Sources didn't say that. They said on behalf of Trump and against deep staters.
> Piss off CNN and friends by calling them names and constantly attacking them
> Piss off Fox News by defending nazis
> Piss off Breitbart by throwing Bannon to the sharks
I think Trump should attack internet anonymity and demand to shut down Sup Forums, so his collection of media enemies would be complete.
Lol, well think about it. Bannon IS likely to go after
>Habib Powell
>among others
So of course the leftist kike lugenpresse will try to sell it to people as "Bannon has turned on Trump and is attacking him" but won't clarify in the details that he is actually attacking ONLY the people within Trump's WH he believes are undermining the POTUS, meaning that he will have greater impact on public opinion that will HELP Trump immensely now that he's back strategizing out Breitbart's message
The (((Jews))) on the floor at the NYSE cheered when Bannon's deparure was announced (pic related).
Man, Brad Pitt aged so badly.
Against against Trump? So for Trump?
Then stocks dropped when they realized that Bannon was the only person in the WH who didn't want to do something stupid in North Korea.
It's so fucking laughable how in their heads Bannon is. OMG Bannon fired. Market soars. Reality hits. "Oh wow, this really doesnt change anything does it? In fact Bannon resuming control of Breitbart is probably much worse for our interests". Market loses all gains back to basically flat day. They're so tied up in knots over not knowing Trump's chess moves that it's causing actual IRL sperging from rich kikes everywhere. So glorious
They still cheered, that says alot.
>against against
Where thr fuck is ptg
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction
With Bannon out of the White House the nationalist agenda is over. Trump is now surrounded by elitists Globalists and Neo-cons who will promote the cultural marxist agenda destroying Western Christian civilisation.
What did bannon nazi larp about?
It's a copypasta, dude.
>Against against
Dumb ass kraut. Get back to watching German girls getting culturally enriched
Its real.
and lose over 80% of their traffic? I think not
That's what you get when you elect a loudmouth coward weasel.
Sessions makes Bannon look like a Kekistani nationalist-wise.
but but if he fires banon who will be the puppet master?
Trump shouldn't have trusted Bannon. He was always a greedy ambitious rat.
Be gone bot
I guess we (as in, the world) will watch you go down in flames and laugh.
This week sealed your end, good riddance faggots.
Bannon for Prez 2020
Why would bannon go against /hisguy/ in the White House ?
Bannon was a sacrifice to the deep state
He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.