Why should we memorialize traitors who lost a war they fought so they could continue their human rights abuses?

Why should we memorialize traitors who lost a war they fought so they could continue their human rights abuses?

Really vibrates my cashews.

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Because they were brave people, who fought to protect their soil

And? All soldiers have been brave people who fought to protect their soil. Why do you care?

My question is why do SJWs and the alt left bitch so much about Slavery in the USA which happened over 150 years ago, but are silent on slavery in modern day countries?

Why indeed.

Reminder that scalping was real and natives massacred a shitload of white invaders. Kinda like what the Alt-Right wishes we could be doing.

Replace all racist honky monuments with this one.

That's why most soldiers deserve monuments for their service

Who's silent?

What are you doing to stop slavery in modern day countries?

>no one should be judged for their actions as long as they were brave

This. We shouldn't. I am an american nationalist and not at all a leftist and I despise the confederates. Also, I am not altleft at all. Pls know that if you just remove these statues, you'll get a more nationalistic american/

It's actually the "white invaders" who started the scalping thing

take down the racis monuments now

Why should I keep loving my brother even after we've beaten the shit out of each other?

If the statues were put up by the Confederacy, I'd understand why so many people would tear them down.

These statues were placed by the U.S. though, and tearing them down senselessly and then getting away with public destruction just doesn't sit right with me. Laws exist for a reason, we can't just let people go unpunished for it.

Either take the statues down legally, or take them down by force and acknowledge that it may mean legal repercussions.

>all these foreigners who are going to die without ever stepping foot on American soil so passionate about American politics

because we care about their tenacity and the points they were right on with regard to the American fighting spirit.

because it made our enemies look at America and say, "they're willing to do that to one another ... what will they do to us?".


The confederates fought for a noble cause.

The Indians had been scalping since 1300 at least.

So why aren't you pushing for France to tear down all monuments to Napoleon. After all he was a loser dictator that reintroduced slavery into France.

>xenophobia is ok when i do it
crawl back into your hole and starve, marx

We should not. A loser is a loser. America is for winners only.

Well because you aren't the one memorializing them.
They are memorializing themselves.

>implying people outside the US can't have an opinion about America

change your flag nigger

>Really _____ my _____

You faggots are trying in a court of contemporary opinion. Is it ignorance, or dishonesty. What if 100 years from now using facebook is seen as morally unacceptable ? Does that make you a bad person today ? Intellectual dishonesty.

I'm sure some Californian (((professor))) proposed this with anecdotal evidence to affirm xir view that whites are the cause of all evil in the world but no, sorry.

All the native Americans were good at were inventing cool new ways of killing eachother

From what I have heard, they picked it up from bounty hunters, for whom it was easier to get an Indian scalp rather than a whole head to prove the kill. I might be wrong though.

>xenophobia is ok when i do it

If the Union had lost, the Confederacy would be fully in the right to tear down any statues put up by the Union. Might makes right.

>The Left is attacking America, not the Confederacy. The Confederacy, for those just joining us, lost the war. Part of the accommodation that was reached after the war was an arrangement where the nation grew back together with both sides being proud of how both sides fought. A story is told of a Yankee speaking in Manchester, England, trying to raise support for the cause of the Union. Manchester was a textile town, in need of Southern cotton, and so the crowd was feisty and hostile. While he was speaking, a heckler interrupted him with the taunt that the war was supposed to take just a few weeks, and here it was years now. What’s your problem? The speaker acknowledged that the war was dragging on, and that it had taken a whole lot longer than anticipated. The problem was that we failed to take into account the fact that we would be fighting Americans.

>The Left has not decided that a resurgent Confederacy is a real threat. They have determined (correctly) that the whole thing is woven together. If they can get everyone cowed by the emotional logic of “Slave-owner!,” they will be able to tear down a lot more than a memorial plaque in a community cemetery in Mississippi somewhere.

>The first target is slave-owners who fought for the South (Lee, Jackson), and the second is non-slave-owners who fought for the South (monuments for the generic Confederate soldier, the vast majority of whom did not own slaves). Next up will be slave-owners who fought against Great Britain for the North and South (Washington), and after that will be slave-owners who fought for the North (Grant).

>But note this well. They are attacking an America that does not know how to defend itself. Moreover, they are attacking an America that deserves every last bit of what is coming down.

>All the native Americans were good at were inventing cool new ways of killing eachother

Lets be real they weren't even good at that. They were basically red skinned spearchuckers when whites arrived on these great lands.

>the Confederacy would be fully in the right to tear down any statues put up by the Union

[Citation Needed]

Reminder that scalping was a French idea.

Slavery was morally unacceptable in the period between 1900 and 1930, when most of these monuments were erected, by groups like the Daughters of the Confederacy.

The war was long over, and no concessions yet needed to be made to placate the south. So why put up these monuments? Some sort of butthurt nostalgia? To show support for Jim Crow? And why keep them up now?

>a war they fought so they could continue their human rights abuses
>knowing that little about why the civil war happened

Nigger, it wasn't about slavery.

>Natives only claim to fame wasn't even their idea


Robert Mugabe Country is the best game based on the best black Hitler.


>To show support for Jim Crow

Yes. Exactly. Niggers shouldn't have rights equal to whites. They aren't capable of responsibility for their actions.

How does that relate to my post?
Anyway, as related to this topic, as with any civil war the country remained terribly divided. Brotherhood was more important than the North coming into the South as conquerors and removing every shred of dignity. Instead they did the smart thing and the two parties met halfway. The reconstruction was an era of give and take, the South was allowed to honor the people it had lost and the North gave them increased autonomy. Their freedom to put up these statues is what created the peace that the Alt-Left is now trying so desperately to tear down.

Friendly reminder that the Rothschilds sponsored the South.

Those people did a lot of good things and some bad things.

What good things did Davis and Lee do?

When you're white, you can see the Civil War as being about state rights, with slavery was just happening to be the first infraction by the federal government over the states, triggering the war.

When you're black, all you can see the Civil War is

>people who didnt want to enslave you vs people who did

So in the end, dumb women put statues of their historic husbandos around because they had nothing better to do?

>What are you doing to stop slavery in modern day countries?
I can't do shit 90% of modern slavery is the slave shitholes of ages, apefrica, china and india, fuck those sub-humans.

Why should you let Hollywood decide your reality for you? I mean the blacks and the women I can understand since they have none on their own, but I doubt you're either so why the passover syndrome for?

So you don't care, because they have a different shade of skin from you.


Lee opposed slavery and Davis was an advocate of states rights, off the top of my head.

Why do you care that they want to keep it up?

I'm telling you that I never said "xenophobia is ok when I do it" because I never tried to justify Union xenophobia while condemning Confederate xenophobia. Don't put words in my mouth.

Everything you just said in the post after that nails it perfectly though, user. You put into words why the statues should remain up.

they fighted well they deserve some respect but i know today men with not balls don't understand these things for me any men who go and defend his home is men who deserve respect

Give me your food, clothing, and shelter, nigger loving hippie.

lol at that weak hit on teddy

read the captions retard. all are racist white males.

Then what are you doing to help the enslaved?

the natives were /ourguys/

It's not that I want the statues to go down, I just want to hear a legitimate claim as to why they should remain up. The left has theirs, and the right has theirs too as just said by .

We should make automated factories in those poor countries that can work cheaper and faster and better than whatever poor people are working there, so that modern slavery of humans ain't even worth it anymore.

>So you don't care, because they have a different shade of skin from you.
No, i don't care because i would make them my slaves if i had a chance, not like they're useful but i would love some to wipe my ass and so shit to amuse me.

My statement referred to your disparaging comments about foreigners.
We are one race, one Occident, one West, all facing the same cultural issues.

Lee opposed slavery by leading an army whose sole purpose was the defense of slavery.
The only states right the states wanted to uphold was their right to hold slaves.

>So why put up these monuments?

those groups got their start by going out into the battlefields and mass graves -- digging up the dead with their bare hands, so they could have proper burials in proper cemeteries. those were built by women to commemorate the work of women.
we say that robert e. lee was brave not for his glories on the battlefield, but because it took a brave man to surrender. jeff davis directly ordered him not to surrender his army but he disobeyed that order at appomatox. he thought enough had died. that's what this is all about.

Workforce is there already, why not make them make your iphones for a cup of rice a day?

We shouldn't.

We should memorialize that people saw them as heroes.

Erasing history is why people still think Communism works, even though it has objectively murdered more people than any other ideology in history. In both relative and absolute terms.

Erasing history is why people still think Hitler did nothing wrong, even though he turned the most successful offensive war in German history into the utter destruction of a government he promised to make last a thousand years (still less than the HRE, BTW).

Erasing history is why SJWs defend FDR, even though he is the only POTUS to have ever ordered the creation of literal concentration camps in the US and filled them with American citizens (illegally, mind you) on the basis of "bad blood."

>all these foreigners who are going to die without ever stepping foot on American soil so passionate about American politics

Because if there is a truly uncucked jewless whitehouse they can bully other white countries globalist leaders into shutting their borders, probably just by releasing the pedo blackmail tapes they have in fort knox

>a man fights for the side that supports what he himself calls "a moral and political evil"
It's almost as if slavery was but one of many factors in the war.

I understand if blacks are offended by confederate statues. But there is a lawful way to go about removing them. And it should stop at the confederate soldiers. The founding fathers were the FOUNDING fathers of this nation. We cannot remove them. They wrote our constitution. Their words are our foundation which cannot be removed. If our foundation/ constitution is removed, we will cease to exist as the United States of America. We will be a different country, a lawless nation.

So those that want founding fathers removed need to leave this country and find another one that they prefer. Say maybe Germany, Sweden, UK looks comfy these days as does France. Go live in a country with a bylaws you like and leave ours alone.

Again, it has to stop with the confederate soldiers and it has to be done lawfully. Furthermore, considering it is the communities tax dollars that will be paying for their removal, maybe a vote in the community would be wise. Do we want to spend several million removing statues or do we want to fix the 16 water pumps that are broken so we don't flood during hurricane season? I'm looking at you, New Orleans! Many of the black neighborhoods flooded 2 weeks in a row, but Jackson and Lee are gone! Many of those poor black families had no insurance and are now homeless. But those offensive statues are gone!

OH, that statement.

I always point that out in threads like these. It's not that I don't think foreigners can have an opinion, I just find it really interesting how so many people on Sup Forums care so strongly about U.S. politics.

see above

Most blacks don't even want the statues down. They understand their purpose.
It's literally all Marxists who want to make history less tangible and further political change at the expense of America as a nation. They do the same thing in Europe.

Why the fuck should the left have any moral standing to call someone a traitor.

You fucks do nothing but attack Americans, incite treason and violence and are currently attempting to illegally erase American history.

You hate America and want every aspect of it destroyed. When the civil war you want so bad actually comes, you will get yours you fucking traitor.

>What are you doing to stop slavery in modern day countries?

I started a WhiteHouse.gov petition last year asking Obama to use an executive order to release the foreign slaves on American fishing boats operating outside the economic exclusion zone of the US. who are required to be indefinitely detained by their captains owners.

I got 11 signatures.

Because besides Sup Forums I mostly walk in leftist circles. And leftists, except Libertarians, are still pro-unfree labor (as they prefer to call it) in my experience. Muh cheap avocados and empty promises of equality.

Slavery can't be a human rights abuse if what you enslave isn't human.

the civil war is as much about slavery as ww1 is about the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand

This is exactly why we need to keep these monuments up.

People don't know the Klan had a huge revival in the early 20th Century. This was a time when the Democrats were still actively supporting the Klan. Democrats put these statues up. Democrats don't want to remember that "painful memory".

Wonderfully put.
Where'd you read that?

>tfw you actually try to make a change like the leftists ask you to do but the same leftists don't support you at all.


The former colonies that became sovereign states after defeating the British created the United States, not the other way around. If you think those states joined a union that they believed they could never leave then you don't know shit about U.S. history.

to acknowledge that the natives were displaced and genocided on their own land is to admit that mass immigration is harmful in the extreme and threatens the very existence of cultures and peoples. liberals are so hypocritical they secretly want this to happen but hide behind a claim that it's somehow fair because the ancestors of people alive today were responsible for it. they just want to perpetuate what happened to the natives as revenge.

I spent like 50 hours trying to gather petitions. The most common response I got was

>You are making this up.
>Obama wouldn't do this.
>Clinton would not have voted for this.
>Democrats would never have proposed this bill.

I told them not to believe me, believe the Pullitzer prize winning AP journalist who reported the story, believe the official Congressional records available online, believe the victims. But no.

Muh cheap tuna.

why u burgers keep statues of men who literally rebelled against your country. Isnt the south states have the muh merica patriotic guys?

OP ........the illegal invader supporter

freedom of speech is paramount in the US, and the right specifically champions the right of people to say things they don't like.

Because that's when all the veterans were dying off you fucking dope. The union memorial was put up in my town during the same time.

There have been multiple studies done where the findings have suggested that a poor conservative will donate more to charity and be willing to do more for charity than a rich liberal.

This story seems to add truth to the claim.

same famalam

I would have been afraid to show that stack of shit to a dictator.

Best Korea showing the world how worship ready statues are done.

>it's another Sup Forums tries to conflate modern day Democrats with "Democrats"/Confederates over 100 years ago despite knowing that the parties flipped and that confederates are more inline with modern southern Republicans

This is getting old. They're going to retire the statues. People can visit them if they really want to, they're just not going to be designated shitting monuments anymore where people vandalize them all the time and fat LARPers use them as a marching ground.

A lot of these statues are going to junk yards. Or is Reuters fake news?

>it's another Prog tries to conflate modern Republicans with Confederates because they don't want to be reminded that they used to the be the party of eugenics, nativism, populism, imperialism, and segregation
>But Teddy, FDR, and Jackson are still awesome Democrats we should all love!

>complains about celebrating traitors
>flies a flag that represents the overthrow and of the the US government and the destruction of the United States of America.

Im not talking about the rights, it seems contradictory to honor the confederate and be patriotic at the same time.


What constitutes a democrat/republican changes over time you dipshit, because the status quo changes. I'm not a progressive, I'm a conservative. This talking point is fucking stupid. It's not that any lefty is going to be "ashamed" of that, they're just going to think you're retarded.

Unless the point you're trying to make is that southerners worship democrats and want statues of democrats to stay up? Fucking idiot. Take your non-point and shove it up your ass.

lauThey are being judged for their actions, which is why they are memorialized.
Dying in battle is a laudable fate for a man, regardless of what he fought for. I wouldn't expect a woman or an overly socialized effete numale to understand concepts like respect for the dead and honoring a defeated enemy though.

>Muh cheap tuna.
>Muh cheap avocado or whatever.

They should be gassed

Another monument to a loser traitor

Because a robot makes ten times as many iphones for less electricity used than a poor person heating a coup of rice.
Machines are just cheaper and better than people. They take less space, don't need no toilet breaks nuh uh, and don't need to be replaced by another set of slave workers that aren't as ill from the poor working conditions like the last batch.

The nation was founded by "traitors". The reason we allow them to me memorialized is because they weren't "traitors" they were people fighting for their states, against a union they voluntarily joined and voluntarily quit.

Why is everyone pretending this is about the Confederacy? We don't have to hide behind rhetoric here. This is liberals waging, and winning, the culture war. Cry more, racists.

You don't see germans burning down aushwitz. Also Washington was more guilty of slavery them most of the confederate solders