What the fuck wrong with these people. I mean seriously
What the fuck wrong with these people. I mean seriously
>nb4 he tweets "I'm as healthy as Hillary is"
I know right. The man is obviously nuts we dont need a test to tell us that.
They want war, plain and simple.
Because we all know Democrats are trained mental health professionals and the consensus of any group is very important and indicative of the truth.
Introduced by
>Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-Calif.)
Joke's write themselves
its fake it tell u make it tax parasite ego totally detached from reality
Whoever did this is an idiot. He's already undergone psychological screening, as per protocol.
Unfortunately that screening is bullshit, consisting of questions like "spell 'world' backwards" and "say the names of the months starting from December backwards."
Don't laugh. The Supreme Court justices take the same test to prove competency.
Make sure you know it.
this bitch looks like she is literally possessed with evil.
Nigga anyone who drinks and drives can tell you the fuckin alphabet backwards
This ties into the the dems trying to get Trump removed without impeachment. Basically, they want to prove he's mentally unfit so they can remove him and (lol) have pence take his place.
its just #resistance this shit isn't going to come to anything
Try it sometime. It's kinda scary how many people can't do it on the spot.
Then ask them what 5 x 8 is.
projection by these anti-White fucks
Imagine what WHITE GENOCIDE would be like.
You would have to flood EVERY & ONLY white countries with millions of non-whites.
Then you would have to demoralize ALL whites by screaming the R-Word! at them if they objected
Then you would have to pass laws to FORCE integrate all those non-whites into every facet of White society
Then you would have to…Oh wait. This is already happening!
They say it’s “anti-racist” but it’s simply anti-White
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
I don't see any refutation of what I posted, so I will assume you implicitly agree
Desperation is rarely pretty.
mass projection
>Trump is mentally ill
>the Trump administration is in chaos
>Trump supporters are nazis
literally describing the average liberal's behavior right now
Faggot. At least post the rest.
Agreed. Looks like the Trump is winning.
Why bother coming on here faggot? You're not gonna score any points.
i mean honestly what kind of autist would think this guy is mentally sane?
triggered af
Didn't know there was a game to score approval. I'll try harder next time.
That's not a human.
what the hell is wrong with her, holy shit
dems are even more dishonest that establishment cuckservatives
tfw when sever congniting impearmens
He's on record as stating he's never been to a shrink so how the fuck would he know?
This made me laugh way too hard
Robert Steele predicted this.
Look, all this shit is just going to give Trump more power. Do you really think they would be stooping to such low levels if they had any legit reason to oust Trump? They're scared. They're running all the same narratives they ran with during the election, and before. Remember, guys, said over and over again that Trump would be killed in the election, but still ran bullshit after bullshit on him, over and over. Why would they bother if he was going to lose anyways. The same still holds true here. The more they cry, the more we're winning. It's as simple as that. I don't care how many
>Mexican intellectuals
Agree. They don't have shit on him, they will never get anything on him, and they are in full on panic mode. I'm still waiting on that impeachment that was coming down
>any day now
They're willing to do their best to toss the nation into a war of any sorts to get their way, because it's their last option. Well maybe not their last... I still kind of think that this will never end, not after 4 years, or 8, it will continue and they're hoping will be so maddening that no one will ever want to elect another conservative again, because they just don't want to hear the crying.
im just amazed that Sup Forums foresaw this back in may. before this week, i never heard a peep about that topic.
i wonder if (((they))) just use us as a playbook. honestly, who would see that coming? if i'm correct, we're writing our own dystopia
What's the matter, right wing retards. Don't like a little taste of your own medicine from the last 8 years?
Actually this isn't that bad of an idea.
Every president should be tested regularly especially if they show erratic behavior patterns.
They are pushing as far left as they can to try and make leftism seem like centrism.
Obvious troll, or if not, an ironically useful idiot of the nazis.
looks like his hands have been hit by a shrink ray though xD
Everything the libs say reeks of projection
They are all about to go to jail. Criminals who know they are about to get caught usually get erratic...
They're rudderless, as a party. They have no core principles, and are just reacting and all they have left for "discussion" is shit flinging like this. They don't stand for anything anymore, it's just Trump hate, 24/7. It's not a party, or a movement, or an ideology, it's a mob, and it's lost it's power, and is freaking out.
And, if they can force a mental health exam on the President (which was done as part of vetting him before the inauguration), then I want ALL Federal level politicians tested. You have an election? You get a test. I want Waters, Pelosi, McCain, all of them tested. We have people in the Senate and House who are straight up fucking senile.
Bring it, libs. You test him? We test ALL OF YOU.
I've never been to a cardiologist; how do i know i am not having a heart attack?
I fail to see how Trump is any worse than any other politican in the west. The only difference is that the media is glued to any word he says and spinns it out of control.
Obvious cuck, and if not, an ironically useful idiot of daddy donny's cult.
>You test him? We test ALL OF YOU.
That is why their emoluments clause faggotry went absolutely nowhere. The only way to get him charged with an emoluments violation would be to read the clause so broadly that every single single politician in washington would be in violation of it.
Reagan spent the last portion of his presidential term being sequestered away as his Alzheimer's took over, it wouldn't be a terrible idea so long as it was orchestrated by a nonpartisan group.
givin the number of suicidal trannies running around these days, I would put much stock in any mental health pro these days
You guys realize he *does* have dementia, right?
democrats are getting desperate
>conservatives defend having a literal moron as head of state
why am I even surprised?
>Describe yourself without using a superlative
lol. Look at this nignog cocksucker who doesn't watch Trump every time he speaks in front of a camera.
They're not even hiding it, and everyone just ignores it.
All enemies of the Jews are "insane" and "monsters". It's how they operate. Just open your Bible.
oh I do. It's fun to compare him on video 10 years ago versus now. /yourguy/'s cognition is going faaaaast lmao
You afraid of the truth? He's clearly the worst narcissist the world has ever seen, has delusions of grandeur, is excessively paranoid, anti-social, with borderline autism.
If he weren't rich and famous (i.e., if his daddy wasn't rich), he would have killed himself long ago.
I think about this often. What e.g. if Putin has a stroke at night, awakes with a schizophrenic episode determined to nuke the world.
Or what if Kim at some point know it's game over and decides to do the school shooter on a global scale.
Who would stop them? Who would stop Trump and what time frame would be needed for that action?
fake news
>always accuse your opponent of what you're doing
They're mentally insane and are projecting their own insanity onto Trump
lol trump is the biggest kike lover out there
He should take it under the condition that every other office holder in the country takes it as well, that means no more John "brain cancer is the answer" Mccain and the resignation of virtually all democrats republican super majority overnight 14 dimensional skydiving buckaroo
He's a fat seventy year old, what'd ya expect?
He hasn't exactly been a master of coherence either.
Also a tad ironic to ask "What's wrong with these people?" On a site where some genuinely believe Hitler did nothing wrong.
fuck off shill. sage this and hide it.
For a moment there, I could have sworn you . were talking about Obama.
Lol obongo didn't even remotely get as trashed as bush did.
Would do for bragging rights only
They are over playing their hand. The think CNN and Morning Joe are indicative of public opinion. They're wrong.