52yo dad starting down the path to divorce. Any of you young folks need advice on family, women, marriage and life in general? I'll tell you the stuff your dad doesn't. AMA
52yo dad here AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting a divorce
>offering advice
No thanks
Nice pirate shirt.... arrrr
HA! I see your point. Believe me I tried.
I believe that's a Members Only jacket.
Are you planning to find a tine you twink whom you can support financially and take advantage of sexually? For many here, it seems like the most problem-free solution.
in the end was it worth it ? and how hot is your soon to be ex wife
Why are you getting divorced user?
How do you get confidence?
Can you post your big fat dad dick?
So tell me the stuff my dad doesnt then..
So this was a interracial marriage ?
Epic pic. I'm 48. Divorced. Want to set the world on fire. Not even sad or mad. Just disgusted at being alive. You blackpill yet or still in the post-breakup bliss?
Any cute daughters?
What ultimately lead to the divorce?
>INB4 financial problems
Did your wife's friends have anything to do with the impending divorce? Or did they (or one in particular) ever cause problems for you previously?
The only relationship that has ever bothered me after the fact was my last one where I was pretty much sidelined by one of the ex girlfriends friends. After, I told the ex, look at this cunt, she fucked you over with having s good thing with me and then when she gets into a new relationship, you'll be left out to dry. Dumb bitches
Can you tell how many men your wife fucked before the divorce?
Also, see a lawyer.
Oh great a divorced nazi baby boomer, where does the queue start?
Redpill us on the true nature of women, please
>path to divorce
parents been married 30+ years, grandparents 55+ years, no thanks dude
twitty is good tho
were the 1980s as good as people say?
Will you have the same amount of sex after having children? Will it be different?
Any problems with the tightness of the hole??
Having a family is a basic human instinct and I have a wonderful 16 year old daughter who I'm very close with. That part is worth is. Financially though I may likely never be able to retire even though I've been diligent about saving simply because I have to give half of it away. That's the part that sucks, but at least I tried.
What are the warning signs to look out for that she won't make a good wife?
Were you faithful to each other?
Virgin here
Are women worth marriage? Or should i just wack a bucketful and donate it to sperm banks?
And how can i be the next Genghis Khan?
God i am a sad lonely virgin
Asking the important questions. You heard him, OP, show us your daddy cock
Wife is abusive and self centered to put it bluntly. I got right with God about a year ago and asked for a miracle. This is part of that and my daughter is on that journey with me. It was at her urging that I move forward with the divorce and we go to church together now.
Fix your life and order one on the internet for the lulz. Not everything is lost.
Whats the primary cleavage causing the divorce?
I am breaking an engagement because we do not see eye to eye on a number of issues. Not good!
Does going Asian instead of white really make a difference?
If it does, is divorce rough enough to opt for a private marriage and 3rd party surrogate children? Thanks in advance, I'm 24 and about to start a new line of work.
Not sure what you mean by this. I am a manlet BTW and the challenge of the marriage and supporting the family has lead me to not care about my size.
What do you think of people that never want children? I'm 28 and I don't want a family.
Menopause is humanity's most closely guarded secret.
So it was her who got divorced?
Yes I'm Irish and she's white.
Is it best for young men not to partake in this and cut their losses early instead of the financial and emotional turmoil that trying to find a women/raise a family is?
Some bliss. I feel like God has me in his hands for now and is being very generous.
One, 16 and very beautiful. Also nearly as red pilled as I am.
>wife is abusive and self centered
Sorry to hear that dadanon. Who will have custody over your daughter over the next two years? Your ex wife will undoubtedly try to set her against you
how sexy does your ex wife look like? you think shes going too get alot of boy toys
Absolutely. The suburban white housewife is one of the nosiest creatures in the world.
What has caused people to be much more likely to get a divorce in this current age when compared to 30 years ago?
>Fix my life
I may have to respawn in a new life for that
I am a 5ft 4 autistic neet
Just decline the divorce papers. Government can't force you to divorce her. That way Chaim can't take your shit.
Not a baby boomer by any means. Technically the first year of Gen X, but quite a bit different than either. I had a very rural upbringing that kept me isolated from a lot of the cultural trends that started in the 70s.
how is the sex after marrying? and 10 years after that? and other 10 years after that?
The most significant feature of women is that they have a stronger in-group identification than any other group you could identify. It colors every single way in which they view the world. It trumps even family connections and children quite often.
Like eating the same slice of pizza every day. Except you shit it out whole before you eat it again.
explain ?
Thanks god, I am gay. I have a great bf, who is redpilled as me.
OP, I wish you all the best of luck.
>doesn't know who Conway Twitty is...
fucking millenial garbage- disgusting. Go listen to some oogah boogah.
There are the obvious ones like controlling behavior etc, but the real problem is that marriage can change even a good woman. It's like the old saying "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The nature of divorce laws give women this power and corrupts them. They lose any motivation to compromise since they know they hold the cards and without compromise a good relationship is impossible.
So basically it's a crap shoot even with the good ones.
Physically, yes. Faithful means a lot of things.
The only thing I have to ask is 'did you learn your lesson?'
This is why I came here.
God loves you anyway
You've misidentified it. Women actually hate and compete ferociously with their ingroup. What you've noticed is actually their unfathomable self-interest and solipsism; it exists on the level that they actually consider themselves each a representative of all women. They don't actually feel solidarity with other women "under attack", they're so self-absorbed they consider themselves under attack because they think they personally represent all women.
Been married for 12 years, sex is less frequent than it was at first but can still be surprisingly great and uninhibited.
>learns about music from family guy
>calls other people millennial trash
OP we need this
After marriage, women lose the motivation to compromise because they know they hold all the cards. Then their friends get involved and unskeptically validate every single complaint they have. Then if you try to get help you find that marriage counseling is the most misandrist industry on the planet.
>sex everyday in marriage
If you are going to LARP, try a little harder next time.
Powerful brainwashing. The most basic drive of every organism is to reproduce and if that desire is being inhibited, it's a sign that you've been hypnotized on a societal scale.
What is your most valuable advice in terms of finding a wife and producing a family? What personal mistakes have you made?
>inb4 don't get married
I filed. My daughter said, please divorce mom and let me live with you. So that's what I'm doing.
>he didn't learn about Conway Twitty through GTA San Andreas
Hardly you shit cunt, I'm from Texas, Twitty is like babies first music there.
That can easily be considered a rational decision. I'm somewhat surprised that it's taken men this long to begin abandoning marriage and family because the selective pressure has been against him for easily 50 years.
LOL. Can't keep your own marriage together - gonna tell others how to act. I can fuck up on my own, tyvm.
>he thinks black empowerment vidya is culturally relevant media
it's time to stop posting, hero
is your daughter gonna disappoint you with brown kids
Too late. Daughter and I are very close and she's adamant about living with me.
Nice digis
Also, 29 year old maid of a femanon here. Should I just give up, go for my PhD and get a bunch of cats?
Sup Dadanon. I'm in my mid-30s and married a snake in the grass bitch in my mid 20s. She 180'd about 3 or 4 years after marriage and showed her true colors with regards to nagging and being self-centered. After a year of begging me for a kid I sacked up and got a divorce. Shit sucked for about a year.
Two years ago I met a girl who ended up being the true love of my life. She does not care about a marriage, unless we decide to have a kid or two, for tradition's sake. She even brought up a prenup protecting both of us should something ever change, not that either expects that to happen. Most salt-of-the-Earth, easy going, loyal and friendly woman I've ever met or been with.
That first months/year(s) will be rough, but stay positive. There's likely plenty of women in their 40s and 50s who would be a great match, some probably getting out of a relationship with a cunt of a husband who will share the same values and mindset as you.
get your brain examined for toxoplasmosis
This is now a Kanye Twitter thread
Fucking this
Ever since menopause 5 years ago she's lost any interest in sex and most don't know, but many women can no longer take a penis in the vagina after their hormones stop. Based on current published research it's nearly impossible to tell what this proportion is.
>Should I just give up, go for my PhD and get a bunch of cats?
Yes, you will get a comfortable lifestyle. No more stressful, no more BS.
Changes to the divorce law that allow one side to leave the marriage with very little consequence while at the same time causing a significant imbalance of power during the relationship.
Anyone else notice the increase in larping femanon's recently?
Hit up match.com
Also, PhD in what?
Start lifting. You will appear taller though you're not and the higher T will drop your voice an octave.
Plenty of people shouldn't have kids
they were shitlibs who came here to raid a week ago and were indoctrinated, after every normie raid we gain a few hundred and some of them are wams who crave nationalist chadseed
can you share some of what you know of this secret please?
The celibacy is the toughest part of marriage. Many if not most women stop having sex after menopause at around age 50. I don't know if this is 100% true, but I'm sure I'll find out before too long.
How did you mate a Members Only jacket with the puffy shirt?
Also, 34 and married with three kids. Should I kill myself or kick her down the stairs or both?
Pretty sure I have those little bastards in my system already. Fml.
I'd post tits, but because this is Sup Forums, I will not. Here is some pretty nude sculptures though.
Why would I want advice from a failed man much less a failed father?
hello dear, hows your new love?
Humanities area, probably a language or lit. I'm going to stop answering questions though, because I don't want to detract from DADanon's posts.
>Any of you young folks need advice on family, women, marriage and life in general?
Why would anyone in their right mind get advice from you?
You are just here to vent and tell some stories. I may pity you because there nothing an old man needs more than to speak.
Haha no thanks you obviously have terrible advice. My dad married younger than him by 15 years do not need your shit advice.
Geez so many aspects. But a big part of it is that rather than focusing on their own nuclear family, they focus more on their social connections with other women leading them to bad decisions about their marriage.
For example, women often let their friends talk trash about their husbands when the first reaction should be to say Fuck You.
They also put too much focus on their family of origin which should come second after her own family.