Without invoking his character or public image, explain why you like or dislike this guy. Focus on policy and be specific.
Thoughts on this guy
Other urls found in this thread:
He says retarded shit, but isn't overly stupid. For example he's not shitting on trump, who is our main trade partner. I'm honestly surprised he managed to hold in his liberal indignation
I feel like he tries to appease everyone, which in the end never works.
A globalist puppet. Should be skinned alive. It's a tragedy that he's not.
he paid ten million dollars to a fucking shitskin murderer
He's basically what I expected. A middle of the road politician with slightly left of centre rhetoric. People shit on his personality or that he used to be a drama teacher, I don't particularly care. Seems like an okay dude.
He promised Vote reform assuming that it would go his way, when it became apparent that most people disagreed with his position he did not carry out the will of the people but instead went back on his promise.
What in the fuck flag is that even?
Because liberalism is right-wing garbage and I want full communism.
Literally betrayed his entire base yet the majority of the kids at my Uni continue to dick ride the sweet fuck out of him. His virtue signalling skills are god tier.
He failed to do electoral reform (thank fucking god)
He pushed through the oil pipe lines despite local liberal voting populations being vehemently opposed
Is involved in numerous corruption investigations
Pushed through that retarded trans rights bill that further prohibits Canadian speech
I believe he's also in the process of purchasing new aircraft for the Canadian forces.
I think its great that he has done minimal damage considering his public mandate and original campaigning platform. However It pisses me off to no end that he prances around talking about being a 'post national state'. Being Canadian used to mean something, used to be something that you could be proud of. Now we've degenerated into this gook colony led by this virtue signalling retard that leftists constantly jerk off.
check the archives OP.
Mainly his character and public image.
How's getting leafed feel, leaf?
He's a weak willed manchild that lowered the immigration standards.
My thoughts are he is single handedly going to get Andrew Scheer to win the next election
Dysentery spot
he lied a lot in his campaign and we now see the proofthat he's a liar
he also has no economic knowledge and is incompetent feom a fiscal standpoint
all he can do is pander to voting blocks and go on interviews with corrupt media
he's now hated by both the right and the left
new conservative leader
After the Rebel debacle we'd need immense vote splitting between the Libs and the Dippers to win
I kind of expected this but it's depressing seeing my party constantly trip over its own dick every month. Not even being defeatist I think conservatives need to acknowledge that our party has messaging flaws and enjoys fighting itself too much
You never know with people
I'm still on the fence about whether or not he'll be able to win. Trudeau has fucked up a lot but Scheer doesn't seem to offer any concrete change. Sure he might be an effective mediator but lots of new voters still associate conservatives with Harper. Who they brand as evil for various inane reasons.
>Has no idea what he was doing.
>Wasn't primaried because of Canada's election format, which he promised to change(a total lie).
>Cares more about immigrants than those born there.
>His fellow liberals voted voted for voted for him out of name alone.
>Talks like a robot, simply repeats talking points when asked an unexpected question. >Loves fags.
>Loves muslims.
>Expects all Canadians to be feminists, but puts zero pressure on muslims.
>foreigners like him more more than Canadians because of bullshit media coverage.
>His party once tweeted picrelated
>legalized bestiality
>made a judgement call to pay a terrorist 10 million dollars
That's off the top of my head.
Simple, Feminism, diversity and all other SJWisms.
Historically speaking our strategy has been to peel off suburban voters from the Liberals and let vote splitting do the rest. It's a precarious strategy since if we go full anti-immigrant, deport-all-the-shitskins we risk scaring dippers into the Liberal camp in 2019.
So fate demands that we cuck ourselves or roll the dice on Quebec or the Maritimes and risk Trudeau majorities until 2023
I feel like Bernier would've been a good first step in bringing Quebec into the conservative party. But Scheer is just so blatantly anglo that the entire Quebec voting bloc will probably go red again. If the Conservatives can convince enough Canadians that Trudeau is incompetent they might have a shot but I feel that the party might need to be rebranded. Beyond that it seems like the social conservative portion of the party has made some gains which might alienate fiscal conservative voters.
Trudeau will rule this place well past 2020 mark my words bucko.
Cucknada is so fucked.
He made a statement right after people had been killed which instead of denouncing islam and its radicals did the complete opposite, solely focusing on "openness" and "generosity", basically expressing compassion for the terrorists. My question to you, shill, is the following* What reason (if any at all) do YOU hace NOT to dislike this clown?
Good optics.
He's the real leader of Canada. He's the poster boy. All cool and hip. Never in parliament and always on vacation
>changed waiting period for EI from 2 weeks to 1 week
>stopped bombing syria and got out the fuck out of that retard-fest
>actually started reconciliation proceedings
>banned single young male refugees from entering who cause all the problems
>good Sup Forums meme
Bretty good
He appears to have a policy of acting queer as fuck all the time
>Without invoking his character
Why, his character defects are integral as to why someone might dislike him.
This image profoundly hurts me on so many levels. They have won guys..
castro's son
Didn't legalize it/10
>>actually started reconciliation proceedings
how is pandering to the listerine chugger SJW's a good thing? More male aboriginals go missing/are murdered than women.
>banned single young male refugees from entering who cause all the problems
That's bullshit. Fuck off nigger.
Hopefully he delivers a car of peace soon
Cosmic Kek
They make us clothes.
Bought and paid for.
I'd wager he's fucked and/or killed kids in a ritual.
He's a cuck.
>king of leafs
no further explanation needed
ME: Here's my card, grab me $100 in groceries and cab fair and a lil tip for yourself.
>three hours later
ME: What took you so long?
JUSTIN: Sorry I'm late. Here's $100 in groceries but they cost $300-
ME: What!?
JUSTIN: Sorry, and the limo-
ME: Limo!?
JUSTIN: Sorry, and the remaining balance didn't cover my tip-
ME: Remaining balance!?
JUSTIN: Sorry, so I took out a 2nd mortgage on your house to cover the remaining costs.
ME: But I can't afford a second-
JUSTIN: Did you see my rainbow socks?
>ME: What took you so long?
JUSTIN: Sorry I'm late I got distracted by some black trannies that need a selfie.
Also, this is what I hear when I listen to him, how people voted for this still makes me cringe:
I don't mind his flamboyancy, I really don't, it'd honestly be endearing if he was competent but he's not. I know his extravagant feel-good spending is piss in the water to our GDP but why does he have to invest in African infrastructure? Surely he knows barely any of that money will see it's intended purpose
Thank you for bring more light on this pressing issue, I'm sure it will be addressed in the hearings
spending us into a hole, no real economic recovery, increased immigration, porous borders, no electoral reform,
no but the woman he put in charge of NAFTA negotiations is a nutcase who shits on trump and cries on tv
>men's issues
>discussed by a Canadian government panel of women and minorities
nice joke m8
Continued subservience to USA, and globalist institutions like the UN by signing treaty after treaty that erodes the sovereignty of Canada. Continued opposition to veterans in court battle to enforce the government's duty to uphold their welfare. Irresponsible fiscal policy that will leave his county bankrupt like his father before. Continued assaults on the european character of the nation through mass immigration, rewriting of history. Bail out of industries that are utterly uncompetitive and corrupt (Bombardier, Irving Shipyards, Bay Street speculators). Sells weapons and technologies to our enemies like the Saudis. Enabling the widespread subversion of the nation to China through the buy out of critical industries and resources and mass colonization of the West. Creation and enforcement of draconian thoughtcrime laws like Bill C-16. Destroying the building block of society by enabling the gov to take away your children for thoughtcrime (thanks again Bill C-16). Ratifying "free trade" deals like CETA that will turn us into a strip-mined wasteland for the benefit of chinks, Wall Street and London consortiums. Is sleep walking Canada into war with Russia. Continued deprivation of the means of self defence through tougher and tougher gun laws and prosecution of those who defend themselves with force.
This country is fucking done. We're post-national now, haven't you heard? It's the duty of every European to starve this beast and resist being exploited by it.
I believe you mispronounced innocent child who was tortured, user.
Trudeau argued the deck was stacked against Canada in the lawsuit and the settlement was saving money in the long run. Do you think the government had a good chance to win against Khadr or do you think it should have kept going as a matter of principle, even if it might have meant giving Khadr more money in the event of the court ruling in his favor?
>legalized bestiality
He didn't actually do that. Canada’s Supreme Court merely ruled that the current definition of bestiality only covered penetrative acts, thus exposing a loophole in the law.
I’m not a Trudeau shill. I’m asking people that like him the question too.
Policies are very important to evaluate a politician.
He's a George soros globalist puppet you stupid fuck. If you think he is a legitimate pm then you have been psyopped or too stupid to process the information available
I got a specific plicy for ya.
Adding Gender Identity to reasons for protection against discrimination.
I'm a Libertarian type, so I'm for the most part opposed to special protections and the like, but I get it, he's left and a Liberal and he does, I get it. I get he wants to be seen as friendly by the LGBT community, I get it.
However, this particular choice, this particular concept (GI) and the particular phrasing of the addition, makes the law murky and the concept self refuting and who knows what kind of legal conundrums Canada and it's citizens will find themselves in.
Anyway, can ya defend that?
They say a picture is worth a thousand.
>he gets further away every time I see this pic
Gender identity refers to people whose gender expression doesn't conform to the norm and essentially adds transgender people to the list of protected minorities. I read the C-16 bill and what the legal experts had to say about it and it seems like most of them don't have a problem with it. There is an argument to be made against hate speech, but C-16 doesn't change the way protection of minorities works all that much.
Son of (((Castro)))
He brought bad optics to Ottawa with his SJW larper type shit. I'm sad he's not gone, just a huge distraction like his father..
he got elected to legalize weed....still waiting.
Man is literally holding legalization until the next election to get himself a free win
>lots of new voters still associate conservatives with Harper. Who they brand as evil for various inane reasons.
This is true. I really disliked Harper for pretty much his entire tenure, like most young people. It wasn't until like 2013 or so that I realized he hadn't done a whole lot that I was actually angry about.
Except for the long-form census thing, which was a monumental blunder. Ask any vaguely left of centre-right person what they don't like about Harper and it'll be his "stifling of science!" which is inevitably just census-related.
Honestly, I'm pretty much in awe of his skills of seduction. I don't think I've ever seen a more successfully attractive man on the whole of the planet. We should all bow down and learn from the master.
>Rebel is going down in flames
>Scheers is a social conservative
>No real platform to speak of
>Looks like a little boy
>No charisma
There is no way in hell that he beats Trudeau.
Canada is an irrelevant country so I don't waste time thinking about him.
As uncharismatic as Harper was I think that he was a relatively competent and effective administrator. He's infinitely preferable to this fuck tomorrow tier spending we have now.
Beyond that I really don't see the current conservative party having any chance at challenging the liberal unless they clean up their act.
>purged his party like a totalitarian
>created parallel judicial system
>father was a fucking communist
He was elected through nepotism and a cult of personality. And his wife is probably the one actually making all the decisions. He may as well only exist when the cameras are rolling
Right now mainly his open borders
>"Misspoke" (Read: Abandoned) phasing out oil sands.
>Relative indifference to Trump antics.
>Abandoned changing the voting system.
>Abandoned all promises to the First Nations.
>Foreign shilling for him while completely ignoring the things he does poorly but straight up wrong.
>Acts more like a celebrity than a politician.
>he looks nothing like his dad
>his mother is a world famous whore
>they had contact with fidel castro before and around the time trudeau was born.
>trudeau looks exactly like fidel castro when they where the same age.
the president of canada is the son of a communist leader and now he is turning his own country in a lefty shithole.
>what did he mean by this?
>the majority of the kids at my Uni continue to dick ride the sweet fuck out of him
mine is different, sucks to be user
>300,000 untalented/unwanted/unwashed shitskin immigrants a year
>rapeugees flooding the border
>PLANNED deficit until 2021
>Legalising weed and degeneracy
>Defends giving $10m to a convicted terrorist
I can go on
It would be so fucking funny if someone were to steal a bit of his saliva or hair and prove that he isn't really Trudeau Jr.
>>PLANNED deficit until 2021
the fuck is that even possible, your country is exporting massive natural resources to the rest of the world.
where is the fucking money?
i really hope somebody does this, think of the shitstorm when it happens.
>is on pol
>considers the conservatives /hisparty/
Get the fuck outta here cuckservative cancer
>doesn't process single male refugees
>they claim to be bisexual
>front of the line they go
I'd definitely like to see a party more to the right of the cons. But otherwise a vote for them is atleast better than voting for the communists.
I wish it was true... the timeline just doesn't work though.. and most of those pictures that show Castro holding a baby trudeau... It's actually Justin's brother
Upon further research, the dates don't really match up at all. Also, Trudeau Sr. and Castro looked very similar when they were younger. Could just be a fluke that Jr. and Castro look alike.
>Pic somewhat related