> I am a female medical doctor
> I graduated last year from Medical University
> I hate my job
> All I can see are fucking indian gypsies with 11 children and white women who abort their unborn children
> wealthy and healthy families don't want a child but the people with mental and physical illness have at least three or more
> I also want at least three or four children but I can't find a man who wants a family
> They say "oh honey we must work", "oh, we don't have time for that", "I don't like children", "it's too early, we are young, we must enjoy ourselves", "we don't have enough money"
> why are all our people so selfish apathetic cunt? Did all of the strong whites really die in the WWI?
> we are doomed
All I want to be a mom
How old are you.
How many guys have you dated.
How soon did you pop the "wanna have kids" question.
I'll marry you and give you children. Also I'm rich so you can concentrate on the kids.
Disclaimer: I'm pretty ugly though.
>in hungary
another socialized failing system
I was talking with a chick from your area just like you bahaha. Seems like there are good women out there wanting to be filled with babies
>indian gypsies
They've been in europe for 700 years. They're your problem, not the Indians'
plz be my gf
Take a guess as to how many guys a girl who's been in university for at least 8 years and is now at least 27 has fucked. Bad news for OP, you're kind of worthless.
is this a cringe thread?
also tfw husband who is waiting to impregnate me
Sup Forums is filled with weirdos, be careful user. however, it's also one of the few places you might find someone that aligns with you politically.
>not gahahaha-ing exclusively
>1 post by this ID
>> I also want at least three or four children but I can't find a man who wants a family
That's funny. I've never met a woman who said she would want more than 1 child. I've actually been considering finding a Filipina for a wife because I've wanted 4 or 5 kids.
>I've actually been considering finding a Filipina for a wife
why would you do this to yourself? are you fat? ugly? beta? do you just hate yourself?
join a church, most women in church are traditionalists unless it's some new age bullshit.
Larping thread. Sage
>I also want at least three or four children but I can't find a man who wants a family
This is why women get muslim men. Muslim men want lots of children. But... Who cares right? More dicks for us boys to suck.
Trying being a male in CA
I turn down sex these days because fucking a slut just doesn't make me feel anything
nice roleplay fag
Well, i want 3, 4 or 5 kids but hard to find man who wants too :DDDD noone wants more than 3 even i kept mountain speech about that the world needs white babies from parents with degree
>Disclaimer: I'm pretty ugly though
fuck man this is most people who have their shit together and want kids lmao
now this is a roleplay
a fucking permavirgin spinning stories about getting "tired" of getting his dick sucked
a LIKELY story
I'll help you make white babies.
Tits or get out.
Yeah, sure slavic subhuman
tis or gtfo
>> I also want at least three or four children but I can't find a man who wants a family
Date more. You can have a three guys in rotation, and cut out the bad ones fast. You might also aim for guys a few years older than youi.
mhm yes come to USA baby, will giv u big burger cock (BBC)
25 years old
I have had a boyfriend for 3 years, we graduated together from university. After our graduation i wanted a family and he was like "oh honeyyy thats too early, we are just 25 years old"
We broke up last week
>They say "oh honey we must work", "oh, we don't have time for that", "I don't like children", "it's too early, we are young, we must enjoy ourselves", "we don't have enough money"
implies there were multiple
can you fucking stop posting this everywhere
medical school is 6 years, and trust me, you don't have time to be a slut there
id waifu you probably.
tall healthy aryan here over 6ft , only genetical disadvantage i have is my minimal shortsightedness (-2) , sperm for sale
>Not wanting to have qt3.14 mini hungarians with a stay at home waifu
Are you dating castrated liberals or some shit?
Are you good looking? I'll marry you and have children next near?
>be me
>22 years old
>never had a gf
>had sex only once
You are spoiled, OP
let the woman speak
>wanting your children to be raised fatherless
get out.
Currently dating a 31 year old MD who graduated last year as well. Unfortunately she is a flaming liberal. Not sure if I will stay with her, but she is smart, whtie, never had a one night stand, and makes more than twice my income. I figure if I am the stay at home dad I can at least red pill the children.
Though I don't really care about that anymore, In the past 2 years I started to enjoy solitude.
I don't understand the concept of love, desu.
>inb4 back to r9k
Don't waste your genetics with Germans, your grandchildren will be Muslims.
Tons of sub-170 cm men would love to become dad with a girl like you. Just give them the time of day.
Come here. I'll put a white baby in you.
Me too, sister. But apparently saying you want kids in this day and age is seen as sexist and old fashioned.
We must find op a suitable white male
Are u a grill? Where in Spain? Plz be my waifu
People aren't selfish -- they're making rational decisions.
Does this female doctor also support all of the family law reforms over the last few decades that make having a family a huge risk for a man? My guess is probably yes. Does she support welfare as a replacement for a husband? Probably yes again. The problem is people voted and lobbied for all of the stuff that selected against good hard working middle class people having nice big families because it felt good and it was easy. Now that she sees the wages of this, she still doesn't question that she was entirely wrong about all of those choices.
stop larping as women on a chinese knitting board lmfao
nah m8. i'm serious, everybody in this thread who is whining about being alone, join a church, you'll be surprised.
Would make half German half Hungarian babies with.
I'll marry you. I'm white, decent looking, and >6'1". Broke up with my last GF because she didn't want kids and i wanted to become Ghengis Khan.
*half black half hungarian babies
fixed that for you tyrone sanchez
You might have to marry down a little bit, or look outside the medical field to find a suitable guy... I think most doctors are too obsess with their career and money for children, especially male doctors
We do live in a dystopia, you must always remember this, or else risk becoming schizophrenic as you wonder why things turned this way (been there).
I almost see this pitiful life as a satire.
Yes strong white males died out long ago, you should go black to have smart and strong brown babies.
I was a stay at home dad for about a year while I was unemployed and living on a generous severance package. IMO men make much better stay at home parents in today's world because they actually do parenting as well as meaningful chores around the house. It was amazing what I saw around the neighborhood that year. Most of the moms hardly lift a finger while the kids are at school and then when they get home, immediately flee to do errands. Stay at home mom in a comfortable middle class family is very similar to having a pleasant part time job or getting early retirement.
>tfw i am a 8/10 pure aryan but i am autism so cant spread my beautiful nordic genes
US college student here, very religious(Christian), I'd like to have a family soon out of college, but my main issue is how to afford one. The number of Christian qt's who want to get engaged before they even finish college is insane.
Two months ago I just impregnated my woman. For the Polish-Hungarian friendship i can help you and we can make some sweet love for the purpose of procreation.
>wanting to have half-human half-toothpaste babies
sorry, but i'd rather have 100% Colgate toothpaste when i brush my teeth.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
You think pic related aren't both on the spectrum?
Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists, and Jews...
Have taken over...
The largest city in the my home State...
Has a Child-Molesting, Dick-Breath Faggot as a Mayor...?
Spews filth almost weekly...
Gave an "address" from a Mudzlham Mosque...
Panders to LBGTQ interests, Border-Jumping-Criminals, Drug Abusers, Homeless, and ALL the dregs of society...
Then tries to make you feel "immoral" for opposing this nonsense?
I wanna be a mom, but I have a penis
In this brave new world, that is not an impediment.
Try co-eltern.de
typical slav, wanting a broken family and fucked up children.
>beta orbiting an anonymous post
this is why most of you will die virgins
I thought I was the only one who noticed the LONDON Nazi
Wrong you fucking Paki nigger
yes i guess they are but im a shut-in so i dont meet too many people, not really sure what kind of activites i can join that will make me meet new people. hiking maybe
This is the only way to win the race war. We slav subhumans will survive, you will die.
> I can't find a man who wants a family
That can`t be true, look for guys that are past 30
I now I am biting the bait but there you go
Na, egy horda retardált verseng, hogy megtermékenyítsen
It's Hungary, not the US. We have totally different past and reforms.
People didn't vote for socialism here, it was a compulsion.
Tits or GTFO all of you are disgraceful
>Reeee feel sorry for me
Grow a fucking spine.
You avoid the question of whether you support those reforms, whether you voted for them or not.
Where are you based? Southern ontario is all sluts who are too "independent" for a relationship or don't want kids outright
I went to church as a kid but I have trouble with the thought of going back and just playing along to get a gf. I've considered it though. Even went to LDS youth thing and there were a bunch of pretty girls there but Mormons are fucked and I love coffee
tits or gtfo you Hungarian slut
what's the point of outbreeding nonwhites if the offspring is retarded from not being raised right? fuck off, low iq imbecile. your wife should kick your ass.
when will they ever learn
Women have this new obsession with doing shit.
What they don't understand is that doing shit is overrated.
Men have done shit for centuries as the stronger sex.
That shit is back-breaking, hard-as-nails work, and it sucks.
Why the fuck would you want to do shit if you could help it?
Being born a woman is a motherfucking gift from God.
Just entice a man into loving you, and you never have to to shit again.
Women also bitch about housework, but holy fuck, what a great trade-off.
In exchange for having your man do shit, you clean the house, cook on occasion, and look after the kids.
What a fucking great deal.
Sign me the fuck up, motherfuckers.
Women are retarded to turn down a deal like that.
Try websites that match people who want children (if you are open to that). There are lots of women who you can meet. They don't care about your autism or anything else if you look good. Pic related.
neva said that
most want it but women are hierarchical creatures by nature and will do whatever the hell they can to one up each other.
they're pretty retarded that way.
Bend over
Muh oppression
>people with mental and physical illness have at least three or more
>I also want at least three or four children
There are no women here, user.
Although I wouldn't doubt your observations at your so called job....I bet you're just a faggot role playing.
Prove us wrong.
advertising your sperm for sale implies that you are offering only the sperm in exchange for cash.
if you're offering to pump it in her manually then you're just a prostitute which is about as bad.
Damn, feels like I'm on Reddit. 80 posts and only 3 saying "tits or gtfo". What happened to this place? Why is this slut allowed to blogpost about her irrelevant life?
why is that you whores also want super chads?
25 years is a good age to get pregnant.
Might be hard pill to swallow, but you may have to lower your standards in your quest to find a man that wants a family.
Good luck on your quest.