ITT we discuss the philosophical and political implications of Hinduism

>What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the oldest organized religion in the world. It is the Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Law. It has no known origin and no founders - it is a synthesis of various Indian cultures and practices from as early as 4000 BCE.

Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Abrahamic religions in that it does not have:

>A single founder,
>A specific theological system,
>A single concept of deity,
>A single holy text,
>A single system of morality,
>A central religious authority,
>The concept of a prophet.

Hinduism is neither polytheistic, monotheistic, trinitarian or henotheistic, yet it is all at the same time.

The development of Hinduism was influenced by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occurred when nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of Vedism. These beliefs mingled with the more advanced, indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus valley culture."

Other urls found in this thread: - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Political Significance of Hinduism in this Age

All the decadence of the world today has been predicted by Hinduism.

Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

>Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
>Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
>People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
>At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.

Kali Yuga with regard to human relationships

>Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
>People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
>Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
>Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
>People will take vows and break them soon after.
>People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
>Teachers will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama(lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

>introduction to Hinduism for westerners - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

>Bhagavad Gita





Ironically looks like a Mughal painting

Shiva is the Hindu version of Poseidon, Neptune or Enki.

You see his weapon the Trishula or the Trident is the same weapon.

This seems like a good tread. I will be reading.

Yes, the weapon should be the only indetifying factor, we do share a common heritage but stop drawing idiotic conclusions

The sign of the planet Neptune is the Trident.

Enki / Poseidon is often seen in the company of Sea Nymph's, aka Nereid.

They are known for opening portals or whirpools.

The planet Neptune has a moon called Nereid after their namesake.

Are sea nymphs like cows?

Is there right wing Hinduism? No liberal "be nice to everybody, everybody is equal" shit.
I heard an user talking about how one God, I forgot who treatened to destroy the planet because everybody was being degenerate,

In Rome the gods were known as the Planets.

Neptune had a brother called Jupiter.

But Jupiter is called Zeus in Greece. He is the Planet of the Storm. The Sumerians called him Enlil. His name means lord of the storm.

The weapon of Zeus is the Lighting bolt. Since he is linked to the planet of the storm.

He is known for bringing the flood.

Would you call it an idiotic conclusion to associate him with Indra ?

The cow is a Bull, seen as a Baal or Bel. Its a representation of a Lord. One of the Gods.

The Bull of the Sea.

Sea Nymphs were like sirens.

Hinduism is pretty much right wing, tradition is of the at most importance we are still essentially following 10k year old customs, and that user was referring to Kalki.
Yes because indra isn't a God it's position

Intresting shiva vehicle is nandi, a cow. Most Indian gods have a vehicle

>Would you call it an idiotic conclusion to associate him with Indra ?

It is known that the weapon of Indra is the Vajra (Thunderbolt)

>indra isn't a God

Umm, I am shocked you would say something so wrong. I thought you were a Hindu.

He isn't, Indra is the name the leader of the devas is referred to by, as westerners don't really have a word for devas they think they are God's which they aren't, multiple indras are described throughout our mythology even in the Vedas

I think we call them Archons.

Like the Demiurge who is not God but a false half god sorta.

They aren't particularly servants to the gods, but yeah a good parallel

Doing God's work, God

What are your thoughts about our shared heritage, how do you think it happened

>indra isn't a God it's position
as is brahma and shiva



How about Buddhism?

Where is this from?

It's Hinduism for Plebs



The Sumerian tablets say that the old world was split up into three main regions.

The 1st region was Sumer given to Enlil, the second was Egypt given to Marduk aka Ra, and the third region was the Indus Vally. It was given to control of Inanna.

Inanna is Isis, Ishtar or the goddess Venus and the astrological sign of the Virgin Virgo.

You would say Kali.

Which adhya, I know it's from the Geeta I can read sanskrit but I don't have a rich enough vocabulary to translate without help, what adhya and shlok

You are believing a cryptic message about foreign lands to that lands written history, good one


You absolutes spreg I don't care what translation you have, the starting shlok in your initial image which chapter and verse its from

>tfw the jews have destroyed your people's spirituality and now the only remaining aspect of it in this world is lived by a people who aren't your kin
So that's what Weltschmerz feels like




This post belongs in /his/ not /poI/ you pleb.

Nvm, carry on
I don't like /his bunch of retards who believe Yung on Hindusim

you guys should realise the hinduism of today and the ancient vedic religion are very different

the vedic religion was was a typical polytheistic indo-european/aryan religion

todays hinduism is mostly monotheistic and god is one and is mostly worshiped in one of three forms, Vishnu, Shakti and forgot that third guy

the ancient vedic gods, including the king of the gods, the king of the sky, the zeus of hinduism, indra, have all became like lesser gods

They were described as devas never gods and all the ceremonies in Hinduism still follow the Vedas, the religion hasn't changed according to the parameters of a pagan religion