How do you train to defeat the NAZI?
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more like join
You mean join right?
Already deleted once faggot. Sage and report
Arnold needs to keep his mouth shut. People are going to start pointing out all the fucking horrid shit he has done through out the years.
only weak men need big daddy government
strong men are a law unto themselves
Come train with us fellow alt lefter.
>muh free healthcare
>muh free college
Is Sup Forums defending actual nazis? As in, people literally marching with swastika flags doing the salute?
omg yaaas
Get out
>As in, people literally marching with swastika flags doing the salute?
People can march with whatever they want with so long as they get a permit and don't hurt anybody.
That's the point of free speech, the Romans figured this shit out years ago. Let people blow off steam in public, others think they are stupid, and nothing comes of it.
Cover it up and you get attempted revolutions and assassinations.
everyone who doesn't want their wife to get enriched is a nazi now
What's wrong with holding a flag and doing the salute? If they aren't hurting anyone or their property physically, then it's fine. Stop letting your emotions get hold of you, bitch boy.
Sup Forums get out
>cuck fantasies
lmao everytime with you Sup Forumsfags
nah fuck off, if we dont stop you now you stupid niggers are going to start throwing everyone into ovens again.
>I'm le hero to stop le evil nazisss xDDD
>start throwing people into ovens again
>implying anyone born after fucking 1910 has the balls
Nothing but empty threats from all sides against eachother
I wish people weren't such pussies
> What's wrong with supporting Nazis?
The mind of a Trumpcuck right here.
Anyway, the way to beat Nazis is with upper body work, for PUNCHING.
Did you know that captain america never punched hitler? Neither did any american? funny
>ITT: jewmericans who dont even know what a national socialist is
He's just bitter because his show failed and Trump called him a loser. Also his Shriver wife is pulling the strings now after he fucked his ugly Mexican maid and created the illegitimate Mexican Terminator.
>can feel myself becoming more and more radicalized every time I read the (((news)))
Is his how it starts?
Try me faggot
>Sup Forums on /fit/
Oh boy, here we go. Now I get to hear your shitty lifting opinions transposed onto politics. What a fucking joy.
Go to Sup Forums, go to Sup Forums, go to Sup Forums, go anywhere else but /fit/ to blab your fucking skewed, retarded world views you asperger fucks. Your world views are permanently disturbed by how much time you fucking losers spend on the internet. You've taken to heart the BLACKED and "alpha/beta" memes and now you legitimately think your """"race"""" and skin color are in danger of some african-american boogie man when in reality you probably have like 50 black people living in your small, flyover state shithole. Just fuck off with this to another board.
>tfw you will never arnold and have to gulp a suitcase full of pills just to survive another month.
>hurr sure I'm scared of le nazis
Grow up faggot
Nice post.
The guy you responded to here, I'm libertarian. Why do you assume everyone you dislike is a trump supporter?
Which ones? The ones that got their asses kicked in ww2? or the inbred mutts who claim that that their heritage is a lost cause in a country that they've never been in?
I can't get over the timeline we're in holy shit
strawman. I think you people are nazis because you literally wear swastikas and idolize hitler
I don't want either of those things you moron
I'm an objectivist
what's the point in being stronger than most of the population if you can't use it to dominate because much police
what's the point in being smart if you can't use it to exploit because much regulations
Bodybuilding is literally the most vapid and retarted form of exercising.
If you want to do weight training do Olympic Weightlifting + Accessories or Strongman training.
But you havent even met me in real life, why do you think I idolize Hitler and wear swastikas?
Always have, always will.
Only Nordic people are good.
>Ayn Rand
kys retard
He thinks he's on the side of righteousness, but he like anyone else is blinded by his own opinions and the rhetoric he hears on a daily basis.
His call to action that states only louder, "more reasonable" voices can counter loud and violent opinions is going to be rocket fuel for antifa though.
commies get out
Is this satire?
Arnolds father was a nazi
Arnold just wants to satisfy his ZOG overlords.
>train to defeat nazi
>arnies father was literally in wermacht
>>train to defeat nazi
under Austrian privacy law, Gustav Schwarzenegger voluntarily applied to join the Nazi Party on 1 March 1938, two weeks before the country was annexed. Austria became part of the German Reich through the Anschluss on 12 March 1938.[3] A separate record obtained by the Wiesenthal Center indicates he sought membership before the annexation but was only accepted in January, 1941. He also applied to become a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the NSDAP's paramilitary wing, on 1 May 1939, the year after the annexation of Austria, at a time when SA membership was declining. The SA had 900,000 members in 1940, down from 4.2 million in 1934. This decline in SA membership was the result of The Night of the Long Knives which was a political purge carried out by Hitler against the SA which was seen as too radical and too powerful by senior military and industrial leaders within Nazi Germany.
Schwarzenegger had served in the Austrian Army from 1930 to 1937, achieving the rank of section commander and in 1937 he became a police officer. After enlisting in the Wehrmacht in November 1939, he was a Hauptfeldwebel (Master Sergeant) of the Feldgendarmerie, which were military police units. He served in Poland, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia. His unit was Feldgendarmerie-Abteilung 521 (mot.), which was part of Panzer Group 4. Wounded in action in Russia on 22 August 1942, he had the Iron Cross First and Second Classes for bravery, the Eastern Front Medal or the Wound Badge. Schwarzenegger appears to have received much medical attention. Initially, he was treated in the military hospital in Łódź, but according to the records he also suffered recurring bouts of malaria, which led to his discharge in February, 1944. Considered unfit for active duty, he returned to Graz, Austria, where he was assigned to work as a postal inspector.[3]
>cherry picking when niggers commit 60 percent of the murders
I would post more, but you'll be dead soon anyways
Civil war imminent
>arnold has been lobotomized
George Soros was a Nazi too, and he's the one funding Antifa, BLM, and helped Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer get into rightist positions.
>I'm an objectivist
>muh sins of the father
>muh sins of the father
Fuck off with that shit.
for me it looks more like leading an example which Arnie followed
>not understanding the correlation between poverty and crime
fuck pol but how do i train to survive the turk invasion
I don't care about any of this stuff, but this is hilarious
Arnold said there's not two sides to the story. So I'm guess Arnold has disowned his father.
>muh whites are evil
>muh racist American history
takes one to know one kike
>not knowing there's way more poor whited than blacks yet they still commit less crime
should we train or just get a gun
>The poorest white town as less crime than the richest nigger town
I used to be a libtard too, thankfully I'll be joining a RWDS instead :-)
Why not both
What would you say to an American that went around protesting to 'support middle-eastern terrorism on American soil'?
Even the most mild mannered guy would think he's an idiot, some would call the police, others would kick his ass.
Nazis evoke the same feeling, because their ideology was opposed to the life (not way of life, just simply life) of a portion of citizens, and that's unacceptable.
Oh you mean like that Linda Sarsour Islamist cunt behind the women's march? Nobody tried to shut them down. Cry more faggot
US socialists evoke the USSR who killed waaay more and threatened us with nuclear oblivion for half a century, yet they're allowed to freely support their bullshit
I didn't know that some asshole actually did it, that's unbelivable.
In my defense, I'm not even American and it didn't hit the international news.
Hey you don't have an entire chunk of media devoted to pushing black on black crime and destroying anything that even looks like a stable well off black community that has means to produce wealth that has nothing to do with or makes anyone white rich.
Drop a trailer of guns and and crack cocaine off in a poor mostly closed off from the rest of society black neighborhood with the only real blacks of note with heads on their shoulders being called inferior and literal retards and homosexuals who're kept on a leash and pushing murder drug dealing and violence being lionized.
I dare you to find a white group that pushes and glorifies bloody murderous violence against other whites on the radio or in media and try to play it up as the norm and right.
>Islamist cunt
What? How the fuck is she Islamist
Wasn't she the one that was pro-sharia law?
>being this retarded
>muh blacks are always the victims
Because she wants to throw gays from a roof and women to become second class citizens
Yep she's the one
Lel at that argument swap
>Hurr whites are weak and inferior and don't know how to live and that's why you should hate them
>Baww blacks are weak and inferior and don't know how to live and that's why you should love them
In pumping iron said that when his dad died he just said "oh well" cause he had to focus on competing
You do not understand what Sharia is; every single aspect of religious life (and many aspects of non-religious life) are governed by Sharia. For example, kissing your children goodnight is Sharia. She's obviously referring to Islamic finance which is an economic matter. That is not the same thing as advocating Islamic penal code.
Americans really should be forced to take courses in religion, because these aren't difficult concepts.
>under Sharia law
>no incentive to loan money
>nobody can get a fucking loan anymore
>no mortgages, good luck buying a house unless you're already filthy rich
>good luck opening a business and keeping the needed liquidity, unless you're already filthy rich
>good luck if you ever have a big emergency of any kind and need money
>BUT the stupidest parts of society, that would borrow frivolously if left to their own devices, are protected from themselves
>he thinks sharia only applies to religion
go back to plebbit you tremendous retard
Dude, but it's free!!! What if we made a law that made cars free, wouldn't that be fucking sick?
The Islamic penal code is a part of Sharia, therefore it is inseperable from Islam itself. I think it's better for you if europeans are ignorant of Islam, otherwise they would realize what a dogshit ideology it is
literally kys or wait until the muzzies do
Limited application of Islamic banking has been pretty successful in Saudia Arabia and the Gulf states
And how is their treatment of women?
>The Islamic penal code is a part of Sharia
Yes, many things are a part of Sharia and many muslims don't practice all of them. Most aren't even aware of the extent of it. For example, Islamic banking which she is referring to isn't even practiced by the vast majority of the muslim world. Not to mention that Sharia penal code as it has been implemented by modern Islamic states is not immutable and not necessarily accurate either.
The idea that someone can't shun certain religious doctrine in order to reconcile their beliefs with modern sensibilities is ridiculous.
Mosaic law is the foundation of judaism but most jews ignore 99.9% of it and they are still considered jews. Not really sure what your point is here
People actually becoming nazis because of sand people and their religion.
>Being this beta lol.
You can oppose islam without resorting to being a nazi. Both can fuck off american soil.
based arnold telling it like it is
How do the banks treat women? What?
Come on that's not an appropriate response, we know already that it's criminal, but his point is still interesting.
Limited how?
>by males unironically standing up for dirt worshipping shitskins
this is why nazis are happening right fucking now. Because of pieces of shit like you
Successful? Their entire economy is based on oil and weapons. Great job getting to Russia tier economy - a failed, corrupt post soviet union country.
By training to defeat the COMMIE.
Without the Commies, nobody would feel the need to become Nazis.
We're at the Weimar all over again.
Limited in the sense that it doesn't comprise the majority of the banking sector in any of those nations, because most businesses/investors choose conventional banking. It's growing quickly though, since some aspects of Islamic contract and transaction law are appealing
>murrica fought nazis to end white supremacy
>then went back home to oppress niggers for another 20 years
Ah, wait, no need to answer: they look for ways to put a 'price' on a loan while not calling it interest.
That's fucking denial, and not interesting at all.
Obviously you have no fucking clue how fighting works