why do most far-left and far-right people consist of this group?
Why do most far-left and far-right people consist of this group?
because employed people don't have time to larp around
if you can't answer that yourself you're retarded
happened in russian and germany already. destroy the jobs, flood the media with radicalism on both sides, let the goyim wipe each other out. good population control method.
All Nazis and Anitfa are jobless losers
Because they have dropped out of society, after being told that if only they went and got a college degree that they would be on easy street, thus they have the most outrage and self-loathing because they were deceived, it only differs in who they think is at fault.
Because they're the useful idiots for all the boomers' and neocons' shenanigans.
At least leftist ideology has less blame in that regard compared to conservatism or traditionalism with it's "respect" of elders. Anybody who willingly strives to keep up the conflicts of their parents or "ancestors" is a moron.
Its almost as if being a contributing member of society makes people more reasonable.
THIS. A working man with responsibilities won't go to any riots, protests and marches.
because we have enough time to think for our selves and develop edgy ideologies
Your claim is false but if it were to be true i suppose it would be cause they have a lot of free time to spent being indoctrinated.
What you mean is you disagree with the premise.
Thats cause people who work are too tired and have not any time left to ponder about international politics and philosphy you jew dipshit :)
Imagine if you got a wife and kids, you litterally do not have time for anything thats not functional to your survival, at least middleclass speaking.
Being neet instead at least offers the possibility to use that free time to amass knowledge instead of being a good goy keeping the economy and globalization going, buying diapers, having mortgages...
>free man
>can learn a language
>can learn to paint
>mfw anyone saying this shit needs to hurry home so they can be on time for the guild raid.
> have not any time left to ponder about international politics and philosphy
Thats wrong though, you can discuss politics and world affairs with your coworkers and family without wasting time on protesting for hours
NEETs like to blame everyone else for their own failures.
Having nothing left to lose puts crazy ideas in some peoples' heads.
You seriously think you should discuss that kind of stuff to co-workers?
Those are sensible topics for lot of people and topics on where people dont want to be lectured or told about, and can degenerate the job relationship.
Its the same as having a relationship at the office, distracts you and the people youre involved with from the actual work.
Pretty much. It takes years to get over the spite since a good opportunity seldom comes along.
I can and have been doing it for years now. It may amaze you, but some people can accept that others have different world views than them and still respect the other person.
you are talking to a jew probably. jews arent insane and spiteful like white people are these days. they can handle different opinions without have a spaz attack
Because they're rural and suburban retards.
Because only autistic no life retards have the time and energy to rage about stupid bullshit all day.
Have you ever thought that youre lucky to have work relationship with educated people?
Since worldwide "educated people" is an endangered species.
>the death of civilization
>stupid bullshit
Get a load of this normie.
>It's okay, goy, you can talk to me about anything.
>Whaddaya mean Israel isn't our greatest ally? What are you, and anti-semite? Oy vey, I'm gonna talk to your supervisor about this!
>implying it's real
Lol. That's such a typical thing that a delusional basement dweller living in his own little self reinforcing racist bubble would say.
The US is already a multicultural nation. Globalism, pushed by the US, is already a thing, it has already been achieved. You can't say you're fighting against the death of civilization if it's already dead.
I'm a NEET and very /comfy/. I save my money to travel to poor countries and have sex with their best women. I don't pay them either, they just fuck me because I am handsome as fuck, white and they think because I speak their language, that I must be very educated.
I recently went to South America and fucked a 9.5 who is a doctor. She was wild in bed.
She must have thought she had got herself a successful Chad, but she got herself a loser Chad who pretends to be successful.
I'm gonna do it again soon.
Because successful people don't want to see society collapse.
>has money
>implied bennies
Way to reveal you're not white.
Nice. I did something similar as an ESL teacher in Thailand.
>dat flag
>all jews are the same
>all whites are the same
You can be a free neet through dividend/investment income, otherwise you're always a leech either getting neetbux from the government or your parents.
You haven't lived until you've done this. I walked around South America feeling like a KANG just because I am white, good looking and compared to latinos, tall.
Pretty much this.
Fpbp. And this
Hard to keep a job with a flagrant disregard for authority.
Having something to blame your failures on while simultaneously giving you a sense of community and purpose is how you recruit angry young men
Yep. Any meme degree will work for a visa, and ESL certifications are easier to get than a driver's license. I pity the men who've only experienced the attitudes and behaviors of western women. Thailand changed my life forever.
I did, though most of the blacks at work are dumb as a shoe
because they force you to work 8 hours a day so you come home and don't even bother to think.
You just make dinner and watch the news.
True NEETs are very rare.
Most people are in some sort of education,training, or part time employment.
Since getting back from South America, I've noticed I'm not even really paying attention to women here anymore. I'm just saving my NEETbux as much as possible so I can go back.
DESU, I think I would rather have a job, but not here, the women here are shit. If I'm working, I'm not working to give my money to some horrific twat here.
Because people that don't actually take part in society often have extremely warped views of it.
>be alt right
>have job
>go to rally to show your views
>get exposed
>lose job
>family disowns
>nothing to do
>have to NEET
Where in South America did you go? I've only been there once, but it didn't exactly inspire me to get snagged.
Colombia. Can't help but shake my head at all of these wagecucks who work their asses off to give money to some fat bitch who is a 4 at best. That would drive me nuts.
I've never been in or around Columbia. Their skanks are slim and nice?
Yes, especially in Cali. Go to some of the shopping malls there, and the women will blow you away. It's great if you speak the language like I do, gives you an excuse to speak to them. "PodrĂas ayudarme un momento, por favor?" Haha.
Highly recommended.
If it's anything like Thailand, there's a distribution. Some hot chicks, a lot of average chicks, and some beasts. The thing is, as a /fit/ young white male above 5'10'', you should be consistently netting the best girls who are, yes, slim and nice. I didn't even speak their language, kek.
So I went and did the college thing, towards the end I realized I was duped. Said fuck it, I am young strong and a male. I will work my way out this mess.
Every fucking trade job that used to pay 40$ an hour now pays around 10$.
Why? illegals. But to them in mexico and guatamala that 10 - 12$ is like 40$ they build big fucking houses and have 4 kids off that money.
The people who hire illegals are truly the scum of the earth.
I'm probably going to put a bullet in my head at some point, i'm 30 now. Still poor, but now i have injuries from working in dangerous trades and I have nothing to show for it.
I legit wan't civil war because a male's life with out purpose is torture
Haha, yeeeessss. Thanks for confirming this.
Eh, can't say I'm in to the cali scene. Glad you liked it thought m8. I don't mind bongs enjoying the scenery here.
having enough free time to yourself is pretty much necessary to have strong political convictions
No, Cali in Colombia. Be careful though, it's a bit dangerous.
Sorry user. My STEM degree was a dupe too. I was getting $12.50 an hour to wageslave as a lab tech. So, I decided to spend a few weekends getting an ESL cert. Not only did I make more money in Thailand, I banged innumerable hot women without the emotional Marianas Trench that is western women. I can't wait to get back into the action. Fuck the American rat race to the bottom.
I'm a somewhat disabled NEET who never went to uni. I can explain English very well as I taught myself Spanish to a nice level. Do you think I could still work as an English teacher?
Why should they be normies if they are fucked up by the system?
far-lefts are neets because they think they deserve to be paid for their existence by the government
far-rights are neets because they think they don't have jobs because of affirmative actions
Nah, far right NEETs are generally NEETs because they have some kind of mental problem, like me.
>Do you think I could still work as an English teacher?
Absolutely. You'll have trouble getting a working visa without a degree, but you should still be able to get a working-holiday visa to teach English abroad, albeit for 6 months at a time instead of a year, since you're from a commonwealth country. Otherwise you seem to have the pulse and ability to smile during a Skype interview. I'm not sure if it's better than your current vacation paradigm, but I'd say go for it if it seems interesting.
I'm bored as fuck being a NEET as I have nothing to do. Mental disability has somewhat fucked me over in terms of "official" education, but I'm finally reaching the point where I can do something with my life. I'll check out my options. Thanks, user!
I guess they have more time than otvers to dwell deeper in their political interests
>being bored
Brainlet detected.
>All are generally NEETs because they have some kind of mental problem
NEETs have too much free time to travel down the rabbit hole of politics and to explore the outer reaches.
That vagina you were fucking was a cleverly disguise boipucci lol
Damn you're right i guess all the white ppl i have seen in my life are actually blacks wearing cleverly disguise too