is playing video games a way to waste my potential and free time? most of the time they don't even entertain me, I usually rage quit or care about my "performance"
Is playing video games a way to waste my potential and free time? most of the time they don't even entertain me...
Just play single player games and drink heavily
Play EU4 and genocide the new world
Play single player games like the MGS series and JRPGs
if you obsess "game theory" and dont make a career out of it you are simply an adult child. same with animation, comics, genre fiction, and toys.
take that lust for performance to a place with money mate
>playing MOBAs or the first-person MOBA "gaywatch"
Kill yourself. This isn't even real video-game.
That was me at 22.
>just graduated college
>zero motivation whatsoever, applied to like 1 job a week, NEET for 6 months
>spent 6-7 hours a day either playing video games or just sitting on the internet browsing mindlessly
>saw friends like once a week where we just sat around drinking and talking
It was a really shitty place to be, and it was hard to leave because you gradually get more and more scared of responsibility and social interaction with strangers. You really need to force yourself to put yourself out there, the short-term pleasure quickly gives way to nihilism.
yes. at least play an instrument or learn new computer software that will further your goals and help you create something . you will find that these other hobbies will give you a similar dopamine reward but it will take a few weeks of no video games to completely replace them. these other activities will allow you to grow as a person and your gains in 'preformance' will be something you will be proud of instead of ashamed of.
>tfw haven't played a game in years but still watch streams
>Play EU4 and genocide the new world
done this countless times. in the end, it's just numbers and colors, not really satisfying.
>same with animation, comics, genre fiction, and toys.
consuming these things is the domain of children. you can remain interested in them, but you have to transition into creating them. making comics, animation or games requires a lot of character building discipline.
yes, but only in moderation, just like everything in life. faggot.
i once lost almost 1k in stocks
no thanks
>watching streams
why would you do that? it's pointless
Do you enjoy it? If so, it's not a waste.
Too bad all those industries are Google tier commie cults. I work in film and it's pretty shit when it comes to dealing with leftist cult. I'm not even alt right or overly sensitive but the shit is out of control, you have zero freedom to go outside of the leftist thought box creatively these days. Films about racism, sexism and sodomy will always be the award winners. The era of Clinton Eastwood is dead. Scott Eastwood did an interview with Joe Rogan and he talks about Hollywood, you have to be fake and full of shit to make it here these days. My biggest regret is getting into film as a career.
Read books
Learn to play a musical instrument
Being good at something requires time, so technically, yes it is a waste of time... but is it a waste of time when you can earn a living out of it? I'd say no... vidya is what separates fantasy from the hard truth, many people chose to follow vidya because they can't simply cope with the real world and it's way more entertaining and enjoyable for them to pursue such endeavours, than face the hard and painful reality. By the same logic you can talk about all religious people, liberals and feminists, they're seeking easy answers to everything while science is all about confirmation bias. There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, there is only what certain group in a certain part of the world deem right with their socially constructed biases, meaning that murder is OK in one country and not OK in the other... simple as that. If you study astrophysics, geology and nuclear physics, you become more of a nihilist than anything. Once you're there, you don't follow specific rules of a made up proxy government, because you know it is all bullshit, you become more open minded and silent because you don't want your career to end for speaking out.
All of the research and patents become silenced by the authorities. Would you like an example? Well then, the first 3D printer prototypes were around in the 1950's. but only recently has the technology become available to the public. The same could be said about digital cameras, which were first invented by NASA to minimise camera size on their missions and capture HQ images to be sent back to the Earth.... which was already invented in 1960's but became public availability in early 2000's
I could go on about it whole day, but TL:DR
is vidya degeneracy? no... compared to what people substitute with their needs, such as alcohol, weed, cocaine, heroin, work, sex, it is hardly degeneracy.. it's simply one minor aspect of it when compared to the others.
but books about fiction are just as stupid as games
no they aren't. knowing a good book is like knowing a smart person. it shows you how life works. video games just show you how to manage stats and resource bars.