Remember that the point of paganism is to reject white values and to reject preservation of the white race while justifying it with some quasi-Hinduism with Whothefuckvayna replaced with Odin and Thor.
Fuck off with your pathetic samefag fucking autist.
Thomas Young
Gabriel Gonzalez
Pagans are typically urbanites that are overly-obsessed with nature, although they will usually favor modernism over traditional architecture. All of your pics aren't related to paganism.
Anthony Powell
Andrew Allen
Pagans favour beauty
Jaxson Flores
Lincoln Kelly
Stupid hipster bullshit
Robert Sanchez
Justin Robinson
Nathan Robinson
Isaiah Powell
Josiah Edwards
Levi Mitchell
>jeans >no undershirt not worth it
Also, Quinque viae
Samuel Nguyen
> when Whites embrace their own culture
Luis Reyes
Oliver Lewis
Pagan tribes killed each other and ruined the Roman empire.
Luis Stewart
Aaron Hernandez
Yeah nordcucks didn't play a role in the fall of Rome, not at all. It was all Christianity!
Robert Turner
Luis Taylor
Austin Hill
cringe thread?
Kayden Gomez
Gabriel Price
Nah, Roman Empire ruined itself.
Easton Sullivan
Jackson Cooper
Much love for Norge!
Hudson Taylor
You do realise that the tribes that sack rome were christian of the arian sect, but considerd heretics from the point of view of the latins
Jacob Thompson
Lol, the only national flags i'm seeing aren't even from Europe.
Jason Wood
christians sack rome and preform the standard iconoclasm. not pagans
Juan Brown
/pg/ newfag here, I'd like to ask a general question. As you can see from my flag, I'm from middle europe, with one family originating from north germany and one from formerly austrian-empire-held poland. Where do I belong? What specific pagan religion would fit?
Juan Flores
> "Yeah nordcucks didn't play a role in the fall of Rome, not at all. It was all Christianity!"
but i suppose the Germanic form would fit well considering your ancestry
Gabriel White
New to paganism here. I'm an American mutt, but my father is almost completely polish so I'll worship the Slavic gods.
How do I do this? I can't find any resources on them. What I want to do is experiment with different ways of worship and keep track of my results, and eventually put it all in a big binder or file and spread my knowledge.
Kevin Morgan
> "Be a good goy and don't create White children!"
Carter James
Blake Gray
Austin Ross
Pagans don't "worship" anything in the same way as Christians or Jews or Muslims worship their god. They have a different mindset about worship, and about many things...
>implies I'm a baby >proceeds to link random Varg video to try and disprove my point Pagan scholars 2017 everybody
Kayden Rivera
Explore the Slavic history, Gods and faith. Look in to their relatives and their faiths as well to get a broader picture. Survive the Jive speaks of broader indo-aryan religion, but he has a more Germanic focus
Alexander Richardson
Visigoths saked Rome. Visigoths = German paganism
Mason Thomas
Who made the video is entirely irrelevant. The truth remains the truth, regardless where it is seen or who it is told by.
What does matter; is truthful history of what actually happened versus imaginary history and misconceptions.
If you wish to believe in lies and propagate them, and stay ignorant, that's your choice.
Samuel Cooper
Those Visigoths and Ostrogoths by that time were Christians. Traitors to their race.