Anyone else here have had their cars or personal property damaged for have a trump bumper sticker?
Anyone else here have had their cars or personal property damaged for have a trump bumper sticker?
>that truck
Probably not the only obnoxious thing that faggot does on a daily basis.
Mexicant, dont you understand that hillshills and bernfags did this to a trump supporters car? Having a type of car is irrelevant (unless its some faggy hybrid)
Inb4 the multitude of Pavement princess suburban Juden insult you for being a spic
Spics are subhuman. No defending spicniggers
Wasn't defending him, just getting in before some assblasted faggot with a 10ft lift kit-F150 that has never seen a gravel road let alone mud spergs out.
Cars are for fags, get a helicoptor or private jet burgerflipper
>being cucked enough to have some politician's sticker on your car
Fuck that, I live out on my own private oil rig in the Gulf and pay for some beaners to shuttle food and gas to me. I swim everywhere I need to go.
Get fucked you buttmad shill
>Its called personal choice and if I support vwrtain values and love america I can do what I please
I hope you fucking die
Pfft you swim in oil? Fuck that. I drive my helicopter with a fuckin blindfold and get sucked off by some fat intern I hired last month
How about you get fucked you hippie liberal fuck. If you meet me in person expect a sword in your god damn neck motherfucker
I like that you specified fat. Good taste tbqhmd
> (You)
>I like that you specified fat. Good taste tbqhmd
I like the fat ones, you can cum in their fat folds and the cum stays warm. They can hold that cum in there for a few days still fresh. Gives her something to eat
Two things:
1. You should have had a dash-cam recorder installed in your truck to get the niggers that did this on video. Get one if you haven't already.
2. The election was almost a year ago. Why do you still have that bumper sticker on your truck? Nobody that isn't a raving leftist lunatic cares that voted for Trump anymore.
yeah, it's all about "personal choice" with you fucks when you are not calling for mass extermination of anyone who isn't a right-wing "christian" family man.
stop being gay and save your stuff. simple proposal.
I'm so scared of your little sword oh my lord, what ever am I to do? I would fucking snap your neck IRL don't test me m8.
Wow samefagging moron. Go back to plebbit fucking libcuck.
Those digits
lol look at how sacred the cumskins are. Truly a cucked masterrace
>/pol is one person
You're a fucking idiot. Typical libshit
Generations of inbreeding will do that to ya.
You don't seem to have a problem lumping everyone who isn't white into "one person." Hope you like a taste of your own medicine, nazi whore.
Black Kikes Matter
meme that shit in Isreal
>implying im natsoc
>implying i lump anyone
Again, typical libshit behavior. I thought stereotypes weren't your thing?
Paco detected.
Glad to see a fellow memerican repping the real values
We learn from the best :)
>Implying the person you responded to is white.
Cognitive dissonance, the calling card of the left.
I am OP so I can post all I want in my thread you kike bitch
my car got keyed
>niggers/white guilt cucks ruins car paint job
Its abundantly clear that nigger & privileged whites cucks are never held responsible for their bullshitery,thus will never know what the price is of their barbaric vandalism that they rebel & fester in
I'd /RAM/ them any day
lol that word has no power anymore. Try again, sweetie.
Fucking newfags cant hide their powerlevels. Pathetic.
No but me and two other cousins wrote "Trump 2020" on someone with an anti-trump bumper sticker with marker that doesn't come off for 7 days or if you hose it down in the middle of a tourist town. Imagining how triggered he was driving back home for about 3-6 hours on one of Michigan's most popular highways actually makes me piss my pants.
Retardation, the prerequisite of the right.
lurk more you fucking corn farming hick.
That's what happens to edgy larping nazis.
Lurk moar you are actually acting like you're hot shit because you made a post.
Projection, another calling card of the left
What can we do?
Hypocrisy it's better distributed than education.
>Muh straw man argument that can't be proved since it's literally an opinion.
Find their cars and spray paint the "alt rights" equivalent of BLM
Even better! Spray paint hateful passages of the Koran or something along those lines
Or,better yet,just paint the same thing they paint on their vehicles, see how they like it
yes, it sucks, it was a brand new car too.
pic related.
>be me
>want to change paint on car
>get good insurance
looks like im going to have to pay for one.
Literally the influx of newfags is actually getting annoying. They all think they're so fucking tough too so they post and look like retards and get mad.
>not tapping into the bogdanoff consciousness and astral traveling to places
Fucking plebs
During his campaign, I experienced the following:
>4 notes left on my windshield with all the usual shit you'd expect
>Coffee poured through a cracked window on to my seats
>Right front tire slashed
>Passenger mirror broken
'Course, I live in California, so I figure I got off pretty mild compared to some.
Don't get me wrong, Trump is great! But I live in lefty land and know better than to put a MAGA bumper sticker on my car.
Deflection, another favorite of the right.
>I'll take "definition of Sup Forums" for $500 please
Get out of our country faggot. Go live with the rest of your cucked corn farming hicks of Kentucky.
Arent these the trucks your kind wait for at home depot every morning?
Learn to comment, you literally have 14 posts of a 55 post board. Next read the rules actually try to have facts backing you up. I know it's hard and it's tricky but you can do it. Oh yeah lurk moar it's obvious that you're under 1 year if not 2 months.
how to create racists
>be racial
>find someones shit
>spray some racially based bulllshit on their property
i guarantee that, if the owner of this vehicle wasnt a racist, he is now
Again holy shit I keep fucking everything up today
Aren't these the trucks your kind services because you couldn't pass high school and had to become a mechanic?
Evasion, another component of the liberal toolbox
Wow samefagging idiot. Go back to plebbit.
At least he has a job as opposed to a worthless degree in victimhood.
We should start putting Trump stickers on liberals cars. That way they get tolerance'ed by their own team.
You have to be baiting. You know nothing about my ideology or my views on race only people who actually have autism assume as much as you have on this thread because they have no idea what human interaction is like. For the leddit argument again lurk moar you don't know how to use that insult.
>Calls me cucked/a faggot
>Is liberal
Equivocation, another complenet of the republicunt toolbox.
>reddit spacing
Haha you outed youself now faggot larping libcuck
You'd have to be a complete moron to put a political bumper sticker on your vehicle if you valued it in the slightest.
So yeah I'm guessing this has happened to quite a few Drumpf supporters.
>reddit spacing
Do you know what that term is used for? Whatever shill just fuck off you've hit your daily baiting requirement, you'll get your $300 shekels at the end of the day.
Repudiation, another cog in the liberal machine.
Not yet but I know someone who told me he would have fucked up my car if he didn't know I was the owner.
It's not even Trump it's a Hillary For Prison one, so I guess people could think I was a buttmad bernie supporter?
see hidden NV cams with IR lens, motherfuckers
>antifa and their blm pets
gotta catch em all!
>protect yourself, loved ones, property
>catch them in the act, even if they wear masks
I almost keyed a car with a "Hillary for Prison" bumper sticker because I thought it said "Hillary for President." Then I read it more closely and left it alone.
You know when a right wing retard loses an argument?
I had the Japanese imperial flag as a bumper sticker on my Mazda for a while, then it got bricked by a chink
Denial, the first and only step for a republicuck.
Funny coming from a Mexicunt who drives those almost exclusively when they don't drive ricers.
What, working?
Also people who take these pictures are fucking retards
>See some nignog spray painted this shit on your car
>Find the same color spray paint
>Spray paint some anti-semetic message next to it
And voila, you can get free pity points from the MSM and kikes and help denounce BLM
Abdication, the knee-jerk reaction of the regressive left.
>Slap Trump bumper sticker on feminist's car
>Watch the left tear eachother apart.
Seems like a good plan.
Looks like a shitty neighborhood
This so much.
We don't hate spics who stay in spicland. That's what spicland is for. They're bros.
This is exactly why I keep political stickers off my car.
I had a woman trespassing on my property and when I caught her and asked her to leave, she pulled the race card and try to make a scene that I hated black people. The police were called .
put in some hidden cams, bait them into attacking, catch their faces on cam thru their masks with IR