The Alt-Right punches right over Charlottesville

Suddenly the alt-right is punching right like crazy, trying to blame 2 or 3 Nazi flags for their rally of tens of thousands not turning out how they wanted. Why do so many alt-rightists think the alt-right is far-right? Why do you think the alt-right isn't a centrist psyop to keep you from becoming more radical?

Other urls found in this thread:

First came the anti Nazi threads
Next up is the anti AltRight threads.

Sage for shilling

>announcing a sage
>thinking your opinion matters

I hope 9fag excepts plebbitors on vacation

>Sage for shilling
Reported for violating Global Rule 7.

>announcing a report after someone just announced theirs


14 yes
88 no
If we want anything done, we need to do it right, and waving swastikas won't turn the normalfags to our side, it looks too un-american for them to take us seriously

Just helping the mods who might be green and not enforcing the rules properly. I'm sick of all these ledditors spamming "sage" in every thread they disagree with.

>thinking there is 14 without the 88
You never once wondered why those two things always went together?

>wants the average American to become receptible to white nationalist ideas by pointing to a character in history they abhor instead of the founding fathers of America who were white nationalists




>You never once wondered why those two things always went together?

Complete and total lies. I doubt you're even American.

14 - Concealed carry
88 - Open carry


>thinks you'll ever win by cucking to their (((lies)))
They won't stop hating you for being labeled Nazi, and you'll be labeled Nazi no matter what. Its amazing so many of you fail to understand this. You will be a "Nazi" whether you wave a Nazi flag or not.

youre all just pussies looking for an excuse not to have to risk being called Nazi

All I'm saying is, why should we repeat a saying from a leader of a country we defeated over 70 years ago, it makes us look like un-american naziboo fags
Also you don't need to be a National (((Socialist))) to be a White nationalist

I'm pretty sure you're just a pussy who thinks cucking will spare him from being labeled "nazi"

You know they're going to hate you, ridicule you, and call you nazi no matter what as long as you're acting in the interest of the survival of your people. You're faced with a 100% predictable enemy. Are you going to face them head-on on the field of their choosing, or lure them into a trap?

Make them smear the founding fathers. Make them spit on Lincoln. Make them hate your flag.
You make it fucking cost them.

That's literally not true and you know it. You know why none of the leaders in our movement idolize Hitler? Because they aren't stupid faggots like you.
>we're gonna try and do the holocaust even though we live in a time when everything is documented for eternity
>we're gonna turn everybody against white people once and for all

I hate you, and desu senpai you're gonna die quick

You don't understand visual cues. You don't understand the human brain. You don't understand politics and you should kill yourself ASAP.

Yes, the media will still call you a nazi even if you don't wave the swastika. But when the audience sees and hear someone like Jared Taylor speak they will realize that he isn't a nazi after all, and thus the narrative is broken.

Vocativ pulls a vice

>you arn't pro-white until you shout heil hitler in the streets while throwing up roman salutes
t. shlomo

The only people lashing out are alt-lite jews like (((Laura Loomer))) spreading baseless conspiracy bullshit.


>Make them smear the founding fathers. Make them spit on Lincoln. Make them hate your flag.
They've been doing that since before any American flew a Nazi flag, ever, and they grew in power. They called every patriot a "Nazi", and it worked, because Americans were trained to cuck every time you called them "racist" or "Nazi". American abandon their history, their founders, their race, their country -- just because they're all so trained to cuck and be pussies when you call them bad names. Now admit it, you're no different. All of you are the exact same kind of pussies that everyone else is. None of you are radical, none of you are any different from any normalfag -- you're all cowards who will cuck even when its obvious that's a psychological tactic.
>You don't understand visual cues
Mo, you don't understand that people follow strength. Every time you cuck when they call you names, you show the world who has the power. The world sees what pussies you are; that's why they won't follow you, not because of "swastikas". People don't follow weakness.

>Every time you cuck when they call you names

How is following the founding fathers of America instead of Hitler "cucking"? They were objectively more successful in their goal of establishing an ethnostate. Theirs lasted nearly 100 years.

You're the fucking cuck with a power fantasy who just latches onto whatever makes you feel most "badass" like a fucking 13 year old kid.

As long as you uphold the validity of the principle that calling you "Nazi" will control your behavior, like the weak, pathetic pussies you are, no one will follow you no matter what you say, no matter how you "appear", no matter whether you say "I love Lincoln, he freed slaves -- dem r reel raysists!" or you say "Heil Hiter". Because as a pussy, the public accepts whatever label the media puts on you. You're a joke because you claim to care about your race, but you squeal and negotiate and turn on each other when the media calls you "Nazi".

No one respects weakness; you can't comprehend this because you actually are a pussy.

You just completely ignored what I said and started arguing against an imaginary figure.

Thanks for letting me know that bringing up the founding fathers is the perfect way to defeat you fucking retards in an argument.