How do I respond to this

How do I respond to this

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Not my fault niggers can't into the system

>implying niggers don't have free will to not commit crimes

Either they have the choice and do it anyways or they are animals acting on impulse. The crime stats aren't a positive for these nigger defenders. Just win the argument and move on. These cucks will never see the truth. They deserve to be up against a wall

Tell her black people are indeed innately prone to being more violent and that the system is perfectly fine.

niggers get held accountable for their actions... that's why so many of them are in prisons.

or are you asking, "why don't niggers hold themselves accountable for they're actions?"

Ask her/him how the system forces blacks to commit crime, let alone violent crime.

But this dude is like one of my best friends, if i say that i cant imagine he will want to remain my friend

other races in far more broken systems don't commit crimes at the rate of black americans.

Go fuck yourself, OP


sorry, this is how my friends and i chat in our whatsapp group. We're all spanish

I will be your new friend. Do it op or change your meme flag pussy

such as?

You can literally see the doublethink gears turning in her head
>they must be violent
>it's innate
>...or the system is fucked, racist
Giving women agency was a mistake

its a dude bro

theres like 6 flags and theyre all gay fuck off

look up MAOA (warrior gene) and its prevalence among africans, narcissism is also linked to MAOA (which naturally leads to lack of empathy)

If you think our system is broken then how about you try another system- the prison system.

Your friend argues like a chick bruh. You need better friends

quit arguing shit arguments.
if you want to follow up on that, bring up the bell curve and the relationship between IQ and long-term thinking/violence w/e

virtually all Asians living in worse systems than America, China, SE Asia. Indians. Eastern Europeans, Russians....

Link his info on the MOAO gene. It's responsible for threat responses and is mutated in blacks so they're more likely to pick up weapons to defend themselves. You can also point towards the average IQ of a black American which puts him right in the sweet spot for criminality or you can simply state black people have higher testosterone which can account increased aggression. Also fatherless people have higher crime rates. All in all I'm surprised black communities can function at all.

So the system is broken in every country in the world? Even the ones in Africa?

How much of an autist do you have to be to have conversations like this with your friends?

Well either way, he needs to clarify his argument - is it that blacks are innately more violent, or is it a broken system? It can't be both.

And if they argue the system - then why is it blacks are essentially the same in Africa, where they run the systems?

Then that faggot isn't your friend.

hes saying blacks are more violent in a sarcastic manner

Cite south African apartheid and ongoing white genocide, and liberia's total systemic failure also

Socioeconomic conditions dictate a person's likely hood to commit crime. Blacks have a disproportionate amount of their people living poor as fuck compared to literally every other race living in the US. It's not hard to see that the system isn't broken, but instead the black race can't pick themselves up because retarded/inferior/disconnection to a real culture aside from gang violence and 'keeping it real'.

Then ask why the same problems exist for blacks in Africa. When he brings up colonialism, ask why things have only gotten worse in Zimbabwe since they forced the whites out. And point out how other countries outside of Africa were also colonised, and yet now they are spoken of as the new emerging economics, whilst Africa is still a shithole of poverty, crime and corruption.

>the black race can't pick themselves up because retarded/inferior/disconnection to a real culture aside from gang violence and 'keeping it real'
Not to mentioned the vested interests of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who know a message of personal responsibility will go down badly with their lazy followers (remember his "cut his nuts off" comment about Obama when Obama was saying black men had to take parental responsibility). Much easier to ask for handouts, which they always make sure to cream a percentage of (also applies to aid to Africa)

checked, thanks for the input guys. I dont think I can say any of these things though without losing friendship, these people (and myself) are all from inner city. Its a lost cause

>broken system
>somehow works for Asians and Whites

Why even bother posting if you're such a pussy?

Blacks commit crimes because they want to. There is no system forcing them to commit any sort of crime that would land them in jail. They know right from and wrong, and blaming their actions on some shadowy system gets blacks nowhere.
The notion that they're "held more accountable" is also completely false. There's been many times where blacks have commited crimes and people have made excuse for them:

Just say "hah well there may be something to that, but last time I checked guns and knives couldn't be racists". Leave it at that.

Good luck

It should be called idiot nigger gene desu.

Just say it. Why would you want friends who cant listen to rival opinions?

>single motherhood
>dropping out of high school
all personal decisions

this is completely false. there is no connection between the two.

I just gave you scientific facts to argue with. If you can't use science the black community is fucked until they enter their own age of reason and start doing research on the cause. Until then they're going to say "Thas what whitey wants u to think". Believe I've argued this for days of my life through a troll account on twitter.

Blacks chose exploitation, and Farrakhan over Malcolm X.

black communities can't function. you couldn't find one nice, majority black community in america, possibly the world.

Well then cuck, enjoy a lifetime of larping as a normie. Don't forget to suck off Jamal at the next antifa meeting.

good luck finding a working system with niggers in it

How so ? Thats how you answer this shit OP. Im genuinely interested in what is sure to be a hilarious answer. I want to know how he backs up that it is the system that is broken

what about that town that was blacks only that whites burned down? I forget the name

Yes the system in which black children are raised is broken. Only about 1 in 4 black children are raised in a home with both their mom and dad.

>these numbers scream of a broken system
Self-reported data from the victims of crime themselves and reports from witnesses to homicide match arrest rates.

Also, what the context? Who are you arguing this shit with?

>homicide rate
Do you have a study that looks at all crime to debunk my statement. Yours makes an awesome point but narrows it to homicides so it doesn't really sway my initial statement.

just blame mexicans

Check out Africa Addio for footage of what African science looks like post-colonials.


In a study which looked for homicide variables, the percentage of the population that is black was a better predictor of homicide than almost everything

Yes all the police, lawyers, and judges go to the donut shop in the mornings shop and yell

"we gonna shoot some niggers and frame some black boys!!!" They then let out a rebel yell in unison.

so an outlier that you can't remember?

the other guy said it nicely. homicide is a predictor of other crime. plus, it's also more of a concern than jaywalking, breaking curfew, and other white crimes.

Yeah, the way it's broken is we allow them in the country.

You respond with
>Now you're getting it

Look to the future though. We have good gene editing techniques now. No one can be written off as invalid anymore. Imagine if they had the genetic intelligence of the smartest black people. they would become much more useful and functional as people.

Western values and laws do not mix well with black culture or how black children are raised

You are egregious at texting. 2. Why are you texting? You can't corroborate anything you're saying. 3. Stop now, before it takes a wrong turn. Or explain how black people are intrinsically prone to violence, and are literally talentless, culture stealing, low iq incompetent beings of complete mental incapacity

it's not just intelligence. it's temperment, propensity to violence, and many other factors that make up a race. If you want an example, look at south america. they are more intelligent than niggers, but it just makes them more barbaric, not more civilized.

The strongest correlation to criminality is IQ and other related social status and wealth. What we call socioeconomic status. IQ is the key to most of it because the general intelligence is probably what is limiting other social status. I'm sure they'll still have a higher crime rate because testosterone plays a key role in whether someone enters organized crime as a means to gain power.

The overall crime rate of blacks would be reduced enormously though.

By society, not law enforcement.

Why don't you tell him that blacks just have a bad culture? Then you're not blaming inherent biology

You could point to fatherlessness as being part of that poor culture

But if you wanted to you could say "blacks MAY have genetic differences, we don't know, but it's certainly very possible, given that we are genetically different in many other ways"

maybe, but i doubt it. south america leads me to believe that they would simply be better at perpetrating violence. Your correlations are based on white people and studies done on whites. Yes, IQ strongly correlates to societal success, but in white countries. But even blacks in white countries have a hard time succeeding even with high IQ. and you would expect the couple of outliers in africa to be running the place, but they aren't.

Well yeah it would sort of be like South Americans. They don't have a lot of senseless violence like the black community. Organized crime is their main problem. However if we do what I am suggesting and raise the IQ to what the average white person has, we will see a huge drop in crime. Same with the south American's their average IQ is about 90, we raise that to the white average of 100 and we'll see very few people with an IQ around 80, the cartels would almost die completely from lack of goons. You would still have cartel leadership but much fewer dealers and enforcers. Basically if your IQ is high enough on average people don't want to take huge risks usually.

its totally the fault of society for those imbecils to be agressive and commit high humber of crimes..
what a retard logic.

>impleying the black community is anything but dysfunctionable

42 of the top 50 most violent cities in the world are in south america. you clearly aren't aware of just how violent it is below our southern border.

Then why is it that when South Americans live in the US they have a lower crime rate that blacks? Strangely they have a higher chance of being in a gang though. I haven't done research on their testosterone levels though. Could also be cultural. I imagine culture has some effect too.

this since they can't take the racepill too quickly, tell them that blacks has been building up their own parallel societies, which has different culture where committing crime is less taboo, and even glorified sometimes.

Ask her if the system is more broken now than in 1950, when black crime rates were lower than they are now. :D

that is a good point. i would argue because the ones that escape are usually running from it. but their kids are still a mess. and their here gangs are still the worst. gangs = crime. it goes back to what i said before, their intelligence only allows them to think of more creative ways of committing crime. so they organize into gangs, more effectively block out "turf". there's a reason MS13 is the main focus right now. hispanic areas in the US inevitably turn into gang ridden shitholes.

and maybe because the US isn't as distant a culture from them as africa is so it's easier to integrate

fucking this. all indicators of health in the black community have declined since the 50's. if they are arguing the system is breaking them, then the fix is to go back to segregation and jim crow.

here is one particular gene associated with violence that's much more present in black people than white people. There are almost certainly many other genes also associated with increased violence that are present in some races and not in others. Also black people have higher testosterone than whites (and more testosterone receptors -- making T have a higher effect on them). Ask why africa or the caribbean is so violent even though there's no black people left? Ask them why rhodesia went to shit after the white man was genocided.