Just because I used a racial slur doesn't mean it was offensive
It's OK - It wasn't meant to be offensive, Goyim
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oy bye
God jews are fucking cowards
Look at the lesser Jews bow and scrape before the ADL.
It's like they are asking for it isnt it.
white flight is just as offensive.
What was the headline?
>muh fee fees
Stop being offended and start being angry, you pussy
lel, dumb overconfident kikes
checkmate goyim
"Boy, bye!" yeah it's some dumb nigger shit
its referencing pushing out white people faggot.
Too late kikes. This ones getting spammed endlessly.
their own brazenness scares them
Sure would be a shame if something were to happen to their hq and staff. It would be absolutely heartbreaking.
Imagine if any headline of "bye, nigger" was posted on Obama's last day. Consequences would never be the same.
Hahahahahah you have no idea how I admire huffpo as a jew myself, it's like saying nigger in a headline, retracting it, replacing it with coon and NOBODY doing JACK SHIT about it.
This is real 4d chess, goyim. You were just merely pawns in our schemes
ALL GOYIM ETERNALLY (as it should be) BTFO
And you choose to cry about it like a nigger instead of pushing back
Fucking pathetic
This one piece of propaganda has done more for white survival than Bannon ever has. Cunt condemned ethnic nationalism. The ADL is doing damage control because full/pol/ is celebrating this propaganda victory.
hahahahaha you have no idea whats happening do you?
I bet 80% of you motherfuckers think "goy" is an offensive term for "jew".
Do you alt-light niggers see what must be done yet? The Jews are openly shitting on you
Video related is that kike from the OPs pic. The ADL regularly scans both chans.
"Meant not offense whatsoever."
This fucking guy.
one of the comments on twatter
>Yeah, before this headline, the only other occurrences of the word has been in anti-semitic YouTube comments..
oooh, looks like this nigger is going back to food stamps soon
He can scan these nuts when he's pulling double shifts in the masturbation machine.
>we were just being edgy guys
What the fuck are you babbling about?
we even have tee shirts.
Are you retarded?
I'm really fucking pissed right bow desu, tough not be be at full zyklon right now
>very offensive
translation: very goyim-knowing
Funny how after a week of natsocs getting thrown under the bus by the alt-right Bannon STILL gets fired
Why is this girl named Lidija? Is she slavic?
jewish panic
holy shit they even changed the definition of goy in the free dictionary. used to mean non jewish now just means a person, hahahahaha they are so fucked.
forgot link
Solid kek
Seems legit.
>and they got away with it
n. pl. goy·im (goi′ĭm) or goys Often Offensive
A person who is not Jewish.
However, check out the comparison between those two.
They know it's bubbling to the surface. They are afraid.
nope its in there
A Yiddish word meaning person, used to mean someone who is not a Jew.
>implying that wasn't you
are people who get called "goy" eligible for shekels like people who get called "nigger"?
We meant no offense...
Fuck its real
also wew lad.
pic related its you
>ywn orgasm to death
This seems like a potentially big money maker if we legalized assisted suicide.
remember the 6 caverillion goy
>we were just being edgy, goys
They really are just stoking the fires.
Brillinant publicity stunt and all you goys fell for it.
Mocking ethnic cleansing of whites, yeah, it sure is.
Why is """Lydia""" Polgreen's profile picture a black man?
Counting down that ADL statement on HuffPo. It's only fair, right?
>racial slur
Jesus Christ.
I really hate jews can't wait to kill some of them. If I don't get a perfect grade next semester I might go and shoot up the local synagogue.
>when you try to banter but you are so cucked by your shitty audience that you back down instantly
Jonathon Greenblatt is the guy that made Pepe a hate symbol. That's why she replied to him.
I will never forget that name
This is great, we should keep memeing them with ((())), they're playing identity politics, and we're forcing them to play racist idpol now
>it's just a prank, bro
Waking more people up to ask the JQ
>this gonna stir up a few [frog emoji]
What did he mean by this?
>tfw great grandmother was jewish
frog posters
do you legit have a double digit IQ
Btw why is it offensive what Miriam the Hairdresser did?
seems like judaism and islam are the same damn thing...
That is either some fantastic trolling or this is your first day.
You guys are making fun of this poster but the dumbest Sup Forumsacks I've run into have unironically thought goy meant Jew
kike ya later
Two sides of the coin of Semitic barbarity, united against the occident. Desert people hating the European forest people.
>Hey HuffPo, that's a nice office you got there.
>be a shame if something...
>Shoa'd up.
>Nazi masturbation machine
>flashlight with a swastika
>american jew thinking he's not at the bottom of the totem pole
Every time I see something like this, I'm reminded of pic related.
The brazenness of jewish control over USA is cringeworthy at this point, but you've been bred and brainwashed to be like cattle. You're playing right into their hand with your left/right wars and identity conflicts. It's fucking sad.
enjoy it while it lasts Jew, something tells me your luck's going to end. If the whites don't get you, the niggers will.
WTF DID YOU EAT?!!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!
Will a jew replace Bannon?
No it's not.
You can say whatever you want about white people.