Best search engine according to Sup Forums?
Best search engine according to Sup Forums?
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still Google
Depends on what you are looking for.
Just general search or do you have special interest?
Google it
Searx. Startpage is fine, too. Also check out zeronet. Its sites are not fully featured yet, but they can't shut it down.
If I'm swearing off Google, I need another go-to search engine for everything. I've been using Bing.
What about startpage?
What about duckdukgo?
Fuck Fuck No is great in english, but works shitty in polish :/
what about "wolfram alpha"?
>What about duckdukgo?
I use DuckDuckGo for everything unless I feel like Google can deliver better results in certain cases.
startpage actually uses G--- doesn't it? You do know G---is (Larry Page))) and (((Sergey Brin)))???
I've got it. Use It's Russian and brings up when you search for "alt right."
whats the point of switching though? retards
ignore Black Pigeon. He spams his shit privacy stack. He's a tech newbshit. Find your own favorites.
Startpage / ixquick
Every search engine does sells your data so it doesnt really matter.
I've started using brave browser with qwant as default search engine.
Much better than Firefox and google
I switched to Yandex. Only search engine I know that can still do +search.
>a bunch of Americans begin using yandex
>they search for degenerate porn and Hitler images
>Russian authorities are baffled as they raid the wrong houses, American IP too confusing
I've completely switched over to Bing....yes it takes a little time to get used to but it's pretty good, worse in some ways but better in others
Look at the top results for "alt right" (or any other un-PC topic) on Yandex vs Google.
Just keep this in mind boys. If you happen to have a successful company and you experience explosive growth make sure you NEVER employ the same type of cunts that were offended by this dude's letter.
Microsoft Bing
Pale Moon user here. Don't fall for the AdNauseum or Brave scam. Pale Moon comes de-Googled — something that Waterfox and Brave (and Chrome, Chromium, and Firefox) are not.
I use the Compact Moon theme with Pale Moon. Preserving my privacy, defeating trackers, and eliminating ads are my goal. Addons I recommend are:
All-In-One Gestures
Change Referer Button
Compact Moon Options
Cookies Exterminator
Greasemonkey (with Sup Forums X)
HTTPS Everywhere
Privacy Settings
Secret Agent
uBlock Origin
Then, strip out any dormant Google connection thusly — Run Pale Moon. Type "about:config" in the url bar, search for "safebrows". Delete the two url entries you see on the right side. Then, enable anti-fingerprinting thusly — Type "about:config", search for "canvas.poisondata". Double click to toggle it to true. To test that it is working, go here -
Then, block ads and trackers before they even get to your pc — Modify your HOSTS file.
That combination is how you maintain privacy, defeat ads and trackers and SJWfox, and how you disconnect from Google. For further disconnecting from Google, use ProtonMail for email, and use or for searches. For further privacy, consider using a VPN such as PrivateInternetAccess. For even better privacy, use a VPN that originates out of a country that isn't a member of the Fourteen Eyes.
Yandex with ice fox you dumb noob notech weeb fucks.
I use opera
Google, DuckDuckGo
Depending on purposes, sometimes to see if there is contrast.
metamind of my hive
Good list. I also suggest No Resource URI Leak and Pure URL. You may also want to change user agent, and switch to something more common to further stray from fingerprinting (such as the latest chrome).
>Don't fall for the AdNauseum
let's just pretend that I already did
what's your reasoning?
They truly are parasites. They find a productive host and attach themselves until they drain it of excess wealth, then move on to another. Human resources is the primary infiltration vector.
Duckduckgo, though a good browser, is run by a jew, which means that goyim are going to be sold out in the end. So better use yandex. They also have a good storage disc and music section.
Searx is the best. You can even download it and host your own instance. Duckduckgo is a sham
What is this, a PNG for ants?
For a biologist, that guy was a massive dumbass.
Duckduckgo you cuck
for some really big ants
been using Qwant for a while, recommend it
always a fucking leaf
He has that merchant horse face
Couldn't be more obvious that he's a provocateur
Damn, he's really milking it isn't he?
>calls someone a cuck
>uses cuckcuckgo
really alignes my fingerprints
moron his story made international headlines it was one of the first cases in which a serious critique of egalitarianism was presented to the normies
I'm just used to Google now. I know how to use it to get what I need.
Bing and Yahoo seem to be all ads for the first half of the results page. Fuck that.
Idk. I like Google's platform. I use that adnausium app to fuck their ad revenue up so I figure I'm doing my part
>not an arguement
Bing. Google is shit. Horrible design. Bing is much faster and prettier. Bing wins every time.
Pretty funny how he did that whole "Broken up with Google. Alt-Right is my new friend!" thing the same week that the Alt-Right were revealed to actually be Nazis. Bet he thought he was getting into a nice comfy gravy-train of biotruths and mansplaining, too.
Been using yandex for a while now, since jewgle's been censoring my searches more and more recently. So far I've got no intention of returning back.
Definitely not Google. Avoid everything Google, for multiple reasons.
I use Duckduckgo but some autists at Sup Forums think it's a botnet. Startpage is good too.
Baidu. It turns up a lot, unless you're searching for some incident that didn't happen in Beijing in 1989.
I bet thats why you still post on Sup Forums even though Hiroshima runs the joint, eh?
Names database was fairly privacy orientated as well. Yeah, classmates is scummy, but I doubt you'd care for 10 million
cuckcuckyo looks like shit tho
It's like theyre too dumb to realize it's a link marking it came from ddg, not marking it as you. Duckduckgo just wants some sweet sweet link money. Literally fucking nothing.
>Serious critique
>Title of the memo contains the word "echochamber"
That word would fit perfectly most organizations based in Cali.
yandex. the slavs started to cooperate with america then realized america was just jerking them around and never wanted to be friends so they stopped cooperating
its like their version of google but with 99.99999% less shit hidden due to copyright/tm or piracy infringement . like google before it was sold to india. i want to say they were partnered with google but the sale of google broke that deal
But freaking Google?!
Even if the contents of the memo were correct, (which they weren't) he went about proving his point in the most idiotic way. If he really had a problem with the policy then he should've waited for the next town hall meeting they were going to have. Instead the dumbass went ahead and sent a memo on their servers during working hours that implicates 19% of their staff as undeserving for their job. No wonder the dude got fired; it shows little self-awareness.
But it's another layer of abstraction with google, so you don't have to use it.
>b-but it's ok because
There are search engines who are far more trusted and respected than DuckDuckGo that don't do this. When you are picking out VPNs or mail providers, the only thing you have to go by is how much you think you can trust the host. That's why so many people on Sup Forums use instead of encrypted protonmail, despite the owner of being able to open and read each and every email that gets sent through it. Search engines are treated the same way. If you think you can trust DuckDuckGo, then go for it. I don't trust them.
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