Has Sup Forums become the most important western platform of free speech today?
Has Sup Forums become the most important western platform of free speech today?
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yeah but that happened a long time ago
Yes but it doesn't allow doxxing anymore so we can't go after our enemies anymore. We are toothless.
um, yes, right? what else is there?
yes and they'll shut it down in the next few days.
>Sup Forums shutting down
not until gookmoot milks this site dry
>wishful thinking
yes, think about it for a second, this is how bad things have become
its almost all that remains. i remember being excited to find reddit when i quit facebook... anonymous posting whew hew... then i was banned and censored to shit within days, for trivial contrary opinions and commentary...
Sup Forums had always been in my life im a Sup Forums old fag pre moot dox. i didnt appreciate the freedom of speech before because id never realized censorship through old bbs, then myspace and irc, but lordy do i now.
it saddens me theres a generation of kids who will never know a free internet, only a world of google and facebook controlled speech.
the 4th ammendment has been completely obliterated. everything exposed. no expectation of privacy left.
I feel like the people here would spread through the internet like a swarm of locusts if that happened and it would backfire, and I think this would be expected. This place effectively acts as containment.
It's been our glorious bastion of free speech for years m8
No! We're fucking full! gtfo!
You summed it up nicely. From someone who is just about 34 years old I never thought speech would be censored on the internet. It makes sense that it can be due to the businesses/websites being private corporations so it is constitutional.
It's nice that Sup Forums and Sup Forums is a thing. It's nice a few other websites let you speak your mind. It's a shame the government doesn't host free talk web forums that the courts rule are under the protection of free speech and completely anonymous with archiving not only illegal but a felony.
8/pol/ does
Yes, but you can still get banned, and you should never take everything posted as serious.
But it's pretty damn close to being the last place of expressing any thought.
shut the fuck up
back in the day we used IRC
For how long ?
On Krautchan you are even allowed to post child softcore porn.
Tahst real freedim.
the bots will adapt and make sure no voices will be heard.
I think they are stupid enough do it or expect this to just blow over relatively quickly, I think they underestimate that many users would go fucking nuts over the sudden shitposting withdrawal, I know I would and I would make it my lives mission to ruin the fags responsible for it.
well definitely shutting down Sup Forums isnt the way to stop its users. Any forum operator with any experience knows that closing a board invigorates its users and forces them to spread out.
But I don't give (((them))) enough credit to know this.
>Has Sup Forums become the most important western platform of free speech today?
Nice meme. This place is a glorified holocaust denial and neo-nazi forum. Don't pretend to be champions of free speech. You're just a bunch of useless assholes who are broken at their core.
wow way too prove their point.
>Yes but it doesn't allow doxxing anymore so we can't go after our enemies anymore. We are toothless.
If you faggots could actually put some money together I would be willing to get a team if faggots to build us a "secret club"
>Ban Evasion
That means you got banned before. How about you post what you got banned for first?
right?? as a youth id buck up to mods and flood channels because muh rebel yell.
youre suggestion of a freespeech zone online is brilliant and going to become a commodity in the near future. i want my expectation of privacy returned to me.
i used to consider toolband.com/chat the last freespace, but the bands label recently canked it.
sad loss.
well considering the events of the last week, it unironically has.
>evades a ban
>shocked he gets banned again
this is why you are called a liar: you objectively +are_ a treacherous, deceit-filled liar.
How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
>wow way too prove their point.
What point did I just prove? That being a neo-nazi and holocaust denier somehow makes you a champion of free speech?
Still usually takes half an hour or more to get deleted so it doesn't make much difference.
says the guy exercising his right to free speech
He posts BBC threads. Don't let his hurr durr muh free speech derp mean anything. he'll be back like they all come back in 5 minutes.
He's a cunt, no matter how many proxies he uses..his shit smells from a mile away
that pic is of someone being banned for ban evading.
I am 100% not convinced there is a rightwing bias in the Sup Forums mods. Absolutely ridiculous. Not with half the things I've seen on this board and Sup Forums at large.
And the anemia of your evidence makes me even more suspicious of you.
haha... oh wow...
tool are such weirdos, i love it
it makes you evidence of free speech. keep in mind there are countries in europe where you go to prison for expressing such beliefs.
>let me tell reddit and normie cancer about 8/pol/
>I'm sure this will end well
so are you about to get banned now? We going to see the post you get banned for?
>muh seekrit club
fuck dubllechan
yeh they hosted an old java chat since day one, the gray box, id kept an old machine that ran java 4. something just for it because any update past that wouldnt allow chat to run. it was a troll haven but now gone after 2 decades of fun.
cant wait till the happening redditer migrants leave or succumb to the red pill
If it gets closed we will just move to infinite-chan
sad! I've just recently begun getting into Tool. I've always sort of enjoyed them but only recently begun to appreciate.
oh is that what all these threads have been?
antifa is trying to lurk but are so assblasted by the trolling that they cant help but reply? This is great news.
This one guy's even bringing up holocaust denial. as if that isn't a one way ticket to redpillsville on this site
won't someone tell me what this is from?
Is EFnet still any good these days? I have to swear off IRC because it's addictive, but that always had the best hands-off Wild West feel to it of the major public networks.
So the only people that can be champions of free speech are the people that are on the lunatic fringes of society?
Preaching that globalism and multiculturalism is a jewish conspiracy and denying the holocaust while actively seeking out the death of blacks, jews and homosexuals puts you on par with the ACLU? Fuck off retard.
Indeed. Especially when it comes to supporting racemixing propaganda Jews.
who here is actively seeking murder but the alt left terrorist nufags?
Now listen you little...
>So the only people that can be champions of free speech are the people that are on the lunatic fringes of society?
dude i'm really sorry, and I dont like it either but...
YES! Unfortunately yes that's exactly the case. Only lunatics will stand up for free speech to the end. Because any reasonable person would cut their losses and conform at SOME point.
But the weakness of free speech is that a single crack in its totality becomes to pilot hole for any jack hammers that want to take the whole thing down.
That fact that you are on here posting sentiment that are unpopular among those people says quite a bit about speech here being free. On reddit swimming upstream last for the whole 10 seconds until a mod bans you. Even less on Tumblr or Twitter or FB. The competition of ideas is a very important thing to embrace. It's not always pretty or agreeable but the best idea tends to come out on top.
people go to prison for expressing these views in europe.
>Nazi's: "BLOOD AND SOIL!" "round up all the niggers, jews and fags and kick em out!"
>Blacks/gays/jews/white allies: "Get out of my city you pieces of shit!"
>Nazis:"We're the non-violent ones! REEEEEE!!!!!"
You people are sick in the head.
we still cant get cp
Sup Forums is on the surface, if u want to see a real freedom of speech u have to dig deeper
if these people restrained themselves merely to saying nasty words all the lives ended or harmed by this past 2 year's political violence would be fine right now.
maybe there's a reason?
i saw a screen shot from a "0 morality" fetish board and it really bummed me out.
so, jews are say 2% of pop. but make up
40%+ of decision-makers in hollywood, media, wallstreet, silicon valley, etc. You dont find that strange?
pol is the last bastion of free speech
no goyim. It's only weird when white men are dis-proportionally favored!
Highschool DxD
Pathetic, isn't it? Liberals have crawled so far up their asses that they've made Sup Forums important.
>being such a crybaby that you made this webm
Top kek
pure cancer
Du löscht dieses video jetzt sofort.
Except fucking TOR won't allow the daily stormer. The darknet is no longer safe for freedom of speech.
If nazism was an ideology that wasn't centered around stripping minorities of their rights and actively discriminating against them then the left wouldn't be as violent. These groups that nazi's and white nationalists seem to hate are fighting for their livelihoods and their right to live in peace.
ha ha ha
There is literally nowhere else on the internet where you can speak your mind except other irrelevant chans.
just visit the other Sup Forums for the doxxing the one that starts with an 8 and not a 4
I thought we were talking about the jews and the misguided nazi sentiments ITT
you went from condemning violence to justifying it within a few posts.
in the early 2000's it was a pretty popular meme to over estimate the cultural importance and influence of niche internet communities.
And now we're entering that world.
that's cognitive dissonance for you
Nazi: "If we become a big enough voting block we are going to deport every single last nigger, jew and fag we can get our hands on!"
Normal People: "You're fucking disgusting and you need to get out of my city with your hate"
Nazi: "But we're just using words and tiki torches! You're the bad guys here!"
If you can't see that the people that are fighting against nazi's are doing so to protect themselves and their families then you're hopelessly retarded.
>You people are sick in the head.
at least we dont pretend not to be xD
again, who here is actively planning or carrying out murder?
on another note, how much ww2 history are you familiar with? are you just going off of cnns breakdown of contructed events that arent pol? truly curious now.
so violence is okay when it's against people you disagree with?
>Nazi v normal people
Funny how you ignore all my points and go straight to made up arguments in your head
>so violence is okay when it's against people you disagree with?
You're deliberately trying to make it seem like opposing the rise of nazism is akin to having a political disagreement. Nazism is not a valid political ideology you idiot. It's a ideology that's based on the murder and displacement of "undesirables" by stripping them of their rights. You want blacks, jews and homosexuals to just sit and idly watch as people march through their cities threatening their lives?
dont try to reason with xer. xer logic is based on emotion.
dude come on. Could you do me a favor and really take a step back from this? None of the alt-right guys, say any of that shit. Richard Spencer is a lip service conservative who just wants government hand outs and thinks if there were no blacks there'd be more money for him. Forget about internet trolls and look at the actual chad normies who were at charlotsville. These guys publicly support high taxes on the wealthy, universal health care, universal basic income, high minimum wages. They're democrats dude. They're racist democrats. And the reason why they're racist democrats is because racists have always been leftists. The KKK, Jim Crow, the Confederate leaders, Orval Faubus (the governor who used the national guard to stop a public school from desegregating.
All democrats.
Not for long. The communists brag openly about how many people they keep getting into the janitor program. They own you.
it will never shut down there are too many groups that use this place, Sup Forums exists for a reason
keep ignoring the facts, faggot. even in your own made up arguments, you have the "normal people" threatening to kick the other side out of the city. Both sides are acting retarded.
>big enough voting block we are going to deport every single last nigger
heads up
this is unconstitutional. So no. you can't just vote in a law to deport american citizens based on race.
yes, when people are peacefully expressing their views, regardless of what the views are, they are federally protected by the first amendment in the constitution. these are among the core principles america was founded on.
by your exact logic, I am justified to go attack somebody for verbally expressing their hatred towards whites.
>shut it down
Oy vey!
>one of the alt-right guys, say any of that shit
Yes, they do. White nationalists and neo-nazis have such a massive overlap that it's impossible to distinguish them. They actively want to bring back segregation and pull minorities out of their homes and send them elsewhere for their "ethnostates".
but in a very actionable way, you are having a political disagreement. And it is your contention that this disagreement justifies your use of force and unanimous public support.
And that's exactly what the real nazis did.
>impossible to distinguish them
be honest with me.
At the outset, how hard were you really trying to find the distinction?
what? they allow them, they just say it's shit. They can't even ban them anyway
>implying that no one knows about 8 chins
oh wow
you can say pretty much what you want on Breitbart.
but you cant start threads or anything.