This just in: No one likes the president you morons voted in! WEW
This just in: No one likes the president you morons voted in! WEW
Other urls found in this thread:
I would prefer Mr. Potato over any politician. Doing nothing is usually better than anything politicians can come up with.
Literally an Irish poll
Who is Donad Trump?
Breaking news
Leftist poll in an echo chamber gives the result they want
Really activates the almonds
>thinking anyone sane has Louise 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA' Mensch on their feed
>she's married to a jew
(((Twitter polls...)))
The only thing you wish the Russians would hack.
what was her psyop code name? something fish. she was being referred to as something fish like leftyfish or laughingfish or something
and it was obvious in context but i can't search for it because i don't have any good pieces. someone knows what im talking about. it was in one of those fbianon-style threads and as time passed it was proven legit
she had a codename. what was it? anyone?
>No one likes the president
Then who the fuck voted for him? Dogs?
Just replacing my own flag with a nazi one just to piss you off baby
Removing Trump from presidency is literally the worst thing that can happen.
isn't that some movie? she was being referred to in discord chat as something. "fish" might be wew lad a red herring. it could have been L.M. but i really think it was fish. i'm full-on hating myself for not having saved these in a folder i can search for, and also not remembering. but i'm sure someone more autumnal than me can provide this intel
maybe i'll find it or think of it but if i saved that discord log, i saved it in my election folder that is like 9 gigs of unsorted nonsense
I voted for based farage m80, don't know what you are talking about.
luckily most americans do love trump
and want to exterminate people like u!
Yes, it's the name of a movie. I've never used discord, but I'm pretty sure I've seen mentions of 'swordfish' around here. Possibly unrelated?
Nobody voted on that poll seriously, if there was no president then the government would be lacking i.e more people would suffer.
Only the retarded would vote like that in a serious life/death poll.
definitely. it wasn't that. there was a log posted from a discord and it blew up here. i can't even remember the context, but it was fbianon related. ill find it.
Hey remember when this fucking CUNT said there were indictments and Trump was about to be fucking executed? This woman has the brain of a bake potato.
Please post here when you find it. You've piqued my interest
either way she's a drug-addict who is likely being controlled by big big big bigwigs
do you remember the discord chat im talking about above?
at least President Baked Potato could assemble and maintain his cabinet.
it was LIMEY
hang on
Now you know DAMN well Sup Forums does the same thing...
Louise was mentally hurt by drugs and is from England. Also 10,000 voted, change the election! Not even a high school football stadium in Texas is filled!!
FPBP, but doesn't that mean you would like Trump?? Since this admin is getting nothing done apparently?
Who is Louise Mensch?
the internet and media is a leftist orgy and they ain't ready for the truth
Do they ever
Yes, usually nothing good though.
Whoa you mean an echo chamber had the same opinion, who'd a thunk it?
Holy fuck, this stupid bitch is a politician? I thought she was just some low rent, Z-list nobody. Jesus fucking Christ.
>not supporting the modern nationalist president
Fuck UK and fuck white people die already you retarded ugly anglos. I hope UK gets bombed
Sad but true.
>forgot he was on Sup Forums when he posted this reply
>no one
>Twitter poll where the majority of users are in a leftist circlejerking bubble