Is it offensive to have white pride?
So this just popped up on the old kikebook feed
>Why is it so offensive to have white pride
Because while the negroes and spics were dancing and eating tacos, we created a weapon powerful enough to wipe out all of mankind and then decided to go to the moon and plant our flag on it just for laughs and giggles.
That's why white pride is offensive, because it gets shit done.
TPTB decide what is hateful and not. You can be sure that until the end of universe, regardless of anything else, white pride will be considered unaccetable.
>white people have only been around for the last 7000 years, nothing special
what don't you understand about this Sup Forums? you absolute pile of flaming trash
I disabled my FB during the last election campaign. It was nothing but trash and people sharing Buzzfeed bullshit.
Never going back to cancerbook.
Is their argument literally that white people are more evolved than all other races?
Not too sure, it seems like pure white guilt to me
He was condemning both Antifa and the Nazis, but he's going to realise that maybe the Nazis have a point.
don't know why people keep bother trying to reason with these rabid liberals, I just laugh and tell them to fuck off now.
i really want to dox the asian bitch so Sup Forums can laugh and tell her to fuck off but
>muh personal army
then she can tell all her friends that she got e-raped by white supremacists.
There is no hope. It's all social studies slperg. May as well argue with a sea cucumber.
>Muslims stage attacks
>People like them more
>Nazis are perceived as staging an attack
>some people start liking them more
I always remember hearing that the point of gay pride wasn't to be proud of being gay but more "to not be ashamed".
To be proud of yourself despite being gay. It was a response to all the shame instilled in lgbt for ages.
It's much the same with women and racial minorities. A response to being made to feel inferior and worthless.
The white pride movements of recent decades have been much the same.
They are a response to constant outside forces attempting to devalue and shame people.
The problem for everyone else is that, just like the other groups honor their history and celebrate important figures, so do whites.
And whites have so, so much more to take pride in that it is can hardly be discussed without leading people to obvious conclusions.
Unless you constantly vilify and discredit them, comparing their achievements with other races leads to "problematic" ideas.
>that asian pride
So fucking racist
Everyone knows nigger women sent us to the moon, I saw a ((movie)) about it.
Das racis, let Tyrone and Jamal split roast your sister for equality.
dude you sound like literally Hitler speaking right now
Isn't the "Out-of-Africa" narrative under fire right now?
He realized it in the middle of writing that post, it looks like.
>tfw you'll never be able to live in an exclusively white enclave and barbecue burgers with your friends and family
Guys I dont know if I can do this any more.
I'm a millineal, I was raised in the age of equality. Where nobody was discriminated by race, religion or gender. I was raised to treat everyone equally, and judge somebody by their actions and not any category. I am told daily to hate myself for my categories though. That the issues of the past are my fault By virtue of belonging to the same demographic that did some bad shit all those years ago. I can't hate myself, and I can't hate those hating me. I dont know what the answer is and I'm too tired to argue or fight it anymore. I can't stand identity politics, and I feel that the identity politics argument won when the Unite the Right rally happened.
To be fair, wouldn't hurt for nationalists/supremacists to try and hold an event that doesn't require forming a giant human mass to take over a campus and shout loudly.
Maybe a bake sale, or something. some 3 on 3 basketball tournaments?
is it wrong to be offensive?
We all feel the same. We didn't choose this life, it chose us. Going to school at a Jesuit university in San Francisco screwed me up. It was there I realized how screwed politics is. I have no choice but to fight for white identity now. When the identity politics of the Left team up to demonize whites, what did they expect was going to happen? For the most part, it's worked. White Millennials feel heavy guilt due to years of being brainwashed. From elementary school to post-grad school, they've been taught that White America has been guilty of crimes against humanity. That's all they focus on. However, the Left didn't expect some whites to not be brainwashed. That's where we're at now. So now they're going to try to destroy any white person with a semblance of pride for their race and culture. This is the beginning of the war.
I've seen a lot of ((facebook)) posts from leftists saying that white pride is not the same as pride in individual european cultures. What is black pride then? They'll tell you that black people in america were all slaves and therefore had their true cultural identity stripped away from them, so they can't say nigerian pride or ivory coast pride, they say black pride and it's ok.
In the US, most people white, black and asian are a mix of cultures. Even our ancestors in their homelands were mixes. All of my ancestors were documented to have come from England, Germany, Scotland, and a small portion from Italy. When I had my ancestry DNA testing I had 16% nordic ancestry, 26% was in the Irish-Ulster-Welsh area, only 3% was true English, the Italian was a lower percentage than expected and there were oddities such as 3% Iberian. Nothing was from outside Europe, but the 40+% of "Western Europe" doesn't even get more specific than that. Do I claim cultural pride in each group individually, or, since I'm from America can I only claim American pride?
Well if blacks are from America, why do they not claim American pride as well? Because blacks have a different "American Experience" than whites? Because they're a different group entirely? Ok, then that admits that white Americans are as well. They wouldn't really be happy if I said I have German pride. What are you proud of HITLER?! It's just white pride in disguise!
It's a no win situation, because what people like that really mean is that you aren't allowed to be proud or glad that white people exist. They are not happy you and your kind exist, they claim you are an abomination, and they'll stop short on most occasions of actually saying they want you all to die out (so they can continue to try and claim the moral high ground). They believe that everything which is wrong with the world, society, their race, etc. is caused by white people, and extermination is the only solution.
Why weren't these people being taught the same shit as us though. Why weren't they being taught to judge us as individuals and not by our group.
Lack of parenting. Progressives let the system raise their kids. Proper parenting is "old-school" and too "traditional". We were being taught the same stuff as them. We just had the minds to see it was all bullshit.
Whites are most of the new births in USA according to a report last week.
you got aliens in the mixture
>It's not ok to have pride in the race that literally created the best civilization in the world under any metric
It's insane when you think about it
uncensor her name.
i did
Under fire is an interesting way to say completely debunked.
woah thats pretty fucked up broh
and they wonder why whites are siding with these groups.
It's not. Fuck off, kike.
Read what the sjws in the pics are saying tard
Sad thing is, those individuals were part of something great and they should be proud of that on its own merits, but the jews have to take something decent and turn it into something disgusting as part of their agenda. Yes some black women worked on an important part of the Apollo program, but they were essentially a cog in the machine, If it wasn't them assigned to do it, it would have been someone else.
I can picture her foaming at the mouth while smashing her keyboard, yet she calls other people "full of hate" and "flaming pile of trash".
. this bitch really doesnt know how to shut up
>tfw you know you could calmly and articulately shut this stupid bitch down as a result of spending thousands of hours debating this shit here
bring it on liberals, call me out on Facebook, see what happens
can confirm, my church has many couples with at least 2 kids, with some as many as 5 or 6
bitches always need to get the last word, they think that somehow makes them the winner. If you deprive a bitch of getting the last word they flip out and go insane, try hanging up on a bitch and see what happens. They literally can't even.
So true... I was tolerant long enough now it's time to fight to defend myself and everyone that is not completely dumbed down by the overly left propaganda
well considering that you are a white male, you already lost the argument
It's a shame that Sup Forums is turning into the exact same thing.
oppenheimer was a jew
One of my first redpills. 15 years old in highschool, my friend wrote AZN PRIDE on his binder in a marker to show his pride he had it there for weeks... Oneday I said "watch this" and wrote WHITE PRIDE on mine. As soon as the teacher seen it, i was told to remove it, it was racist. I said no, being proud of my heritage and being white is not racist, why is it ok for my friend to have Asian pride and I'm nit allowed to be proud to be white. I was told its not the same and doesn't work that way, remove it or go to the principles office.. I refused and told the principle to fuck off and got suspended... Eventually got kicked out of school 1 week after my 16th birthday
-33 year old highschool dropout, more successful than most people i know with degrees.. worked out well I suppose
Look at what happened after Charlottesville. Anyone who challenges what these people say is a Nazi, and most normies lack the moral courage to do anything except run away from being called a Nazi as quickly as possible.
the thing is we whites dont care about pride of our race or such, we are out of this state. we take pride in our nations, the nigs on the other hand think every black person is a friend, but once they are in africa they will get raped and killed. ultimate cucks
i fucking knew this propaganda meme would be shared on facebook. facebook is the biggest cesspool on the planet
>whites are an anomaly
even if that 7,000 years bullshit was true, which it's not, that would just mean it took a lot crafting to finally get things right :')
The next election will be "new" "young" and therefore in-tune with the masses ....
Next voting process will require a gmail and a Kikebook account in order to "verify" you....
>"so you believe POC...trans...etc"
i wish normies would get it if i just replied by saying ">implying" on facebook. why do they have to take the word "white" and launch into "SO BLACK PEOPLE, TRANNIES, DISABLED, etc". Is that considered goalpost shifting? because when were they the topic being debated and not white people
>Cultural dance is the same as a march
Not the best pic to compare, and also why don't your movement just pick your own country's white culture? Your own dance, cultural dressing, and shit like the pic related? Shouting white pride end up as good as any BLM or that false flag in charlottesville.
Black women were the computers who got whitey to the moon
Oh man I feel bad for the man that has to deal with that bag of crazy. Future cat lady indeed and I bet her cats wont even like her, shell spend all day calling them specist and nazi cats.
>White people weren't even around until about 7000 years ago.
Wew, thats fucking retarded. Even if it was true, all that means is that whites were able to more in 7000 than the "older" races. So in their own paradigm the argument makes them look bad.
All this originates from a view of superiority that white Americans had. It's a subtly that most whites know, but aren't explicitly taught. Basically that you're supposed to be "better" minorities by not engaging them in this sort of thing. "White culture" is basically just American hegemony.
But we're at sort of a transitioning point where it doesn't make sense to play that game anymore when whites are 52% and dropping.
Getting pretty damn sick of this racist image
did you just assume her preferred pet?
nah, it isnt.
fuck this bitch
>Are you proud of slavery racism?!
>What is college
>What is progress
>what is technology
No matter what whites do, it will never outweight all the good deeds they did
This is why it doesn't help you to cuck. Basically, the only thing you can do as a white male is kill yourself to appease the fucks. They make absolutely no distinction between someone who isn't a ethno-masochist and a violent neo-nazi skinhead.
is that her? trps confirm i do want to fuck that bitch
And people doubt there's a deliberate attack on whites.
It really does, were the upgraded newer model. Their own arguments blow themselves out.
Oh dear, I do believe your right. Now i need to go check my privilege and throw money at the nearest minority whilst getting my bawls snipped.
White people can't even agree on who is white. I don't want to be lumped in with gross Italians, they're primitive mud people
not even white guitars are safe from the left
Bottom left did literally nothing wrong.
>planting bait this obvious and still having me reply to it
western european (including italians aye fugget about it you gafone), greek, asians (though they're more of a subset of whites or us them, i'm willing to go either way, but they're close enough to white to count them as white vs non white), russians (non sephardic/other native nonwhite russians, since russia is, you know, big), australians, i'm pretty sure new zealand too
You can't actually argue with these people. They'll just sperg out on you. Make rational points that make them look retarded to normies.
combined for convenience
All those people are gross degenerates. Sorry, I'm a top tier WASP and want nothing to do with you cave people
what's wasp, you're gonna have to enlighten me
america is doomed, come to mexico and you will never deal with this bs anymore, just stay away from poor states and get to the industrialized ones. Whites are kings here, everyone wants to be their friends and want to suck their dick/pussy
So much this. Anyone mildly intelligent could have done what they did.
Only one man could have done what Werner von Braun did, however.
What for? So you could abort even more babies?
A million each year is not enough for you barbaric burgers?
White Anglo Saxon Protestant
as a guitar player this pisses me off so damn much
Don't talk shit on Fender, ever
hundreds of years later, every race is pissed they've been conquered.
The only problem I see is the job was never finished.
if only they had RTS games back then.....
i know you're trolling but the fact that you think protestant has anything to do with that is retarded for the people who actually go around spouting that off
>not all muslims are terrorists because one of them killed a couple dozen people
>all whites are evil racist nazi pro-slavery because a person who happened to be white accidentally ran over and killed someone going 25 mph.
white pride is listening to classical music, or reading philosophy, or literature, or looking at art, or using the internet, or using a car, or living in a functional republican democracy, or believing in individual rights that transcend tribal affiliation, etc etc
Did he strike a chord?
That's what WASP stands for you absolute retard.
fender makes department-store quality junk that poseurs buy at best buy for 10x what they are worth
based japs make the finest guitars