Can anyone drop a redpill on race mixing, possibly supported by scientific research?
I need to redpill this one dude who says if there was one race everything would be better.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck do you care what one random guy thinks? Constantly spamming him with images and storm front shit won't make you more right, it will only make you look like a cunt
Apparently this guy doesn't like diversity......
Here you go, have at it.
He asked me for evidence to why race mixing is negative.
Thanks.This will help.
Yes, all my heritage, my identity, and my life is solely based on the pigmentation in my skin
znaš i sam da je to sranje bošnjo de malo uključi mozak pa mu objasni
Brate ovaj lik je zatucani libtard i trebaju mi malo bolji izvori ali evo dao je ovaj momak gore.
Your bf is a retard
izlgeda ok, gdje si? sarajevo centar? ne znam gdje jos kod nas ima libtarda kojima treba objasnjavati
>if there was one race everything would be better
This is total bullshit. Human kind has always been all about the us vs them mentality. If there are no foreigners to hate, people will start hating the people from the next town or the next block or whatever. Xenofobia can be controlled through education, but erasing your culture and race won't achieve peace.
Just look at all the brutal wars in Africa, for example.
Da Sarajevo centar sam, ali ovo je jedan lik na yt, nije uopste iz Bosne.Dat cu link kanala ako zelis.
A hvala u svakom slucaju zatrebat ce za jos libtarda.Jesi i ti iz Sarajeva?
The biggest problem with race mixing is outbreeding depression caused by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes that have evolved over time in divergent populations. Hybrid vigor does occur, but only in the F1 generation. Hybrid breakdown or outbreeding depression begins to occur in subsequent generations.
In the following link, you'll read that when two populations of boodies (separated for only 10,000 years) were crossed, scientists feared that the offspring would be affected by the breakdown of coadapted gene complexes:
In the next link, you'll read that when two subspecies of lions were crossed, it created retarded offspring:
More links about race mixing:
Think I cherrypicked these? Search "coadapted gene complexes" on Google and see what you find.
Bad goyim with your common sense.
daj link da vidim, nisam iz sarajeva, iz banjaluke sam, kod nas ima jedno 20 libtarda sve skupa ali znam da ih kod vas ima bar toliko ako ne i vise - gledao sam proteste za abortuse u poljskoj i tako to ... standardna lib sranja ... necemo ulaziti u domacu politiku jer je jos retardiranija od libtardstva
Black Americans are a hybrid race of around 22% White ancestry
This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Indeed, consistent with Haldane’s rule, unmixed Blacks from Africa and White Americans do not have the same rate of birth problems that hybrid American Blacks have: “In 2005, the mortality rate for black infants was 4.4 times higher than that of white infants… African women who come to the United States and have babies experience the same low rate of infant deaths as white American mothers.”
“Indiscriminate interbreeding between distinct forms, whether ‘species’ or markedly different races, is not generally beneficial. The defect may show in a change in the sex-ratio of the offspring, probably caused by the early abortion of members of one sex, generally the male in the case of mammals.”
LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.
The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213.
You're completely right, even all white nations have fought each other in the past... All humans are in the end apes and therefor we need humanism and good morals to excel
There is evidence that the more similar the two people are, the happier their marriage tends to be.
One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.
Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776 [
Evo link.Mada ime video ne spominje rasu kasnije lik krene pricati o tome.
Although some argue that race mixing "averages out" traits and since average faces are considered more attractive [
However this is fallacious as it assumes we are designed for perfect symmetry, when in fact the magnitude of asymmetry is the correct measurement and this random component fulctuates, also called "fluctuating asymmetry" - so more honestly a lower level of asymmetry correlates with increased attractiveness, not symmetry.
But does increased heterozygosity cause lower asymmetry? A meta analysis of 118 datasets in 14 studies showed a very weak inverse correlation between the two, showing that increased heterozygosity has no beneficial effect on symmetry or asymmetry
One study on the craniofacial morphology in White-Amerindian mixed race individuals found that over half of the 52 shape variables deviated from the mathematical average completely shattering the above argument.
thanks bro
Thanks a lot
No prob man.Have fun.
I da nasa politika je gora od libdardacije 20 puta
Are you saging your own thread?
Your heritage is more than just the color of your skin. People want to be proud of "white heritage" because they're fucking dimwits who don't know shit about their real heritage.
Yes your haritage is more than just your skin, but that is bit the point.Look at the posts above, they all show health complications that cime with race mixing.And another personal problem I have with race mixing is that I want my children to look like me.If I have kida with a black woman they will not.
sve lopovi i hohstapleri, i narod ojadjen do te mjere da vjeruju da ih prvi, drugi ili treci (((brani))) ....
strasno, iskrenije je bilo dok smo se klali, ovako oni nas kolju za generacije koje ce doci i placati njihove usrane kredite, a niko ne dobija niti gubi
Ma fuj katastrofa.Ko fol troclano predsjednistvo da predstavi sve etnicke grupe, ali ustvari ne predstavljaju nikog.Samo guraju sebi pare u dzep jer rade za (((njih))).Jebeno rasulo.
u medjuvermenu ce arapi ili neko treci pokupovati zemlju pa se svi zajedno etnicki mozemo jebati
Arapi i islamizacija me stvarno plaše.Sve veci broj ekstremista. I ovo dolazi od lika koji je odrastao u muslimanskoj porodici.Svi se svojatamo za ovu državu ali zapravo nije ničija.
>One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.
There was this one girl in high school who was like Kryptonite to me. I only spoke with her once or twice (happens when your school had 2000 kids in it) and since we were never in classes together, I never got the chance to get to know her/make my move, and I ended up banging other girls while she stayed single.
To this day, she's still my kryptonite, 13 years after graduating, and I stalk her facebook to jack off every so often, even though I'm engaged to someone else who I've been with since 2010.
I never could quite figure out why my mind kept coming back to her until I read that study a couple years ago and I realized that she was also blonde haired, blue eyed, with large eyes, a strong nose, and a strong jawline with a bit of an underbite, and thicc like JLaw, all of which are traits that I also have (except I'm man thicc like Chris Pratt). It was kinda creepy.
I still jack off to her facebook.
It also explained why I've always had the hots for my 3rd cousin, who again looks like a hot, female version of me.
TLDR: Biological behavioral determinism is weird AF and leads your brain loaded with the subconscious urge to fuck and impregnate female versions of yourself blaring like an air raid siren every time you see a girl that comes close to fitting the bill.
naravno da nije nicija, granice su tu da se igramo drzavotvornosti a u realnosti drzimo svoje narode u pokornosti ~ neces imati kore ljeba za jest ako ne glasas, ako ne udjes u partiju (koja god je aktuelna), ako se ne smjeskas direktorima (partijskim), i tako dalje
ovo je zemlja okupirana, samo je okupacija tiha pa se niko ne buni, oni koji nisu zadovoljni pobjegnu van, i to je najveca tuga; samo mi kmetovi ostajemo da se mrzimo onako bezveze jer je neki od nasih lokalnih lidera rekao nesto kontroverzno - stvarno debilana veca od libtardizma
jesmo li svi toliko osjetljive picke postali ili smo samo umorni od svega?
Ja definitivno jesam umoran od svega, a ima i tog drugog.Globalno ljudi postaju picke.
Ne znam zasto jednostavno se ne mozemo dogovoriti ni za sta.Dvije strane kazu jedno, treca kaze drugo i tako stalno.Jednostavno nemam rješenje ta ove prostore, ili smo jednostavno pod kletvom vječitog rata.
Nadam se da ćemo mi mlađe generacije bar nešto učiniti, mada čisto sumnjam.
white + non white = non white
white = right
racemixing = less whites
even if person looks white they might have mix down the road which ruined their iq and made them actually not white. just look white.
izbjegavati lokalne mitove i misljenje vecine jer je ono obicno oblikovano (((fondovima))) ...
nemam pojma brt, nismo jedini, vidis da se svi dijele na razne frakcije, cijeli svijet se balkanizuje na toliko mnogo frakcija da je tesko ispratiti, ali jedno je sigurno - (((neko))) od toga dobro zivi .
U sustini nema strana jer svi zivimo isto sa istim strahovima i ocekivanjima, samo politike i medijska manipulacija ... trust no one
There is nothing wrong with racemixing, retards. Pic is me and my bitch, you jealous? ;)
What grants the human species more potential for survival? Lots of different genetic strains or a single intermixed strain? What happens when we all share the same genetic makeup 100-200 years from now and a disease wipes us out.
Think of lots of vegetables and fruits nowadays? We have bred them down to a few strains and we always here about a disease wiping out vast amounts of crops.
a Kalergi Plan polyglot mongrel mixture is not good, stay away from it. (((They))) want you to Kaergi Plan mix and dilute your Adamic genes, DON'T do it.
Mislim da se razumijemo sto se tice (((izvora vecinu svjetskih problema)))
This my jam nigga
arguable pic
better than wasting dna away by being childless anyways
Nope sorry, not into beastiality.
I would rather die alone than make another shitskin. Impregnating fat nigger women is the ideal example of wasting your DNA. I better use of it would be on your cum rag. Lel.
So much this.
>I better use of it would be on your cum rag
So this is how alt-righters are born