Will Putin step up against Islam?

Is this man the saviour of the white Christian world? Will he take a step against Islam, will he try to get rid of the tshurcas for good? Is He the man Europa needs the most, a strong, based badass who doesn't give a fuck about what EU thinks or does.

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Why would he? He's playing this just like always.

But why?

Muzzies are ideal subjects to the Tzar. I would bet he preferred Russia was 100% muslim. Would make it so much easier to completely control the country and harvest its resources.

turkey shot russia's fighter plane and this eunuch did nothing lmao

They have their fair share of Muslim problems but it seems they are not full retard for them either. God bless Russia and Her glorious leader.

Do you think a 100% Muslim country would allow a non Muslim to rule over them?

He isn't, he is a cuck that loves muslim cock, I have plenty of Russian friends here and they all tell me that they loved putin but now they realised he is a cuck.
They tell me that Putin let's the muslims do anything in there and that there is a lot of mafia from the stan's countries in moscow and that you can't do anything against them and Putin doesn't do anything against them because he is a cuck

nice bite, but anyway

no , putin is multiculturalist and anti russian in general. He promotes christianity , thats true, but he never step and never will step against islam. The point of this , as i think, is , surprise , USA. If he steps against islam , there will probably be anither Chechen war, and USA and Saudis again will support Chechens. And we have many muslims right under our tummy. All this -stans is our zone of influence, but with anti islam ritoric they will turn away from us and let the US in. We dont need another military bases here.

i blame US and their domenistic policy.

I remember in the beginning, Putin was pro russian, he was anti commie and talk about Russian Empire ancestry , about doministic postition of Russians. But somewhere in 2005-2006 everything change. Why ? i dont know

There are no strong leaders in the region minus Putin. Is he a man of Christian faith? Will he deal with muslims?

>Is he a man of Christian faith?

hes a ex KGB agent. You really think that he can be christian?

>Will he deal with muslims?

for sure - NO

U think he's dumb enough to stir the hornet's nest??

why do christians always act so high and mighty when they're just as vicious at heart as muslims are

instead of actual aggression its passive aggression, i bet you don't even care about christianity or god and only care about europe

No he is not. Over 14.5 millions islamists in Russia is a proof. He is just dealing with them like everyone else.

He got those dogs in line long ago.

This is basically what all of my russian friends tell me

Correct. If you've been paying any attention, that underbelly is what the US has been targeting for many years, They're trying to corner him in to an impossible situation.

>Putin playing the game right

>Putin playing the game he wants to distance hismelf from, banging the table

The switching out of translators is the best :D

Putin will have 200 Auschwitz size KZ`s nationwide in order to kill the subhuman shitskins

Putin has literally said before that he thinks Russian Orthodoxy has more in common with Islam than it does with Catholicism

by 2033 we will sned all mudskins to the Konzentrationslager where you learn to work before we put you in a mince-meat shredder

stop hiting the bait restart fagget!!

>hes a ex KGB agent. You really think that he can be christian?
Well current pope is a commie

What do you mean by that? I'm not a xoxol.

Well Assad is an Alawite and most Muslims don't consider Alawites Muslims.

Orthodox redpilled Christian. Also, ever hear of Russia in Afghanistan?

He is killing dollar with BRICS, AIIB and other projects that he have with China, India and many other countries. The collapse of dollar will take out many countries, including saudis too. Once both of those threats are down, he can fully proceed with his plan.

>take a step against Islam
I know that this bait but no he cant. Russia has conquered Muslim territories that it's not planning on giving away without a fight. He has been relatively successful and controlling them so far. The leaders of Muslim republics are very pro Russia and Putin. Also doesnt mean he will stop overtly fighting terrorist groups instead of helping them like some Western countries.

>Is he a man of Christian faith
Putin is Christian.