want a traditional wife
then you should avoid both
we're all beautiful with enough instagram filters
I stand *FIRMLY* behind Lauren
>I d-don't like b-blondes! KYAAAAAA
Can someone explain to me why this exists?
Because nerdy 15-16 year olds do dumb cringy videos?