Left wing lunacy thread

Post the most degenerate shit you've seen from lefties

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No lefties should justify this, but my God do they do anyway

>Liev Schreiber alludes to child abuse on talk show

>Sup Forums finds even more photos than pic related to prove need for investigation


I cant name a single reason to justify leftism.

Fuck I was so horrified when I saw his son dressed like Harley Quinn. Very disturbing.




What's degenerate about this exactly




I love pusy and that's disgusting

furfaggotry is kind of quaint at this point


Excluding the leftist cancer, furries are alright.



Thats not even the worst part of the video. Didnt save the webm though for obvious reasons

>the willy dance

this is pretty rage-inducing


I kinda agree, fuck entitled old shitbags, they're the irl Jews of society.



Because muslims are forced to wear it. When female muslims or larping faggots are in a free country, that get up is the only thing they know how to wear. Kikes push those clothes as "true freedom" in free countries. Its the equivalent of nigger clothes.

>righties talking about degenerates


>Vice supporting the regressive left
Good thing I already knew this. God Damn Vice


>because yay vulvas
the absolute state of western females


Anyone who disagrees with us is literally Nazis

>right wing
do you even wikileaks bro

Rothschilds are a fuckin joke




Think about it tho, no one will question or even talk you out of it, it's your thing man.

But when they least suspect you pull the gun from under your furrsuit and kill the guy you hate, then just run like nothing happened


The kikes have learned. They saw we were using their own websites against them.


>humans not having some kind of degernate fetishes they hide from themselves everyday but act morally superior to one another
Really makes me think

That bitch is showing way too much face. What a whore.

That one is fake though

Ellen Degenerate can suck start a 12 gauge.

I feel sad for the baby

Anyone have the MAGA furries?

Here I fixed this haram piece of shit whore



>a grown man having an emoji version of themself as their profile pic

What a faggot lol

When furfaggots where the bane of our existence. Simpler times. Take me back...

>checks flag

This one isn't

She made fun of Taylor Swift's autism


Because muslim women cover their tits... Nothing is more degenerate than not giving up some of that tits and puss.

>anada.jpg (397 KB, 1242x1659)

>Not even having anus ones with turds hanging halfway out.

What is this 2016?

There are parts of twitter noone should view

>when lefties think "righty" is a word

Dear slut from college

I can do way better now

>tfw no one to willy dance with

>literally just 2 parents having some fun with their kid
calm the fuck down cunts

D-does ayran waifu actually have autism?


Daily Reminder that leftist have more rape on children and women than rightist.

this shit pisses me off how do leftist always think they have the moral high ground when they are full of degenerates



buzzfeed's period blood obsession
buzzfeed in general

Sharia law doesn't seem so bad anymore desu

Holy shit

Hey breitbart

Hey Milo

>blm ruining a monument
Damn it, just when I wanted to revise some of my own country's history. Good thing that I went to see Gettysburg before the leftist take down the historical statues.

They are pretending to be sucking dick.. Together.. On their baby..

I dont do that shit with my baby.. Never even remotely got an idea like that and its certainly not funny. kys potatonigger

can you retards not fall for fake screenshots once in your lifetime


Anything Chris-chan from the last 2 years.

Once Bob died it was all downhill from there for him.

Makes me rage internally

>look at all those lefties out there having fun....
>doing things, sharing things, accepting things...
>thank god I have achieved moral purity
>my life as a keyboard warrior monk has flushed degeneracy from my system
>oh, except for that trap porn, but what's a lonely guy to do?


>Literally right on the image
Christ. I wanted to laugh, and now I can't.


The scary thing is TV doesnt even take note of this lunacy.

It would be a great show that would get a lot of views if every week they showed all the nut jobs out there.

>They show what we say and that's violence.
America, you're in for a wild ride.


Still waiting for a photoshop of this thats literally just a guys legs spread out showing his dick


This picture proves Lesbians only need a mouth.

Too bad they are all getting fatter and fatter, at least in the US anyway. Women are SO easy anyway when they have nothing else at all to offer at all. I'm still waiting for the lonely old hag bubble and all of the female copy-cat products to sell so I can cash in on all their FAILURES lol.


>the willy dance