Does the left honestly believe they'd have any chance in Civil War 2.0?
Have a look at this map. There is something the right has virtually 100% control of. Can Sup Forums figure out what it is?
Does the left honestly believe they'd have any chance in Civil War 2.0?
Have a look at this map. There is something the right has virtually 100% control of. Can Sup Forums figure out what it is?
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Major geographical choke points across the mainland.
I see it OP
propaganda can do many things
low voter turnout caused this map.
you think you can win a war with low soldier turnout? asswipe.
oklahoma and alaska?
half the us population lives in the blue bits. and this map is from 2012
True, but that's not it. Think simpler.
Farmland and Food?
only white conservative men pay taxes
> Implying shitty inbred rural communities = economically, industrially and militarily developed urban regions;
Seriously, user?
Good luck waging a war with starving dildo swingers.
Red states control all the food in the USA
>thinks the military would side with leftists.
Topkek. But no, seriously: We'd just fucking starve you out.
join RWU
Gerrymandered. Liberals have more numbers.
They want to win a war and can't even figure out which bathroom to use.
a large portion of your "soldiers" are either overweight tumblrinas, old people, or already dead people.
> low soldier turnout
You mean in the cities, where there's gun control and nobody aside from gang members knows how to fight?
Texas provides best soldiers right?
Why is it all red? When did the America turn into communism?
People like you seriously believe California isn't almost entirely farms and ranches, don't you?
Want to lay that over a population density map?
Your "numbers" are concentrated in high population metropolis's. Quite literally the easiest areas to blockade and starve out in any war scenario.
Hope you got a garden in your high rise, tard.
Fucking imbecile.
You seel corn. CORN.
You know who else sell corn? Mexico.
You don't even have do speak english to be a mexican.
Holy shit, with the GDP of california alone we can inport the food we need.
The military fight for money. Not for rural inbreds like you.
Farms and food. Lefties in cities would starve.
>no grains
>no protein
Being this retarded.
>buying Mexican corn
pic related
people like you believe people on those farm lands aren't good ol boy gun owning Trump supporters.
I live there faggot.
Blue controls all major ports.
We would be able not only to import food from foreing nations but also to choke any chance of rural inbreds to export their corn.
You are literally making it worse for yourself with that argument, the thing you are missing is the fucking croplands, you know, FUCKING FOOD. Your high density nignog zones are going to be starving even more rapidly than normal because of that urban density. You won't even be -able- to fight us, you will be too hungry to move within a month once your food supplies run out and we refuse to give you more, you will be eating traditional Ethiopian cuisine, enjoy your cultural enrichment faggot.
That corn turns into animal feed which turns into meat, poultry, and dairy products you fucking retard. My god you city dwellers are the dumbest fucks alive. It's like you think the food just magically appears in your grocery stores. Have you ever even seen a tree in your life?
The red parts of California, maybe.
Most of Frisco and Los Angeles are actually surrounded by massive suburbs that make up 90% of what you know these places for without realizing it that don't have any buildings more than 3 stories high (usually hospitals only). Not really that simple, everywhere isn't like New York. Los Angeles county and orange county which are basically one combined element are bigger than a lot of entire states.
The means of food production
another retard. The vast majority of that corn becomes FEED.
You people literally have no idea how agriculture works, do you.
Ports are useless with the USN blockading them user.
not to mention once you leave the nigger unchecked and free to roam free. They will rape and murder their own and every faggy white pussy in their way.
Left literally live in la la land
Fucking redneck inbred.
The only reason you still sell your corn is because your fucking republican "small government" keep giving you retards subsidies.
Cut the tax inflow from the big cities and you'll be eaten by Brazilian and Australian inports!
go buy another cat
Civil war would cause the dollar to collapse, moron. You wouldn't be able to import shit because your fucking money would be worthless.
Ignore the civil war not happening and point 9. somewhat.
Something I have saved long time ago
Drugs, poverty and ideological blindness that puts sjws to shame?
Or is it snacks? Snacks were the weak point last time, republicans with proper supplies of snacks would be in-vincible.
Most of those dip shits don't know that, they probably can't even tell the difference from looking at it.
Probably don't know how to splice nightshades either, or which ones we'd splice to dispatch them.
Let alone soil comps and temps.
LMAO at these idiots who think they could subsistence farm
You do realize that the left controls the major economic centers, i.e the ports, and that all of those red counties have less people than the blue ones?
>Literally being this retarded.
"b-but money will always have value!"
They don't even realize, it's kind of sad how stupid they are about shit that will actually be important when things go south.
Why do Americans pretend that their democrats are leftists when they're all just centrists who don't lean as strongly right as republicans?
The majority of the population voted for Hillary.
The red areas are all sparsely populated.
The largest and richest population centers are all left-wing. Right-wingers would get destroyed in a civil war.
Literally uninhabited wasteland and look how well the the country's security forces are siding with you, not.
I have this somewhere too. All true.
I could sit here and arm chair general, but I'd rather just let the Civil War happen and let the left find out just how utterly fucked it would be in real time
>major economic centers
I don't hear guns or food
>red counties have less people than the blue ones
Democrats aren't people.
Judging by the way Baked Alaska, Millenial Matt and Chris Cantwell got absolutely cucked the second it got too real for them, I'd say the Left is probably liking their odds
That corn is needed to produce ethanol which retarded leftists froth about for being "greener". So you hate the earth too? Want us all to die of climate change?
So fuck you retard. Go choke on a dick.
>military bases?
>stable societies
Did I forget anything?
The lefts soldiers will be angry, stupid commies with aks and grenades that the Soros and Clinton and Rothschild cabal bought for them from wherever, maybe China. They'll have treasonous mayors and governors giving them ground and resources paid for by taxes (or bonds, whatever). They'll have Soros and other PMCs giving training and organization to something that would inevitably fail otherwise. The lying press will tell only their story and their "innovation".
there's more of us
Good luck waging war with literally no economy, since liberals own the ports, and can just buy food.
90% of the military. ex military, police, law enforcement, security are right wing. Most gun owners are right wing.
Most men worth a damn are right wing.
We will eat your fucking heart
What's it like to be this delusional? Every single war in history proves you wrong. Cities are an easy target and a logistical clusterfuck the maintain in a civil war.
Literally ALL of your resources come from those "sparsely populated areas" which have more weapons in a city block then you have in a square mile.
Good luck marching your "armies" out there while you're all starving, numbnuts.
Left wing dicks are bigger than right wing dicks.
Fucking your sister for five generations destroys your body.
Not a lot of hilldog 2016 bumperstickers at the physical ports though...
What the fuck are you talking about?
The military supports trump
The police support teump
Border patrol supports trump
Veteranz support trump
The NRA supports trump.
Literally no one supports dems and their nigger pets
Even if the right won a CW2, the US would emerge damaged and reeling and China would probably take over as world leader.
Personally, I'm not a leftist, but if the right started such a war I'd side with the left. The right has too many sociopaths for comfort. The left are deeply misguided but their hearts are more in the right place and they'd be easier to beat in a revolution if they got too far out of line.
>Does the left honestly believe they'd have any chance in Civil War 2.0?
so why don't you?
left wing men are too busy sucking the dick of other men in dresses to be considered any kind of alpha male.
You know damn well what you look like, what your friends look like.
You will have your throat ripped out
>Most men worth a damn are right wing.
Is that why nazis are always the ones getting their asses kicked at Berkeley, Charlottesville, etc?
Listen to me. Just listen, because I think you really need to hear this. Get checked for down syndrome. I'm not kidding. This is the dumbest argument I've heard in my entire Goddamn life, and i thank you for showing me just how low an iq can get. This "civil war" fantasy strategy of yours falls apart completely when you realize that the heavily populated areas can easily overrun a large number of farms and render your plan useless. Or get this, they can IMPORT FOOD, which we already do and they definitely would.
All we have to do is blockade their cities. No need to fight. Cut off their power, deny exit, and let them starve in weeks.
More foreign illegals?
You sure are pajeet
Virtually no weaponry & no food production.
Good luck brah.
Is that why you're choking on shareblue dick right now?
Again I'll ask, buy the food with what? Those numbers mean nothing, promissary notes mean nothing when the underlying system making the promise of payment literally cannot deliver. Billions of dollars in zimbabwebuxs might get you an ear of corn, that's where US money will be headed very quickly if the rest of the world sees us show any sign of weakness whatsoever; no matter what happens, chinabux or europebux will become the new world standard, the dollar will be gone, you'll see how fast those crafty fucking jew billionaires ditch all of their dollar assets if they even get a whiff of shit actually getting real.
We've all seen what happens when rural goes against urban... Nobody recalls the last civil war?
This is a lie. There are no rural and suburban retards in Canada.
if they left could use logic, they wouldnt' be liberals
>Implying inbred rednecks with guns matter
Money is power.
Cool larp thread, OP
>oh look, I have all this money!
>why are the groceries empty?!?
>I don't hear guns or food
Neither of which are supplied for free. The Coastal metropolises PAY for food and guns.
They could just as easily pay for it from the hundreds of nations that they ship to and from that they could completely cut you off of.
You're an idiot. You have no capability for critical thought to have overlooked such an obvious fact like "food and guns are not free".
This is why you'll never even gain enough headway to ever start a war, let alone win won.
How are you going to import food with a worthless currency, dipshit?
How are you going to overrun those farms while you're dying enroute from starvation, numbnuts?
Try that shit in south.
But you allready know better.
Now the scary thing that you fail to realize is were not going to marches and that bullshit, we have work and responsibility..
But we are waiting for shit to hit the fan. Like foaming out the mouth waiting.
You will die a painful death and I can't wait till it's open season on you faggots
LOL the fuck ru talking bout germanon
> no rural or suburban racists in canada
kek fucking KEK
>no rural or suburban racists in canada
Example: California - 6th largest economy in the world
How can shitty little corn field with 1 gas station every 20 miles red states compete?!
>Literally most of the GDP
>Ports for importation of goods
>Majority of population capable of being pressed into service, armed, and sent to fight.
War is a numbers game. Your shitty corn farmers don't matter when the left arms all of its citizens and sends them lose on your fucking farmlands.
The reason the South lost the civil war is because the North had all of the industrial capabilities, you shitbird.
Leftist always die the same way
Blue would win. The aggressors (Red) would be attacked by the army. Then we'll take away your constitutional rights and give away your land to blacks the way the 1st civil war was meant to play out.
you mean you're all fat neckbeards who don't dare show your faces in public
How are you this fucking retarded?
How are you going to operate the ports with no food and electricity?
ru from reddit have u ever been to the maritimes ?
> Implying the rest of the world does not need software, avionics and the rest of our liberal technological shit.
> Implying corn economy > technological shit.
Do you load your rifle with corn, user?
Do people not think US allies wouldn't help put down a right wing rebellion? Or at the very least offer a shit load of support?
Comments like this are a good example of why reasonable people who aren't even leftists wouldn't side with you in a civil war. If people like you ruled the US, you'd rapidly turn it into the kind of third world banana republic you fear niggers and spics are going to turn it into.