Deus Vult

It's time Sup Forums...

for what?

To avenge Europe, and take back the holy land from the saracens!

lol nope

Nice larping faggot. I take it you still haven't realized that outside of the world of the internet we have no real fucking power

I'm ready

Why were knights so glorious?

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

You can have all the Jesus power you want, it's still not going to get the fucking Muslims out of Europe, and sure as hell isn't going to change what is happening right now

That's why we have our swords ready user.


Post proof

Time to LARP




>Deus v-


Worked in the past you heathen faggot



You will never submit to Allah alayhi wa salam ? Then you will disappear.

Yes, it worked in a time where the people planning to kill the Muslims were encouraged by society, and weren't over weight faggots

That's the tunic knights, not the crusaders, faggot.
The germans always lose.

Hey France user, is it actually as bad there as people are memeing it is?

Allah is a false moon god you heathen!

time for what? drink mountain dew and eat dorritos? shut the fuck up faggot lmao


You are talking to a Muslim living in France. You can even check the posts by ID

teutons were (still are) shit

templars best order the only who actually did something

dont talk to algerians you fool

Time to kill "pagans" again?

Okay, a few things
>Is he in France
>Would he be able to answer a question about the quality of his own country
>Is he one of the Muslims who is doing the rapings and bombings
Fucking doubt it, seems more like a larper like you than anything


Okay, one of you frog devouring fucks answer the question.

Fuck off stormfag.

>implying we weren't slowly subverted due to our trusting nature by a new Abrohamic mafia pack of religious zealots with shitter stories

Hahaha faites moi rire les "keyboard warriors". Les armées du monde entiers n'arrivent pas à arrêter une petite poignée de moujahidins. Comment comptez-vous rivaliser ? Nous sommes 2 milliards et une centaine de millions en europe...

Can anyone translate this? I can't read Arabic.


No, weren't butthurt atheist.
Today's decadence in society is the direct result of secularism.

Am in position give the word


Time to LARP?

It was time since 1988

To ban contraception.

Fuck off, degenerate. Your beliefs are based on Hindu ones anyway.


>literally this post


You're likely too fat to get out of your basement. What good will a sword do?