
They Changed it

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Whoops, I guess they were a little too obvious with their kikery

"White Flight" now??

Wow, it's almost like no one gives a shit what Fagpost says

They got a little too bold for the lead kikes I guess

they can get fucked

How's this any better?

Lol next these kikes are gonna claim that it was just an edit

They sure love gaslighting the goyim

The fact they changed it is an admission of guilt. Everyone should fire up their twitter sock puppets and start tweeting about Jewish hate speech against non-Jews.


Why are they so anti-white

Bannon and Gen. Flynn have the sauce on the pedos in D.C., Hollywood, Manhattan. The pedos will be on death row soon...

Yeah, it's was a signal to us. We're noticed, that's good.


Was bannon fired?

Why do mods keep deleting these threads?

Are the mods on Sup Forums friends with Huffpo editors or something?

yes... Noel Ignatiev and Susan Sontag are just two of many. Notify the public about (((their))) hate and hate speech against others who are not (((them))).

most of the Bannon threads are 404ed or locked... WTF???!!!

Don't say they're anti-white say they're Jewish supremacists. That way you can play the Palestine card and no one will call you a Nazi.

Gerbils! Huffpo jews are all gerbils!

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

living under a rock? eh

inb4 thread is deleted

it's not anti-semitic, it's anti-white

Because there's already like 20 fucking threads about this topic. Read the god-damned rules. Don't post threads that already exist. If you do they get pruned.

It's not a fucking conspiracy you jack-asses, this has been the rule for a long time.

This is the correct line to take. HuffPo is stoking antisemitism by perpetuating (even if fun) conspiracy theories about Jewish control of the media, etc.

That's more than enough to activate normie almonds.

I can't tell if Jack knows this and is intentionally being dishonest, or if he's completely fucking retarded.

inb4 that cliche' psycho user comes on about "starting the happening."

yes Khazar supremacists Kenite supremacists Talmud supremacists (((they))) believe that (((they))) are 'gods' ,so tear((( them )))off of (((their)) fake self-appointed thrones...

Holy shit they just changed it again!
These are some bad optics.

But this thread is different, bud.


what was the original? i wasn't here for 3 days.

Its not like he could say anti white and get away with it.

Goy bye

jfc Gerbils man is so retarded

naval """intelligence""" officer

that isn't even funny grammatically.

There are many other ways to frame it, but he chose the complete inversion of the truth.