He's either going to be impeached, assassinated, or resign, isn't he

He's either going to be impeached, assassinated, or resign, isn't he

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The second

he's gonna serve his full 8 years
and it's gonna be awesome

Nope. Nothing will happen. Nothing.

Yep, feels fucking good desu.
Most hilarious part, is Alt-right niggers were the one who caused it.

Drumpf is too much of a chicken to go anywhere without an army of security because he knows the US public would lynch him

Sup shariablue. Were getting more far right guys in. Hillary and the John Podesta clan are all going to be rounded up and shot to death.

no, hes going to call martial law if any libtard or rino tries to do anything like this and the entire military plus the american people will hang every traitor in the country.

You're getting reported and a sage, faggot

Why would they need to do either of those.

With Bannon out, he's just (((their))) puppet now

>Yep, feels fucking good desu.

Kill yourself nigger

Nope! Support of Trump is actually up! Don't believe the fake news.


In all likelihood so. Resignation is the most likely scenario after he cuts a deal with Mueller to escape prosecution for whatever that investigation is looking into. The question is "when" and not "if." If he's still around next fall then the Democrats likely pick up the House, win many gubernatorial contests, and may even fight the GOP to a draw in the senate contests. Throughout the entire western-democratic world there are issues that topple governments and produce political change: 1) the economy and 2) corruption and scandal. So far the Obama economy which Trump inherited is holding but Trump has scandals and potentially corruption coming out of every orifice in his body.

im a communist and im afraid you right, some no-one like obama or even sanders gonna be elected and the whole country gonna go back to sleep, at least with trump antifa is growing, organizing and arming itself

And now his watch has ended.

No.. The American heartland, the silent white Christian majority will stand by their leader and fight for them against the tyranny of the coastal cities if they must.

At least if hes assassinated, everyone will finally take antifa seriously as a terrorist organization.

In terms of probability
Assassinated > Resign > Impeached

No. His optics have improved now that Bannon has been fired

the CIA are planning to assassinate him on television. don't ask me when.

He'll hire a ghostwriter-public speaker to make tailor made statements to get people to calm the fuck down and learn that both Communists and Nazis are just Socialists and Socialism=Evil.

Words aren't equal to violence u zombie

Yea like every other US president including JFK

Said the increasingly nervous MTF lesbian for the hundredth time this week

If he is Assassinated we're coming for all the cucks and commies

Nope. He's going to make his 4 years. Second term is a gamble, right now. His presidency is a fucking mess, currently, but we're only 7 months in. If he can somehow make shit normal somewhere between now and Nov. 2020, then he can win reelection. So far, resignation is the most likely, followed by assassination. Impeachment shouldn't even be an option, it simply won't be.

No you won't

Hello to all the feds is this thread. Sector 3

The American Heartland is populated by half a dozen rednecks and some goats. Acres don't get to vote.

Yeah, that really stopped him from appearing again didn't it?



I don't think so but I can't fucking comprehend that he still have 3 FULL years until reelection...
I mean all what happened so far in the US is

Unless Trump pulls some art of the deal shit, it's GG. Trump's admin has been replaced with establishment neo-cons, it's primed and ready for a seamless transition for Pence. It's do or die time.

you really think people would just do that? Say words just to say them?


he'll resign. He means well but is influenced by his daughter and her kike husband on policy making, hence the move to placate the libs which would have never have worked.

25% lower

If Democrats were able to hold off on impeachment for Bush or war funding in '07-'09 then they'll be able to hold off on impeaching Trump...should they win back the majority. If Dems win back the house then their eye will immediately turn to 2020. Everything in the two years in between will be with an eye on winning back the senate and the presidency.

I don't think he'll resign, this weeks events were more along the lines of Pussygate 2.0. Feign outrage, GOP elders initiate a coordinated attack, ask him to resign for pence just like with the Access hollywood tape. I imagine behind the scenes they are floating the idea to Trump to step down for Pence. He'll decline like the 1st time most likely. This was a full court press to oust him this week.

Report and sage all shill threads.

Nope. It's all typical Kabuki Theater by Washington. They're stripping away advisors, but his hard core appointments are sticking. The Mueller investigation is going nowhere.
As far as Presidential politics go - he's about normal, so far. Nothing impeachable has surfaced - the idiots in the DNC will waste time "censuring" him for his remarks on Charlotesville, but who cares? It's meaningless. Resign? Trump has never been a quitter, he's not going to start now. Just saying it will get his hackles up, and make him hold onto the job tighter.
The fact is, he's had some big wins lately. He won with NK, he backed the fat little dude down - but all that's conveniently forgotten in the sniveling and crying over civil war statues.

>talk a big game
>do literally nothing as president with the senate and house in your pocket
>got rid of anyone that gave him legitimacy
>basically all of the republican party is condemning him at this point in one way or another
Resign seems the most likely desu.

Can't wait for the Sup Forums tears.

This mong is not resigning, he's a genuine retard with early dementia. He will be dragged out..

I don't want Trump to resign. The comedy show that is the White House is too funny for me to watch.
You Americans must ensure that he keeps being president for at least 4 full years.

I'm paying for the internet to watch this comedy show.


impeached? you are fucking dumb

You do know Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea all still have constant Secret Service protection, right? Or are you conveniently forgetting that, in typical liberal fashion. NO President has had less than an army of security since Kennedy was shot, you dumb fucking cocksucker. Hell, Hillary had 8 SUVs blowing red lights in town when she moved her fat ass, I lived not far from her, and she shut down traffic and the airport when she was just a Senator.

And that's why Trump won the election.

Sage negated

Cuts a deal with Mueller?


Put the bong down, bro. Meuller's investigation is dying on the vine, they've got NOTHING.

No he isn't, prepare to get absolutely mind fucked and anally raped at the same time leftist filth. The hammer of justice comes down soon.

He will pull through, it's just the left's hysteria that is making you feel that way.

Second term is a lock, if the DNC and the libs stay on their current path. Everyone is getting tired of the constant hate, anger and attacks on white people. They crossed a line this week, and are now including normal whites as "bigots" and "nazis", and it's not gonna do them any good in the mid terms or the next presidential election. They literally just lost the south, with the statue bullshit - and a good percentage of northern and western states, because destroying history is more Nazi than what they accuse the "alt right" of.
The GOP will probably pick up seats in the mid terms from it, even though they don't deserve it.

He's 70 years old, to call it assassination is just misplaced, he needs people to care for him in order not to die for crying out loud.L

Is that what you tell yourself when you touch yourself at night?
>"Oh yeah, babe. Oh yeah. Mueller's tilting at windmills. Oh God that feels good!"

We can only hope for assassination. Thats the best option.

As a non-America, this whole situation is just baffling. It's like every one with a voice or position of power is doing everything they possibly can to make life difficult for the leader of the free world.

He was elected. There's at least four years of this. Why are people so desperate to remove the President from his position? Do they not understand the kind of message that would send to the rest of us? The dollar would surely plummet and even if he did go, wouldn't Pence get the seat and not whichever Democrat they would actually go out and vote for this time? You would think the people of America would do everything they could to support their leader and make America the best it can be. Constantly resisting is just going to ensure nothing gets done and the country is a dumpster fire in a few years time.

>"W-We were just foolin', we weren't gonna hurt someone!!!! Honest!!1!"

Vid related, its probably (You)

>Second term is a lock

that pic lol

hes going to serve for 8 years, being assassinated every day and continuously losing the trust of the public until he gets reelected in a landslide victory over his far more charismatic and intelligent opponent: Wasserman-Schultz

You cant resign, you're impeached!


Kek obviously confirmed.

>hillary clinton is in perfect health.

People older than 60 years shouldn't be made leaders of anything at all anymore. Clearly not fit anymore to do politics.
Wasn't Brexit mainly supported by older people?


kek wills it

Bannon leaving is the worst move ever. If you have the read the comments and seen the sheer volume of them on Breitbart that supported the rally and questioned the MSM's narrative then it's clear he has nothing to worry abt, but getting rid of Bannon is a huge mistake. Everyone knows he's the guy with the intellectual capital behind Trump's movement.

The wall and the infrastructure package he's going to drop will absolutely seal the vote Liberals, enjoy your victory week. It's coming to an end very soon. tick tock...

I'm gonna screencap this and spam it all over this board when your meme frog president gets impeached in a few months (lol don't kid urself at this rate he won't last weeks)

you should adopt a tripcode user

We still playing 16D chess here people. Canning Bannon throws a bone to the snowflakes that the big bad nationalist is gone.Its all smoke and mirrors. The Emperor is perfect and the alt-left are moronic pea-brains eating it all up.


>You would think the people of America would do everything they could to support their leader and make America the best it can be.

Just following Donald's example.

He's going to be on Mount Rushmore.

I'm surprised the presidential slave owners haven't been blasted away by now.

>with the mainstream media pushing russian conspiracy theories 24/7, there's no chance of trump being impeached
>leftists can't even manage to kill far-right "nazis" with their baseball bats and clubs, let alone assassinate the POTUS
>he's showing no signs of resigning
Enjoy the next 7.5 years, faggot.
This. The only way he'll die is if it's another false flag perpetrated by the Deep State, which would inevitably lead to leftists and government officials being shot left and right.

when will they learn that the only way to beat him is to copy his positions but with a more sensible personality? and that is impossible right now, since you have to be a little crazy and narcissistic to push those policies against globalism and still be winning.