What dpes this symbol truly mean?

what dpes this symbol truly mean?
is it actually white supremacy?
the black sun its called i think

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Read up on Himmler, Savitri Devi, and Miguel Serrano in particular. It's not a white supremacist symbol, it has been stolen by modern white supremacists and misused.

It's of some batshit occult origin that I don't understand other than that it is of "cosmic scope", not political.

Jupiter symbolism.

It's just a trendy flour sifter.

Its a butthole hence "black sun"

faggot pagan shit

true, but the symbol is a combination of a few different old occult symbols.

the combination itself originates in the third reich.

Old symbol for bright sun/new sun. At this point there's no deeper meaning to it than "it looks cool"

That's actually wrong. It's a much older pagan symbol which was incorporated by the third reich much like the swastika.


It's a thousands of years old esoteric symbol. Not sure what the deeper meaning is, but there is a very deep meaning. The surface meaning is a full solar eclipse.

You're getting into some deep Esoterical National Socialism

Watch this youtube video:

It's what SS really stood for to the initiated.

It's literally an /x/-tier symbol. It has nothing to do with supremacy. It's just a paranormal symbol for whites.

Some faggots said it was a portal to the spirit realm or some shit. Others say it's the sun who protects europe

No, its just the sun under Jupiter which the totally opposite of the Judaism which is the moon under Saturn.

It's a very old way to transmit the "intentions" behind the political structure. Same goes for the eagle or random stars (Hexagram, Heptagram, Octagram and so on)

Three Concentric Swastika

Heavy Shit OP

It symbolizes Americas crinkled, cracked dry asshole seconds before the globalist pecker slams into it.

Circle of eternal peace.

Idiot. You spread misinformation. It is the black sun, it represents the spiritual force completely opposite to sun worship. It represents the dusk, and of course the dusk is when the sun is in the WEST.

Speed Metal Against Communism?

Supposedly it harks back to a time when Earth had Saturn as it's Sun/Star/physical source of light.


Watch this series as well.

I find German uncomfortable to listen to.

I can explain what the "black sun" means. But to do so will take a lot of energy on my part. Is right.

I'm willing to explain if there's enough interest. Usually when I explain these things the thread dies immediately after so it feels like wasted effort.

Pure nonsense. The black coloring is infrequent and not indicative of specific meaning. Sun symbolism has ALWAYS had ties to birth-death-rebirth to match the rising and setting of the actual Sun.

That's because of the anglo poison in your ears.


I would like to think that this too is also relevant. It may be a clue that the father deity god of paganism is Saturn. Always remember though, anons. No capital G. Not supreme.

Higher Res

Hit me. Read Kybalion, Liber777, Manly P. Hall, Kabbalah and New Testament in the last week.

I think the psychosis can't get any worse now.

Hit me.

>Always remember though, anons. No capital G. Not supreme.
You said it, brother

Not just blood.

"Everything is the light."

--Nikola Tesla

You must be new or somewhat naive about sliding threads. That kind of thing is normal. You shouldn't be so concerned with what you get in return. Your efforts are welcomed and the energy you use in it is not wasted. It will reach who it is meant to reach. I am definitely interested, user.

Thanks for posting that, good sir.

I hadn't noticed that before. Thanks


Thank you.

The black sun is a representation of the monad, as are the Swastikas and Sun wheels of many religions. The monad is a representation of one, a point where all comes and returns back to. This is a crude explanation, but is the Logos-centric, tangible basic means of understanding.

To truly understand it you need to understand various other topics. This is where things get long-winded, and I'll try to be as accurate as possible, but keep in mind that our third dimensional prism brains are not fit to fully comprehend in its entirety. We can only come closer to Truth, but never fully reach it until we leave this plane.

ahnenerbe took it from tibetans. they worship the galactic center, a black hole.

here is the document

I wonder if what the Kybalion says is true.

That humans are able to tune into 5th or 6th dimensions, and in the highest dimensions are astral beings also known as angels and demigods. (This is basically what Alex Jones said in JRE interview, he citated Kybalion which is nowadays supported by science).

Moreso, that beings like Jesus and Buddha were men, who transcended and decided to go back into this realm to teach other people to the Path.

The more you meditate on that book, the more sense it makes.

Nice Trips btw

If I'm a little scattered please forgive me, it's part of why these topics are difficult to explain. The best thing to do is to meditate on symbols. This is central to all forms of magical/occult practice for a reason. Symbols, speak more than words because they wrap more meaning into them than words ever could. They are overtly rational. In fact, many symbols and commercially used logos (Logos-logo) carry with them a will that bypasses rational-conscious comprehension to get supplanted in the subconscious.

"The symbol is basically an over-rational one. It’s impossible to explain in a rational way, at least not from the limited position of human beings."

Another thing to understand is that your subconscious is what is driving your conscious understanding, and the subconscious is a source of Irrational comprehension. It is Irrational, but it is what makes you "you", and is easily programmed not only by yourself but the environment around you.

By the way, this entire topic is IMMENSELY related to politics. As most elites understand what I'm going into very well. Truth is, the majority of people don't have "free will", and the ones that do aren't fully free. Hopefully what I explained can help you understand why this is so, and why systems like democracy are just a sham when you have idiotic masses that only believe in the things they do because they are programmed to without knowing, yet will think they have "enlightened" critical thinking skills with all the rational control over and mastery over their world, without ever acknowledging the existence of the irrational subconscious foundation the rational Logos is built upon.

More will be posted

Hmm. Interesting. So essentially then, it symbolizes the Source of All. But the one thing that has me not able to reconcile this is that if Light is information then Darkness would be ignorance. The Source would be composed of both. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest choice to go with a symbol that is all black for something that is supposed to express Light, Darkness and the grey in-between, if they wanted more to know. But then again, being that these are matters of the occult, perhaps it was deliberately hidden too.

You have given me much to ponder. Thank you, user.

>That humans are able to tune into 5th or 6th dimensions
Whoever wrote about that can't describe those dimensions, so why should you take it as more than a proof of concept?

>and in the highest dimensions are astral beings also known as angels and demigods. (This is basically what Alex Jones said in JRE interview, he citated Kybalion which is nowadays supported by science).
"Angels" or "demigods" are likely FAR from being an accurate description of whatever is there so keep that in mind.

>The more you meditate on that book, the more sense it makes.
If by meditating you mean accepting whatever is written as truth regardless of if you followed the rational process necessary to reach the conclusions or not then I'm afraid you gained nothing but a new perspective, and if you believe anything that's stated as a fact with nothing to back it up then you've just put yourself into a mental trap.

Red sun is better

It is a pagan mysticism for Germanic people.

It is better than (((christcuck cross)))


all natsoc symbols from black sun to swastika represent astronomical and mathematical concepts. no mystical woo needed.

it represents the invisible superhuman government of the planet

interesting... I learn something new.


Looking at the top image in you can see that the black part of the symbol is not the light itself.


Thats me

>triggered christcuck fell for the bait


This is close to accurate, but it's missing a lot of details.

To better understand what I'm talking about here, you must understand Chaos and Logos.

Logos is essentially, in its base, the rational front lobe world. Mathematics, order, the will, a thought form that you form in your head. It has many more deeper meanings the more you read and concentrate on what it means, but for now we will just go with "rationality".

Chaos will be a little more difficult to explain. Contrary to what has been established, Chaos has two meanings. There is the common, corrupted, contemporary usage of destructive disorderly chaos. This Chaos is only an emanation of the true conceptual meaning. The Chaos used by ancients is what we can call Primordial Chaos. It is a realm outside of the Logos. It encompasses all that is and all that is not. The created and the uncreated. The Logos exists within this Primordial Chaos, and destructive Chaos is what exists within the Logos. Destructive Chaos has usurped Primordial Chaos because at times (BUT NOT ALWAYS), it's associated with a return to the Primordial Chaos. See pic related and wonder why this is done so (deliberately) and why it's so dangerous.

I'll wrap everything up in the last post.

Please elaborate.

Schwarze Sonne, possibly an iteration of the obergruppenführersaal or the Sonnerand at Wewelsburg. According to post-war Hitler esotericists it was the meaning of the SS to the initiated.

It featured heavily in Wilhelm Landig's Thule series and of his teachings in the Vienna Lodge and Serrano's own in South America.

The obergruppenführersaal and sonnerad were supposedly painted on the last SS evacuation aircraft instead of the swatiska from the Kammlerstab according to Rüdiger Sünner.

BTW, what is the meaning of pineal gland in your perspective?

Indeed, that image and explanation does help in trying to understand it better. It also may lend some more reasoning as to why the globalist powers were so keen on destroying them entirely. If the black sun symbolizes Order, and the Luciferian globalists follow the creed of using Chaos to create their own form of Order, that would be a perversion of Order of the highest magnitude and make them completely opposed to one another.

It's mean center of the universe

Aurora Borealis.

You're welcome.

This is a good example to go off on.

What you need to understand is that you can associate Light with Logos, and Dark with Primordial Chaos. However, dark doesn't necessarily represent willful ignorance. The Light represents what our rational mind comprehends, what "exists" and is created, while the Dark represents what isn't included within the Light (but nevertheless exists). Our Logos is associated with rational thought, Chaos with the irrational and "objectively" "impossible".

In a sense, you can think of Light existing within the Darkness.

This part is going to get really confusion, so I'll try to answer questions regarding it to make clarifications. It's central to understanding what the "monad" and "black sun" truly represents.

>In a sense, you can think of Light existing within the Darkness.
you mean like how actual light exists in a vast dark universe filled with undetectable dark matter and dark energy?


That will literally be a pain and worth its own thread.

Basically it's the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I'm not even going to start to go into that here as it will derail the thread. However to ward of confusions, the tree of knowledge represents our consciousness and it begins with the splitting of 1 into 2. There is an old Persian tale of a cannibal sorcerer King who would feed brains to serpents that grew on his shoulders, and from that he gained knowledge. Just to go to show that this story predates Christianity.

Nevertheless, Christianity is a good religion to follow. Something I want to make clear for anyone who goes further on their own. Keep God close to you at all times. All religions are different lenses of helping primitive apeman into viewing the Monad I'm trying to talk about, and helping them develop into the Uberman. Unfortunately, there has been corruption in all of them as well (entropy throughout time and deliberate destruction by idiots and the truly evil satanists that can only exist by sucking off the energies of those that they entrap). Avoid looking further into it as it has driven people mad. You need both fortitude and the (un-seeable) light of God close to your heart to guide you. Notice why "lucifer" is the brightest of God's angels? Almost blinding.

With that said, keep in mind the term "lucifer" has been corrupted through false translations and wrong protestant interpretations of the bible.

There's truth in the saying if you gaze upon "God" (the monad) that it will destroy you.

The Black Sun is the sun illuminating the other side of the Flat Earth. The Green Ray or Aurora Borealis is the light of the Black Sun who passes trough the hole at the center of the Flat Earth, the so called North Pole

>Avoid looking further into it as it has driven people mad.
Fuck, I think I am getting there.

All in all, is 3rd eye meditation dangerous? I already experience more vivid dreams and feelings like heroin when I practice it.

Should I stop?


Since I haven't received questions I'm just going to wrap things up before things go out of hand.

Basically our rational world is built upon the irrational all. The uncreated, unimaginable, but possible exists within the Primordial Chaos. From that Chaos, Logos gets manifested. However not all Chaos is good, and not all Chaos is bad. It is just a state outside of "existence" that the demiurge(s) draw upon to create/expand the Logos. The demiurge is not necessarily evil. The issue therein lies upon how the "lens" is adjusted. What is filtered out from that Chaos and added to the Logos.

There are many different philosophies and interpretations to what this implies, which I'm honestly not going to go into, but you guys can ponder.

Pharmakeia (not magic) is condemned in the bible. Biologically, drugs close off your natural opening of your "third eye" by creating artificial negative feedback loops where your own pineal gland stops producing the hormones in place of relying on an outside stimulant, causing it to shrink. Avoid using anything that you think helps you "open it" as it would do the opposite in the long term.

Third eye meditation in itself is not dangerous if you have a pure heart. If you are with sins, and don't have closeness with God, it leaves rooms for demons and other malicious things to creep in.

What about this.... hmmm

In summary, the black sun is the lens from which creation emerges, and the lens from which it returns to.

Read what I wrote and concentrate on what that gif is doing.

>Third eye meditation in itself is not dangerous if you have a pure heart. If you are with sins, and don't have closeness with God, it leaves rooms for demons and other malicious things to creep in.
Fucking hell man. Having read enough Chaos Magick, Goetia and whatnot I was suspicious whether beings as demons exist but now that you seem so sure...

I do believe in God, but I don't see why he would condemn third eye meditation. What drugs are you talking about ? I am always sober.

Its an ancient occult symbol

it represents the black sun, possibly the Eclipse (which would make sense because of solstice celebration in pagan europe)


Creation isn't necessarily the right word here, but I'm sure you guys can figure it out.

Issue all stems back to our lack of words to portray these concepts A better, more comprehensive explanation of my posts can be found here.




The blacksun is the light source (sun) in the center of the earth.

So that's what the two black doing.

The reason I asked this question was because I wanted to wear a symbol that represented Europeans, and I liked the look of the black sun, but I didn't want to be called a supremacist for wearing it

He doesn't "condemn" it.

Anything to do with the black sun is essentially opening a gateway to the uncreated. You need fortitude, knowledge, and the holy spirit to help guide what crosses it.

Yes, Demons are a real thing and should be banished and avoided at all costs.

However, it's important to note that Demon comes from the hindu Daeva, which the Zoroastrians associated with evil.

How do I know if I already occupy demons because of my meditations?
Please respond.


Just do this.

Repeat to yourself "I banish all demons and negative entities from within my Being, and let the light of God and the Holy Spirit cleanse my soul and fill me". Do this over and over until it becomes a habit.

Another thing, demons are warded off from "love". So if you fill yourself with love of everything (including the demon) it will be repelled from it and try to escape.

You probably don't have demons inside you though, just curious what makes you think you do?

I'm not a demonologist, as I don't touch that shit for good reasons. Good luck man.

Black Sun in Milan Cathedral

>just curious what makes you think you do?
The warnings many christians say about opening the third eye. Other than that, no any feeling of presence or anything. Just cautious.

>Nevertheless, Christianity is a good religion to follow. Something I want to make clear for anyone who goes further on their own. Keep God close to you at all times. All religions are different lenses of helping primitive apeman into viewing the Monad I'm trying to talk about, and helping them develop into the Uberman. Unfortunately, there has been corruption in all of them as well (entropy throughout time and deliberate destruction by idiots and the truly evil satanists that can only exist by sucking off the energies of those that they entrap). Avoid looking further into it as it has driven people mad. You need both fortitude and the (un-seeable) light of God close to your heart to guide you. Notice why "lucifer" is the brightest of God's angels? Almost blinding.

Interesting. It explains why those christcucks prefer the white lies for the sake of their comfort. Instead of the truth.

I realize that Nazi is not evil because they try telling something truthfully. This explains why Kikes are very afraid of them.

Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

And/or some medication.

English is a Germanish Tongue... (until the fuckin Normans came and inflooded our wordstock with a bunch of meaningless words.)

>You probably don't have demons inside you though, just curious what makes you think you do?

I don't feel anything anymore. No love or whatever.

100% this.

It's literally anus

Watch The Myth on YouTube. Its long but worth it.

common copypasta/pic posted in these threads when the goyim start getting a little to smart.

(((christcucks))) need not apply

even their talisman look like coin hmmm

I heard a rumor

The cassini space probe is about to be crashed into Saturn. It will sink and gravity and pressure will crush the lead casing at mach 20 slaming it into the 22kg of plutonium fuel. Saturn is made partly of hydrogen, its basically a sun that never ignited, like Jupiter.

Imagine if a nuke going off in Saturn ignites it as a sun just as the eclipse happens

It goes back to the time of the old gods and the first sun


>demons are warded off from "love". So if you fill yourself with love of everything (including the demon) it will be repelled from it and try to escape.
They also thrive on fear. So stop being scared.
And start reading up on, you know, actual Gods.

>pebble now with bluetooth