Get in here
when will christ wave kick off
>random sculpture from or imitating classical antiquity of europe
>random words over it
>blurry vaporwave filter
fashwave amirite
For once the EuroCuck is correct.
any of these statues even have fascist origin? Looking em up on wikipedia and it doesnt seem like it
Wtf? Why would they need to have fascist origin?
they dont I guess. Was just curious. I like reading about the history and context behind why a statue was made
I don't think it's the origin that's important here but rather the message it conveys and how it fits in with Fascist ideals.
Anything that was created by the white man is now a symbol of oppression and fascism
Nice meme
I've never followed fashwave threads, what are the filters and fonts supposed to convey?
my personal fav
Now that a big dick
I quite like this.
Is d*bstep redpilled? I plan to make an EP and it will be released after the event that has the same as EP. It will feature not just d*bstep, but dnb and fashwave too.
Since you guys like dystopian-looking shit, I submit to you the Chiraqi flag I made for /cpd/ if you wanna fuck with it.
Since Iraq's motto is literally Allahu Akbar, I decided to translate Chicago's motto (A City in a Garden) into Arabic (بلدة في روضة) and use that for the script.
difference between struggle and unwinnable game
Oh shit mick, that's kino
I made some b a r r e t w a v e
Maximum file size 4MB is bullshit, can't post the other OC and I'm too lazy to resize it.
this is the most retarded shit i have ever seen.
I agree. Gimmicky shit.
take a seat, we are just getting started.
This shit is so faggy my dude
made a video for it, tried to stay away from the gay neo 80s shit
Enjoy democracy, look where it got us
I have nothing against fascism. This stupid filtering is literally the gayest think I've seen on Sup Forums that is unironic. Ever.
go over to Sup Forums and you'll probably see 2 threads on the front page full of shit way more retarded
(also: look in the mirror hue)
I'd be fucking embarrassed if I produced any of that shit.
I only listen to it if it has a decent backing video that matches, other than that I go classical
Got any tutorials for making this shit?
Wonderful my anglo brother.
i was saying pretty much this the other day to someone.
top work lad, nice OC
ssame again with mcgregor, something like this?
i wish i knew how to make these, i think this is a good base image.
What is the context behind the art?
I've seen it in historical art thread, but what's it of?
without googling or doing any research im pretty sure it is general cortez of spain either after the battle of cajamarca or the conquest over the Aztecs by the spanish empire. thats just a guess tho
basically run to the hills by iron maiden spanish version
Stupid phrase with a pic from a polytheistic culture. Dumbass confirmed.
Gimme the sauce
Are Hoppean aesthetics welcome as well?
seconding for sauce
On that topic, here's an interesting take on Evola's philosophy:
This fashwave shit is cringe af. Stop it.
continue to trigger the british fucks please
I'm Russian, but whatever.
thank you friendo
What is this art called?
are you the nonce from brit/pol/? if so gtfo
I've been on Brit/pol/ a few times. Not recently. Never mentioned by Russianness on Brit/pol/.
is this pro-trump shit? seems it?
it's not anti-fa fag art right?
You should be embarrassed of your poor taste in A E S T H E T I C S
It's fashy traditionalist shit.
Seems like people trying to glorify the ideals of post-redpill phase. I don't blame them, if you don't come out of there with some ideals you're a doomed depressive.
Dumb Euros get triggered when we honor our heritage with post-post-modernism. Sad.
This is aesthetics.
Not your shitty graphical shit. Go to your basement and paint this shit or fuck off.
Requesting /fashy/
Top Text: "Tomorrow's Heroes, Stand Today. "
Bottom Text: Novus Ordo Seclorum
General Theme: We are entering a new order of the ages, an empty monument base is symbol of a missing hero, or a time without heroes.