>A federal judge on Friday said that the court could not compel the IRS to turn over President Trump’s tax returns.
Mueller and resistance fags btfoooooooo
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Donald...The tax returns...
>trying to get injunctive relief via the Freedom of Information Act to get another individual's tax return without their consent because he happens to be the president
I agree with the judge. This argument as a standard for legal relief is totally fucking baseless.
How many supreme court judges does he get in his 8 years?
you mean 2 right?
I wonder why Trump doesn't want the American people to see his tax returns...
We could get him impeached, you know.
If meme magic worked to get him there, it can sure as hell take him out.
Would be worth the lulz.
Because they will show that he overpaid his taxes like a scrub.
finally, a white pill.
Impeachment would be fun. Imagine watching the hearings, calling Senators' offices, dressing up in frog costumes and standing in front of the WH with "IMPEACH" signs. . .
I'd do it.
Obonggo isn't president anymore. Dems can't use the IRS as an attack dog anymore.
I don't care about Trump's taxes in any way, shape, or form. I wouldn't dislike him if I learned he had spent his whole life telling the IRS to fuck off.
I'll cast meme magic right now to ward off your heresy and protect the president.
These digits confirm
This will be fun. Trump turned against his base, no one will support him during his impeachment process.
>nazi flag
Congrats on being a tool
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Executive Director: Marc (((Rotenberg)))
Every time.
you're the fool if you think his taxes would reveal anything at all, let alone something related to "russia"
probably four. Three of the Justices are 80 and Clarence Thomas could retire toward the end of Trump's tenure to give him another.
If he turned them over they would show Trump's many investments in Secret Space Program projects. He owns Tesla's work, THIS is how he made his money. Real estate was just front.
When Trump said he was Batman, he meant it.
It's just a coincidence.
if it was reversed and trump released his taxes but hillary didn't, u autistic right wing retards would still be chimping out throwing feces at your mom's boyfriend
I love the taste of justice.
Okay THIS is delusional
he'll get one more max.
It's "their" tax returns dumbass. Maybe Melania is against releasing them as well. It's her private information too, you know.
Based Bill and Hillary had no problem releasing decades of tax returns
That's because they're true American patriots. Not billionaire globalist elites like Trump.
Nice try but normie tears> tears any day
Nope. Most reasonable people feel those are personal documents, and AFAIK, there is not a legal precedent stating they have to be released. I thought it was just that it has become "customary" to release them.
So no, I wouldn't be freaking out about that bitch not releasing them. Now the CF documents, yes, and by law as a "nonprofit" they have to.
I don't believe for a minute that Mueller doesn't already have some of them. Or maybe at this point it hardly matters...
What is he hiding? and most importantly why are people itt so happy that he is hiding it from the American people?
Did they ever release the tax returns on their 'charity'?
lol that's hilariously ironic coming from right wing retards who splerged about emails for fucking years that there was no legal precedent for her to have to provide
It was customary since 1972 for people wanting to run for president to release their tax returns in order to show transparency and also conflict of interest. Jimmy Carter even had to sell his peanut farm when he ran .
But Trump is a billionaire globalist elite who is bought off by foreigners so of course he wouldn't release his tax returns.
They released decades of personal tax returns. Why didn't Trump?
the 1999 surplus was a lie. even wapo doesn't debate that.
Because people in Palm Beach will see he's not that rich.
Please archive or screenshot unvis.it
lol no it wasn't
right wing retards just think that anything they don't like is fake
right wing retards don't even know what a budget surplus is
anyone who lived during that time knows that the US ran 4 straight budget surpluses. The US was on top of the world.
lol u retards are fucking hilarious
just like u claimed the unemployment rate was magically fake for 8 years then all the sudden magically it's not fake anymore
u retards can't be taken seriously
oh and btw they release tons of financial statements
Who cares. I hope the good goy suffers. He's probably hiding all the bribes he got from the kikes.
>2 terms is what he meant fuck face
2 terms = 8 years.
that's not about Mueller you fucking moron, you didn't even read your own source
Why is it delusional? Those kikes are old as shit.
So they didn't release the tax returns of their shell company they use to launder their campaign donations then. Thanks for answering, danced around what I asked like altlefts usually do.
Not tax returns though. Sorry sweetie, but Trump released a ton of financial statements too. :)
It even a little bit. The arguments for him to release his taxes make me believe half of America has never actually filed taxes. The information they want isn't contained on personal tax forms. I heard everyone released theirs, and as close as I followed the election, I never bothered to look because it's meaningless.
thx for pointing that out leafbro
you're right it has nothing to do with mueller
no wonder he didn't post the link
right wing retards are pure fake news as always
By raiding the SS fund you fucking faggot
No he didn't. They released decades of tax returns. Trump showed 2 pages from 2005.
Lol you got cucked by a billionaire globalist elite u sad pathetic loser.
>By raiding the SS fund you fucking faggot
u right wing retards are still splerging this hilarious fake news meme?
a president can't raid the SS fund u fucking lunatic
inb4 he put his hands in the cookie jar
u right wing retards are literally autistic dumbass children
I love the way the right wing retard mind works. Anything u retards don't like, u just come up with insane conspiracy theories that make no sense.
He could stuff the court with more justices like FDR did if Congress allows him.
Hold up, are you Obamaleaf? You're already resorting to .jpgs, I'd like to know before I spend five minutes arguing with a shit skin. Might as well spend ten minutes talking to my dog at that point.
>if Congress allows him.
you haven't been paying attention have u?
Lol u got btfo so hard. Stop being a retard. You know I'm a white male and u know that u right wing retard autistic nerd virgin billionaire globalist Kochsuckers are a fucking embarrassment to my race.
Your fake news has no power here. Not when I'm around. Bitch.
We're 1/8th into his first term.
yeah, Obamaleaf alert.
Have fun autistically going through your Sup Forums folder though, I know your handler loves when she has some alone time.
lol you're so gayly desperate for a pic of me
i told u to fuck off and find yourself a boyfriend
the last thing i need is right wing retards jerking off to pics of me
i love how badly u got btfo
u got fucking massacred
You retards need to catch the fuck up. Mueller is over. I'm on your fuckin side idiots. Read your fuckin memos
now i am interested in trumps tax return too
>Believing a leftwing retard when they say "we're gonna be debt free in ____"
suck on this
Fuck off ShareBlue
I don't give a fuck about tax returns. I don't care if someone skimped out on this shit like I do every fucking year. I seriously don't. Fuck off before I get the rake.
What is he hiding!?
you right wing retards love it when your billionaire globalist dodge their taxes
you've been trained and programmed since birth to obey your wealthy elite commanders
there are no bigger cucks on the planet than you right wingers
We may never know
>Hating on muh Trudeau mus mean you're slavishly devoted to Harper
Mental manlet
Oh and
>your pic
>anywhere close to letting tens of thousands of Haiti and Somali niggers swarm across the border illegaly
Trudeau's still worse dumbfuck
Who said I'm right wing? Are you projecting? I said I don't give a fuck about tax returns. Neither for Hillary or Trump. Stop being a faggot before I come to Toronto with a fucking rake.
>Stop being a faggot before I come to Toronto with a fucking rake.
try it bitch
If you hit me I win
If you lose, you win
>if u lose u win
>the irony of posting the loser and acting like she won
>i have no idea how the electoral
college or any part of our government system works
and that's why you're always gonna be a nigger, and everything you believe in is a fucking joke, you child.
>Not considering the US dollar itself has gotten stronger since 2011
>implying CAD being weaker than USD is a bad thing
Leftwing mental manlets everyone, I see why you prefer to shill for US politicians.
>they literally used the Russia investigation to try "anonymously" releasing his tax returns
It's the oldest bench in history. Ginsburg is guaranteed to drop dead soon or retire. Kennedy will likely go in the next 7.5 years and maybe Breyer. That's between 3-4 in total.
Trump could leave office with a 7-2 bench. More likely 6-3 but that's still a good improvement on 4-1-4
Show your flag, faggot.
lol right wing retards are so triggered that they lost the popular vote that they had to make up 5 million votes
holy shit u right wing retards are fake news masters
>illegal immigrant don't exist
>finally, a white pill.
Indeed it is.
Mueller definitely has access to all of them.
shut up nigger lmao
>Dahnald... hand over the tax return, Dahnald!
>yfw the clintons assasinate their political rivals instead of fighting them in court
vince foster
Hey its an obamaleaf thread!