long story short: Russia is weak and vulnerable
Red Pill on Russia
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never understood why so many on Sup Forums admire Russia
it's basically a completely resource-based kleptocracy
the top 1% hold something like 85% of the total wealth of the country
You're confusing Russia with the USA.
> random trash
This is so fucking stupid
this is what most of their cities look like you putin shill
oh look at least they don't have niggers, right
> trash
I've never fucking seen trash on the street and shitty neighbourhoods before wow!
Show me one American city of comparable beauty. You have no culture, only Jew capitalism.
You save all these pictures on your computer in your little file like a little faggot. Get gassed, you fat American whore.
>Russia stronk
>Putin is such based leader who cares about his own people huuurrrr
what you posted is like 2% of russia nice propaganda tho. oh yeah russia is run by jews btw
America is run by Jews and gladly. Your culture is Jewish. All of Hollywood is Jewish.
American women are whores who fuck niggers. Russian women are godesses compared to your fat lardarses. Traditionalism is still alive and well in Russia, unlike in America and Britain. White babies are a minority in your country. Enjoy getting raped by niggers, you fat whore.
went to russia to study
Country is beautiful, genuine
Women are godness
>USA close to collapse
slaughter all yankees
all russian media is jewish. most of their oligarchs are jews with israeli citizenship
>Poor area in Russia
Poor area in America
And yet Russian women don't run around fucking niggers, Russian babies aren't an ethnic minority, Russian men are allowed to fight back against shitskins, Russian culture is still upheld and revered. You're simply jealous since, in 50 years time, Russia will be Russian, and your melting pot shithole will be Afro-Mexican territory.
PS your women are easy whores. They get wet over English accents and would open their legs to Nigel Thornberry any day of the week. I'm not even Anglo and could probably dick an American pig just by talking like Jon fucking Oliver. I laugh when America becomes Mexican.
No shit. Putin has been saying this for years, probably decades, it's Americans that keep fucking with them everywhere because they won't lick their asshole the right way
>Red Pill on Russia
Easily. Russian youth is morally upright, patriotic and devoid of degeneracy. We are the country of old-fashioned traditional values. We have no criminal ghettos, like in the West, because Putin gave us virtue and nobility with his glorious hands.
all those plastic bottles and sandwich wrappers were cleaned up the next day.
so a question for that kike with a british flag, why dont you go to russia to raise your white kids?
I will happily. You're stuck in niggerland, though.
I've been wondering about this Ivan Normally, Russian posters here are gloomy drunks telling everyone how horrible their lives are, but you are different. Tell me, is the youth of Russia really going to pull the country in a better direction? It seems like most degenerates (pussy riot, etc.) are are like 20-30. what are your teens like? Will they restore the tsar and save Eurpe from Islam?
believe us, we're strongly considering it. Our country is full to the brim with Pakis, and our kids will grow up despised minorities bullied in schools. raise them in Russia, they will basically blend in.
Of course, my brother. Russian youth is on the right track and will enrich the West with the best culture possible, devoid of degeneracy at all. My link is proving it.
I live in a very diverse state. I don't see all people intermixing, mixed couples make up not more than 5%. So STFU and keep listening to Red Ice, fucking nigger.
>I live in a very diverse state
I feel very sorry for you, bitchtits.
Pretty much this, and Sup Forums loves neo-communist dicators, just look at Kim Jong-un.
Putin has been speaking of restoring the tsardom, I believe. Why doesn't he do it? The house of Romanov still breathes, and would gladly accept the title. It is the natural next step towards the revival of Russian traditional culture.
At least I'm not some irrelevant cunt like you, chechen lover.
Russia is the real moral paragon of the world. It's truly the role model for every Christian nation. Traditional values flourish, people live humble, happy lives devoid of modern decadence. Under Putin, the nation is getting better day by day. It's amazing how cucked all other nations are in comparison to the Russians, and we're only moving forward, towards virtue and morality.
>Russian babies aren't an ethnic minority
But they are.
I'd rather be "irrelevant" than surrounded by niggers and mexicans. Whatever. Fuck America, fuck Britain, fuck you.
umad shill?
Mad at what precisely? That America is filled with niggers? Not really, it makes me laugh.
The conclusion is especially important. It took a historically weak western leader like Obama to get to this point (Crimea, election meddling, threatening EU countries)
A US president is the leader of the civilized world, he should always follow through his own red lines.
underestimating russia
classic westfags
opinion discarded
>dude who supports illegal immigration on the basis that Mexicans etc. are Americans says that illegal immigration and temporary work visas from ex-Soviet states and China will cause Russia to collapse
I haven't been able to take any of this shit seriously since it was uncovered that Congress funded that shit, and you're a dolt for continuing to believe the crap. Now fuck off.
Totally fake news lol.
>try to russify the people
>fail and get driven out
>persecute karelians
>steal clay
>ruin stolen clay
>try to infiltrate the country
>violate airspace
>invade finnish holiday resorts and smell like shit
what a great country and people. russia disgusts me.
Take a look at this image. Thats how people live in your country! Shame on you, us of a!
How did the world ever turn into this? Are capitalists nothing more than the blind leading the blind?
>the top 1% hold something like 85% of the total wealth of the country
The worst is how corrupt security officials jail entrepreneurs on fake charges to extort their property.
It is a new industrial scale Gulag system that destroys the best of the nation (again). I simply don't understand how people can put up with this without overthrowing the regime.
90% of America doesn't look like this but Russia does.
Russia is based. Naysayers are just sissies.
The video is not exactly wrong in many aspects, but good bit biased against the country especially with certain statements and factoids. I wouldn't really care either way had youtube not already been flooded with alot of videos all denouncing Russia as this evil weakling while parading on their failures, I guess because I like to be contrarian and would be more against russia is videos were overall positive.
Prove it
Sure it does silly user! Havent you seen the picture i attached to my last post?
He's wrong about the "their population is in freefall." That's an outdated belief. They actually have one of the highest fertility rates in Europe. Even in the provinces that are 95%+ white, the birth rate has risen.
Seems legit. You're so right and well-informed, bro
>be russkie scientist working on quantum computer for military
>have ~200$k/year
>some double-digit IQ burger is trying to prove that you're hobo
>t. Hohol afraid to show flag
This ignores something just slightly important. The American economy is complete bullshit and relies on military progression to maintain itself. And this 'little nation' stands in the way of that, losing them three countries now, while also making the Americans look like fools.
War is no longer about conquest between two head-to-head nations. It concerns survival, economic war, cultural war, intellectual war, diplomacy, and proxy conflicts. In effect, it is everything traditional war was not.
And America has built its whole system around conquering minor nations through militaristic force, and relying on this militaristic force to uphold its economy. Now they are at an end since they have alienated most of the world and the only remaining minor nations have aligned with Russia and China. Meanwhile, Russia has worked on its diplomacy, national economy, asymmetric warfare strategies, and defense capabilities - thus leaving it in a much stronger position for future and current wars, not past wars. It may not be growing in power, but it has helped to throw America into chaos. It has severely wounded the Leviathan.
The video is the perfect example of what is wrong with aggregate information worldviews. Ideology is not even a consideration, it is just assumed that power is wholly materialist accumulation and data exchange. The society which accumulates can only be good because there is more material accumulation. This is a feedback loop, and suggests how scientific rationalism is just an ideology based around 'begging the question'. 'Democratic societies are powerful because decentralisation and economic exchange is good and right.' You can never get a negative result with this sort of thinking, and opposition becomes impossible since everything must be framed within the terms of materialist accumulation.
Putin is evil, and not power, simply because he is not democratic. Meanwhile, the West builds power through mass debt and transvestites.
Here's a minor redpill on Russia: it's a genetic cesspool. Worthy 20 million of ethnic Russians should sterilze or exterminate the rest within their borders. nuRussians are filthy idiotic goblins. Most Russians and all non-whites in Russia are shit tier subhumans like turkified balkanshits with sub 85 IQ and if you put in even the most competent government there is only so fucking much it would be able to do without sterilizing 80%+ of the population.
Russians are scum, they do not work, if they do work they need 15 smoking breaks and there's no point hiring fucking alcoholic trash when a fucking dindu from asia can do menial labour at quarter the cost.
The mass of the Russian population is unsuited for Western style high trust societies. Too many of them like socialism and big government and are fine with living in shit as long as everyone else is too and as long as they can terrorise some small nation like Estonia.
About 20-30% of ethnic Russians are not Northern Territory tier bogans, they actually have independent thoughts: half are classic hardline liberals and the other half are nationalists.
The liberals recognise that they live in an asiatic shithole surrounded by monkey people and are fucking horrified at the thought of the monkey people with nuclear weapons and become firm believers in Western values and want NATO to fucking do something to stop the horror.
The nationalists have come to temrs with the fact that Russia is a "special" country and realise that a benevolent semi-Orwellian state is the best option for the degenerated once mighty people and that they can uplift the monkey people dress them, clothe them and make them somewhat functioning and do their job for the Ethnic Homeland. Lack of eugenics, serfdom, late tsarist period, Putin-Yeltsin team and soviet government fucked Russia for years to come.
Doesn't Russia have a large muslim population? How long until the sandniggers take over there?
Russia has more niggers than Scandinavia and Germany. More. Not less. In the government, police and such too. TV anchors even. What a sad little nation of irrelevant cucks. Literally 65% ethnic Russian.
>5 million chinks
>half a million Jews
>a million of gypsies
>20 million and more of central asians
>a million of Southeast Asians
Not even counting the """""native""""" subhumans like tatars, yakuts and chechens
I hope it falls and we get a homeland without degenerates and mudbloods
>terrorise Estonia
mb you right about all of this tldr shit despite almost all of it is clearly cherrypicking but how the heck exactly we terrorose Estonia?
They have 8000 nukes and a dead man switch going for them though.
I doubt they do since they haven't announced it. What is the point of a deadman's switch if you don't tell anyone about it?
>quantum computer
I kekd. Where did you hear about that on your (((state run))) tv?
And American demographics
Russians are bad at lying. Pretty sure people in the us working on quantum computers don't even make $200k unless you are extremly high up or live in San Francisco.
Holy redpillio Batman!
Well they allude to it.
Russia has worse wealth inequality than the US.
That articles old. It predicts that the birth rate will decrease since 2015. It did go slightly down in 2016, but rose back up in 2017. Also, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan are having less babies, while the Slavic areas are having more. That's a good thing.
>but rose back up in 2017
Hmm, I wonder why
Biggest red pill you'll swallow? Putin is the equivalent of a neo con and Dugin's expansionist beliefs on are par with neo conservatism.
Chechnya and Ingushetia are growing while many ethnic slavic areas are dying out.
But this is center of Saint-Petersburg.
Just look at the other parts of the city.
Actually Saint-Petersburg is the one of the best cities in russia
Tывa Meн!
>Chechnya and Ingushetia are growing while many ethnic slavic areas are dying out.
No, read what I said and read the article that guy linked. I said "Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan are having less babies." Their birth rate is still higher than Slavic areas, but it's decreasing while those areas are increasing.
are you actually a tuvanese nigger? what are you doing in Sweden
That dickwad dwarf cares nothing for his own or other people.
No im just joking, like the anthem though youtube.com
They have violence and alcohol issues worse than Africa and war time Chechen republic
You can't be more obvious with this propaganda. Russia sucks and the whole world knows it.
>niggers and slavs are the same
He is being sarcastic. I think.
> smeared face of putin on preview
Yeah, totally objective view on Russia.
you think the meek are weak? You utter fool... God will destroy you.
It's like a cat scratched something.
So go and take it.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Filthy loud barking litlle coward dog.
Inbred gooks that live in the steppe shithole supposed to be what exactly?
Aids is a big problem in Russia.
Based Putin!
Russia is returning to its natural fit as a European "Great Power" after its collapse. The US has enjoyed 20 years of unbridled hegenomy. It was something natural that should be expected.
I say let Russian have buffer zones and do some business with them
The US unleased hell in the Middle East and want to topple Iran and they get huffy about Ukraine?
Though the Russians should be punished for shooting down the Malaysian airlines.
I looked it up and they seem to have less alcholism than european russia. But they did have the highest murder rate so you may be right.