Antifa Is gearing up

Found this on facebook and Antifa or BLM is getting ready for a fight. This is going to be fun.

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oh man. I can't wait for the tears when antifa jackasses get pulled over and arrested with those bats in their cars.

>only in self-defense
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT! They're never able to control their hateful impulses.


god i hope so. once they are armed, all will be good. they will then perish due to their lack of testosterone and courage. all is well.

Is it illegal to own a bat in your state?

whatever gives us an excuse

I limit my social activities involving bats to sports

bikelock man was arrested with a car full of his antifa gear

What do they have against New Zealand?

the fucking state of this country lol

yeah i'm sure they're gonna get arrested for having bats you fucking retard

Wait till they see my suprise at the Boston rally. Pretty sure there is no cure for AIDS still...

Bats vs AR-15s
Yeah sure I'm down


They can't really be this stupid.
This is a clear establishment of motive.
GG hello felony assault with a deadly weapon.
>but antifa always gets away with it
say that to the antifa at the trump inauguration.
federal felony charges.

Looks like premeditated evidence to me.


The beating you catch for trying to use a weapon is always so much worse. There will be more antifa getting brained with these than anybody. Good.


If you have been around Park Street before you probably already have AIDs

Why don't they like vowels?

Resist all provocations, anons.
This is Soros' color revolution come to the U.S.
Let DHS handle it and we win.
Last Saturday was the kickoff of our Euromaidan.
Pic related is how Soros decked out his controlled opposition right-wingers in Ukraine.

walking around with these in most states would be a great way to get charged with a felony.

See what's in this guy's hand? It's a tube sock with a billiard ball. Cheap and deadly.

nothing ever happens in florida :(

Fuck vowels, I guess.

oh no why can anyone hope to defend against such powerful weapons

JOIN RWU if you want to stop leftists, ANTIFAGS and BLM

Wow so brave!

As an Ancap I will find a special kind of glee watching you Commies and Fascists kill each other.

Nigger tier behavior. Fuck off.

That logo is Cultural Appropriation

almost forgot

Fucking this.

Limp wristed alt-right fagtards are so fucking weak.

They act like fags, get the faggotry punched out of them and then cry about it on the Internet.

Delicate little alt-right snowflakes can't take punch like a man. No wonder they have to go their own way, women are not attracted to such weak bitches.

Flood of only American flags, one for each person.
Hundreds of straight white non-fat males dressed well.
The Alt-Right wins the propaganda war. Antifa loses.
It's not about the battle, it's about the war.

fucking kek
>join another controlled opposition group since the first one was exposed.

Looks like a good way to get shot.

Did they pay by the letter?

>when your revolution has branding

you have aids? eeewww.

Waving tiki torches they bought at the dollar store. Alt-right terrorist marches are top level cringe.


This is why the only thing we should be protesting is Congressional obstruction or fake news, carrying signs calling out the lies. Do not go to "free speech" or "unite the right" rallies as they are neither and serve only to make people afraid of speaking to their friends and encourage physically attacking you in day to day life. Unite the right events are meant to brand THE ENTIRE RIGHT as nazis. Do not fall for them.

It's "fuck nazis" you imbecil

sounds like gayfag shit.

better be driving around with a glove and ball

>antifa is virtue signaling on social media


>baseball is a "sport" invented by white fascists
>use it to bash white men

ANT i FA know their irony

Maori dindu do nothin. Fucking racist left wanting to beat more kings again.


>cant even write 'fuck nazis' properly out of fear of backlash


But they had prior evidence to his misdeeds. Owning a baseball bat is not illegal in ANY state. They won't be detained or even harassed over it

Personally, I'd go with a padlock in a tube sock

Wow. If you think the irish will just March peacefully after throwing piss on them and using bats you have another thing coming. Get ready to be btfo commie assholes.

Lol is this how Americans think no wonder someone shoots up a school every Tuesday

>Fuck New Zeelanders

Why though?

Fuck New Zealand Steel? Are these for some kind of intercompany baseball game that's spiraled into a bitter rivalry?

It could be used in court to show an association with a group which could lead to harsher penalties.

what's with the AIDS syringes?

Murder weapons.

The right is held to a different standard to the left. It's unfair, but so is life. So we have to be a bit smarter than just shouting 'but they did it too'

Become /ourfag/ and poz up as many antifa as you can

Tiki torches killed any form of credibility

Saves us money on helicopter fuel :^)

the point is
they're going to break the law and get caught because they are incompetent criminals
And while being arrested their antifa brand bats will be in their possession and part of the evidence in the case
It will solidify as part of legal record that members of antifa are committing crimes as a part of their activism

you too scared to use it

we must have the alt-left registered as a domestic terrorist grouop

HAhaha liberals and """"republicans"""" won't even #apologize2trump when he's proven correct about Alt-Left (Antifa and BLM)

Who can afford vowels in this economy!

Soros is really sparing no expense to get the goyim to fight eachother.

Tampa got funding from their sports teams to take down a confederate statue fag, go show up and get your ass beat

Look for me on the battlefield.


fuck you, faggot

Fuck off Pat.


>self defense
Then they shouldn't mind when I show up with this for my self defense

When is Sup Forums gonna unlatch itself from the government's tits? You think the cops are on your side?

You fucking cucks are the reason why this knucklehead think you're all fucking pussies. Running to big daddy government for help isn't going to get you very far, especially since the police are more than happy to impartially violate everyone's rights.

Excellent, now when they kill someone they'll be charged with 1st Degree Murder because having "FUCK NAZIS" on the fucking murder weapon displays intent and premeditation.


t.12 yr old girl from twitter

kiwis btfo you best watch out

What have we done? FFS Lefty twats...!

Down with capitalism! Now buy this overpriced aluminum bat with a politically correct slogan.

>Look for me on the battlefield
More like look for me beaten and bleeding on the curb

No, they're sheep dildos.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities--Voltaire

they are good communists and censor themselves according to the State Protocol.

I have something prepared for them, too.


The cops are on their own side. They're corrupt. Corrupt cops are one of the reasons why the pedocracy got the idea that pedophilia is "human nature".

do they even know how to swing a bat? I've never met an antifa that played baseball

Unless the judge views Nazis as inhuman in which case the legal system is now compromised

Get rekt faggot.

>american flag
>it isn't a firearm
what the fuck are you even doing

In My state it's illegal if they can prove you're carrying it as a weapon. I live in commiefornia. The local joke within the skinhead community is carry a baseball glove in your car too so you can claim you were playing ball.

The writing on those bats would fuck them more than the bats themselves because it implies intent to use them as a weapon. My state is a fucking joke so it might only be here. Concealed weapon is a pretty hefty charge here.
