Communism is the future

Communism is the future.

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I would sooner die.

Oh look another slide thread. Sage

Communism/capitalism isn't even a thing in the future. That fight is replaced by nationalism/globalism

Report and sage all shill threads.

We are getting there.

You would rather die than get paid fairly for the work you do? Your lose I guess

She a cute, but sage

>that bulge.

>wants communism
>never lived in one
>does not get that something is wrong when people who lived in communism hate it
Is it called "mentally challenged"?


>get paid fairly for the work you do?

Engineer... get paid the same as someone working in a store. I get paid the same as someone without the same amount of responsibilities. I have a more difficult job, greater risk (a miscalculation can cost lives), but get the same as someone who works as a greeter at the government mall.

it's a man tho

>when there hasn't been a socialist state capable of transitioning into communism
>when there hasn't been a socialist state propped up by foreign capitalists nations
>when the transition from Capitalism to Communism is inevitable because some jew told you so based off of his own THEORIES

From each according to their ability. To each according to their contribution (socialism).

It's a girl btw.

Where does this myth of everyone gets paid the same come from? Someone doing more strenuous work is obviously going to get paid more.

she looks a little too chubby to be wearing that shirt

Lol, I thought it was the past. Considering all those millions of people are already dead.

Marxist Dialectical Materialism was incapable of predicting that the Bourgeois Capitalists would utilize "revolutionaries" for extending globalist capitalism.

It's basically a joke.

Are you brushing up on your rat cooking skills?

>Wide shoulders

obvious trap, they should be executed at once

Yes, it didn't go as planned but how does that mean it can't be done right ever and that we should just submit to capitalism?

if true you dont have future


>Everyone is equal
>Either poor or dead

Depends if it will be ACTUAL FUCKING COMMUNISM this time!

Because it's wrong and the outcome is hinged on it being correct. In contrast, far right dialectics can accurately predict this outcome.

If communism is the future, then fall of it is the future too

collectivism cannot exist in a multicultural society, the only difference between the alt-left and the alt-right is that the alt-right understands this.

>literally there are no communist countries left
>half on them turned facist
>communism is the future.

"hurr, muh comonism didn happen yet! it wasn real comonism hurr!"

Nazbol or Strassierism are the ways of the future, Communism is a cheap internationalist kike tool

>In contrast, far right dialectics can accurately predict this outcome.
"This outcome" being the utilization of far left shock troops extending globalist capitalism.

Doubtful, unison is not something people are good at.

>It's a girl btw.

Looks like a bulge.

>Someone doing more strenuous work is obviously going to get paid more

That is not communism, I have read enough Marx to know that the ideal communist society have no money or real wages. People just somehow work due to some inherent duty and all needs are provided. So you are wrong when you say they are paid more.

And being paid more only makes sense if there is a real market they could use the money. If all they get are the rations then a wage don't make sense... What-... Am I going to get two bread? Another pair of government socks for my hard work? That's not a real compensation.

>paid fairly
You don't get paid in a communist system, you fucking retard. You get a redistribution from the commune.

At this rate, not bloody likely.

i recognize that bulge

>Where does this myth of everyone gets paid the same come from?
Read something about labor theory of value, son. Capital for starters.

But it's true

/leftypol/ I am willing to compromise. Should your little revolution be successful, I will agree to surrender my private property and dedicate myself to the greater good, if and only if you ban racemixing and re-introduce segregation.



Why do you think that communism and not international super-capitalism is the future?

Fair enough

wtf I love communism now

Why do boys make the best girls?

that's not communism.

Look up Strasserism

We must take from the left Socialism without internationalism and from the right Nationalism without Capitalism, or nazbol

The fuck you doing relaxing at a bench!? Gov says to go work machinery till they tell you otherwise.


People won't accept what is coming. Capitalism is out of cards.

I just don't get it.

The Jews have had the same intentions since the dawn of time; to have a slave race of dumb goyim to do their bidding.

Communism is literally the achievement of that goal and you guys want that to happen. You want your descendants to part of the slave cattle of the future.


>the future

Communism has no future.

If someone creates a business of entry-level jobs, he's contributed way more than the losers who work for him. They're all expendable. I work in a factory inspecting medical supplies. 100% of the population can do my job. Almost nobody could've built the business. If you believe in Marxism, you're fucking retarded and have probably never had a job, like that fat criminal Marx. His whole family died of illness or suicide. You should follow in their footsteps.

>Girls are so trash that men are better at it

People can see capitalists lies and contradictions like never before

>Communism is the future.
That comment is a century late.

>Communism is the future.


t.hasn't read anything on communism, anyway that's capitalism a race of mixed retards brought in to lower the costs of the factories all being good goy summers buying things at the cost of their fellow man.

if we followed ancraps we wouldn't of landed on the moon. Jews and capitalists both get the rope, so kiss Lenin and his internationalist kikes good bye

>from each according to his ability, to each his need
>I'm a grill btw
No wonder you advocate for this dumb shit. You have no useful abilities and are completely fuckin needy.

They saw the future, they wanted the future for themselves, because it is a glorious future.

why is her box so fat



It's time to dust off the helicopters and give out some free rides guys. Commies love free stuff, right?


>If someone creates a business of entry-level jobs, he's contributed way more than the losers who work for him.
Communism had no problems with creation of entry-level jobs :^)

Worker's revolution soon, comrade.

We atom bombed the wrong country in WW2.

Should have bombed the commies.

Not if your helicopters are built in china and piloted by imported negros cause it's cheaper. Day of the Gas for kek faggots

It's time to dust off the helicopters and give out some free rides guys. Commies love free shit, right?

The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, ยง3, 68 Stat. 776.)

Nigger, they do this no matter what economic system is being used. They will find a way to infiltrate it and use it to their advantage. The difference with gommies is that you faggots want to go directly to the last stage.

Nazbol is a pipedream too.

Communism is the past and every time that history is repeated it fucking fails despite just one more murder away from illusions of Utopia.

parasites get one in the head

Shouldn't of been retarded capitalists in the first place.

Fascism Strasserism Nazbol

implying literal actual national socialists allow Jews, imagine if Hitler didn't conform to capitalist cucks and followed though with this revolution to free his people from the chains of capitalism and internationalist marxism

Don't give in to the commies, make them bend over and suck you off in exchange for not killing them but only to kill them anyways.
>Whats the difference between a commie and a sack of potatoes when they're tossed from a helicopter?
>One becomes mashed potatoes and the other screams but only the commie deserved it

yes /comrade/

fuck off commie

Cheers, comrades! :j

It could be, but a brutal and dark future. I hope you are wrong. Best regards.

>Whats the difference between a Jew and a Capitalist when they're thrown into a oven?
>Ones already pre cooked and they both deserved it

>implying literal actual national socialists allow Jews


>Actual Nationalist Socialists
(((American Education)))

pro tip look up actual Nazi doctrine

What the actual hell mang

It is and the future sucks.

i recognize that bulge


I want a cutie with a puffy vulva in my future


Sure if you like the taste of hot lead hitting the back of your throat.

HWNDU is live lol


You would have to survive the starvation 1st.

>said every communist 100 years ago
keep dreaming you piece of human shit

She looks diseased.

>When your idiotic system killed more people than hitler but that's okay because it wasn't the 'real' version

Helicopter rides are in your future.

it would reduce the world population desu

You won't do anything except die. You've chosen death, anyone foolish enough to join you will also die.

It's not.
Communism doesn't even make sense. If you seize the means of production, then they own it privately. If the government monopolizes everything, then you'll say it's not true communism.

8th time is the charm right? Surely more bodies need to be piled up to honor Lenin!