>be me
>rich white woman
>get invited back to my old job to give my opinion on Charlottesville
>here goes
>"I didn't lose my virginity until after university"
>"Donald Trump is ugly"
>"I hope alt-right wing protestors get beat up by drag queens"
>"drag queens are six foot four black men"
>"eat cake instead of protesting"
>"buy local"
>"love is love"
>"we stole this country from Native Americans"
>"standing rock you chinless turds"
>"Anne Coulter is a cockroach"
>"Nazis!? KKK!?"
>"Durrr, Hillary's Emails"
>"there are armed militias...in America!"
>"Paul Ryan is a pussy for not tweeting POTUS"
>"I'm almost 50 but my parents make me feel powerless"
>"grilled cheese"
>"People hate women in Movies"
>"Thomas Jefferson raped slaves"
>nailed it
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
DId this really happen?
WHy the fuck are people so obsessed with muh "native Americans"?
Anything to shit on white folks.
>rich white woman
Stopped right there.
I take things that could never happen for 3 reasons for 80 cents, Nigel.
Because you stole their land you thick fuck, just like you stole black peoples resources from africa, and stole their kingdoms.
You white males also oppress your own women, and have been doing this for centuries
She's so funny ahahahahaha!!! AHAHAHAHAHA
Shut up nigger
>just like you stole black peoples resources from africa, and stole their kingdoms.
I sincerely hope you're not this damn stupid and are just larping.
That sure is a silly way to spell "purchased and conquered"
Bought their land and later in time bought the west to south states giving Citizenship to any Mexicans who wanted to remain after winning a war. Africa sold their kingdom and that is other people's fault because? This victim mentality is absurd.
who says they owned it?
>Because you stole their land you thick fuck
Not really.
Some traded shit, some sold and integrated and a tiny fraction tried to hold using using violence which was met accordingly.
Posts from the victim complex.
>inb4 muh heritage!
anarchists are just libertarians who haven't lived on a commune yet
Butthurt nigger.
>Because you stole their land you thick fuck
People say things that are flat out not true like "Jefferson raped his slaves" etc... how so they think we will accept that.
how do non-white men treat their women?
SNL has quite a large audience, is is depressing to see this propaganda passed off as "comedy".
If the left had any self awareness this whole segment would have been biting satire of how they can't manage a coherent point or stay on message, have no real solutions, and are basically neurotic wrecks paralyzed by their own ideology.
and how hypocritical they are