The signs of the revelation are being revealed. The time is now. I need you help interpreting the signs. Please come help we have a lot of work to Sep23 is the event, is the beginning and how long will we have after the event?

Other urls found in this thread:

We're over at /christian/ on octochan, join us. Also we have a discord. Links are in pic related. God bless.



fuck off demon

Go to the /christian/ board, link is in that pic related. In the sticky, there is a link to the discord or you can just type in the URL in the bottom of that pic.

You Revelation fags need to understand something.
NOTHING IS HAPPENING unless normies start to take notice of the shit going on.
Here's the thing, if you go to your neighbor right now will they bring up anything else besides their everyday boring lives? No.
90% of people don't pay attention to what we do. There are NO SIGNS outside of the internet that ANYTHING like this is going to happen.
I do think something will happen, but it is not going to be cataclysmic.
If your neighbor walks outside and says to you,
"Hey Bob, how about that Red Dragon thing on Google Sky?"
THEN you start worrying.

These feelings are signs indeed, user.
signs that you did not perform well on standardized tests.
i can only imagine how low your SAT scores were, but i would be surprised if you scored over 500 on either verbal reasoning or math.

for college--- the signs are telling me you studied astrophysics or mathematics

top kek

you have no clue what is happening in this world. I have the information and I can give it to you but I can't do the work for you. You have free will, it is your choice. This 100% happening no matter what you believe

Bump for something different


>These feelings are signs indeed, user.
fact brother start here and catch up as quickly as possible

>NOTHING IS HAPPENING unless normies start to take notice of the shit going on.
I agree with you, of course nothing will happen on those days. A highway bridge sign isn't posted at the exact location of the bridge. It's placed a few miles from the bridge to warn the driver ahead of time.

I suggest you take a look at this, something really bad is coming our way and it's best to prepare. Remember that September is National Prepardness Month (

You aren't Christian. You are like warm pussies that Jesus himself would have rejected.

Jesus will return in bloody robes with a sword. Not a tie dye shirt and a sack of weed.

True Christians yearn for the battle to come.

"Christian identity, verboten, pdf"

Search for it, read it, live it.

Look you guys this thread isn't for a debate about whether something will happen. It is 100% fact it is gonna happen if you don't want to help with this investigation please don't bother us

user I still can't find the thread do you not have the URL?

i already know about that stuff
i'm a subscriber to

very entertaining stuff. magic is real and the lord is speaking to us through celestial events. we should concentrate our prayer power. prayers are like electric and gravitational fields (lol except prayer is actually real).

also, the firmament

and did you know that Jesus brought people back to life from death? and cured disease with just a touch?! miracles are truly real

I can't post the link here because they'll insta-ban me, go to the /christian/ board (top URL in pic related) and it's the Eclipse general thread on page 1.

do you know revelations very well? Can you distinguish a time line from the event I have about 7 of them

ok damn I was there and they told me to leave

I do have a clue what is happening. THERE IS NOTHING HAPPENING. That's just it. There is no sign anything catastrophic is happening.
Everyday people wake up and go about their boring lives everyday, nothing effects them.
In order for shit to hit home you need a happening that will effect the general populace AT ONCE, in a BIG way like 911 did.
I have been on Sup Forums for a while now and all these predictions are always nothing burgers.
Aliens? nope. Yellowstone? nope. NK? nope. It is always NOTHING.
People take the bible too literally. It wasn't meant to be that way. Apocolypse doesn't mean destruction, it means revelation, an unveiling.
Nibiru isn't coming.
Yellowstone isn't erupting.
There isn't going to be some Galactic Federation coming down to Earth
Comets are not going to rain down from the sky.
If ANYTHING happens it will be an unveiling of free energy on this planet, and world peace for 1,000 yrs.
THAT is what I think is going to happen if anything.

>you have no clue what is happening in this world
>struggled in algebra

wow you're so fucking stupid. no wonder you believe in this fairy tale stuff
cripplechan christian res 503879 (dot) html

you people have been saying that for 2000 years

We've been getting an influx of troll larpers from the atheism board, please stick with us. We need people like you.

no they are here waiting for me. They know I have unlocked what they are doing

Make sure you prefix it with https:// if you get some kind of 404 or 500

I am there brother

What will happen if the 21st of august and 23rd of september pass with nothing happening? Man doesn't know the time when the 2nd coming of Christ
will occur.

Me too, but it won't happen without struggle first.

>scientific evidence

Care to link?

While I may not be the most religious person out there, I do appreciate the intent behind what you plan.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5:2

Brother I respect your beliefs but I am scientist and this is being done by men, kikes I am trying to develop a timeline to help people prepare to survive it. If it is the savior coming I will be glad to go with him, but in the meantime I will fight

I don't disagree that it is likely elites (especially of the jewish type) are attempting to bring about the events in revelation. But I honestly don't think that someone can predict when that will be.

look my dude. if it really is the end of the world as described in revelation, then the only "survivors" will be those judged worthy to enter heaven. repent for your sins if you're worried. don't try and play this hunger games shit with the lord of the universe.

Bannon has called for the Church Militant. We are called to serve.

they are following the revelations playbook it can be deciphered some has suggested it begins during the eclipse and ends on the 23rd. We just need an expert in revelation to go over the signs I have

>church militant

>imagine pink motherly compassion
fuck. that.
spread far & wide, christanons: this is part of a cabal brainwashing op. DO NOT follow these instructions.


This. I want to share something with you guys. I've been fretting over my salvation recently mostly regarding the passages of being judged by works. I've been a neet for the past 5 years, only recently, and it seems all too late I've managed to muster the strength to look for work. With all the deception about it's reasonable to wonder if what we're told by pastors and biblical scholars is correct. Well I asked for a sign or a message to help reassure me. I had a dream that I received an email, it was in aramaic. When I translated it it read "you are born of water, fear not."

>it seems all too late I've managed to muster the strength to look for work.
help us here and now and spread the message user get people ready it is what God has called on you to do

nah bro this is kikery and I will fight


have you gone over this? tl:dr the fine details for me

time travel is a bot of s a treatch for me at this point but they are fucking with cern and I won't put it outside the realm of possibility

I just want specific signs from Revelations we know have happened already I have about 5 or 6 I think, does no one want to help?