Proof that Antifa are the Good Guys

I was on the fence about who to support, but seeing the personal accounts of how helpful and brave Antifa was swayed me

You don't actually think they were the villains, do you Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's archive that

Alt-Left communist pussies.

thanks for the trustworthy source. I know they are not biased and secretly hold to marxist views from the days in university.

>By Dahlia Lithwick
totally non jewish

There's no such thing as the "alt-Left"

That's just some bullshit Trump came up with to avoid calling out White Nationalists and NeoNazis

Wtf I came here as a joke from twitter and im starting to believe.

I'm not even a Trump supporter but this is so Coïncidental its scary... ...... . ...

the nose knows

It's not coincidence, wake the fuck up.
The list goes on and on and on...
don't even get me started on the financial top officials....

>everybody I don't like is a nazi

Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin
Congregation Beth Israel

There was a group of antifa defending First United Methodist Church right outside in their parking lot, and at one point the white supremacists came by and antifa chased them off with sticks.

Rebekah Menning
Charlottesville resident

I stood with a group of interfaith clergy and other people of faith in a nonviolent direct action meant to keep the white nationalists from entering the park to their hate rally. We had far fewer people holding the line than we had hoped for, and frankly, it wasn’t enough. No police officers in sight (that I could see from where I stood), and we were prepared to be beaten to a bloody pulp to show that while the state permitted white nationalists to rally in hate, in the many names of God, we did not. But we didn’t have to because the anarchists and anti-fascists got to them before they could get to us. I’ve never felt more grateful and more ashamed at the same time. The antifa were like angels to me in that moment.

How the fuck can you still support Nazis after this??

nice shill thread

Enjoy the ride, friend.

why shill? this is a statement of fact: Nazis are awful and Antifa was in the right during Charlottesville. The personal accounts in the article prove it.

Antifa are just commies and commies are never right.

>My personal account proves it.
Mmmmmmm maybe you should look into Antifa's assaults on journalists or Trump supporters.

No, they are two groups with crazy collectivist ideas that killed millions in the last century. The alt left and the alt right are two sides of the same coin. They both use dirty tricks and tactics during these kinds of marches. They know how to garner sympathy, and when they are not being taped, they do some pretty heinous shit. Don't be a fool. Broaden your horizons and do not trust everything MSM tells you.

Based nordbro of archives will come to your thread but only if you post a bullshit clickbait thread

Reading shit like that is why we're on the edge of a race war. This is what brings apolitical people to full blown considering turning actual nazi (something none of those """alt-right'"" faggots are, in the first place).

Your on a NatSoc board you stupid kike nigger.

Communists need to be tortured and gassed.

Trump supporters deserve to be punched


That must be the alt-left's most flattering photo

Sup Forums is always right.

alt right is just some buzzword used to lump in nationalists who happen to be white with white nationalists

>Your on a NatSoc board you stupid kike nigger.
>Communists need to be tortured and gassed.
Oh ok... Fag... You are on a free speech board. But as a Nazi, I am not surprised by your statement!

>personal accounts
I'm ultra nazi but still saved six million brown children from starvation so I'm the good side, if you don't believe me then you're bigot.

As a black man I'd rather support Klansmen than Commies.

Or anyone with a view different that opposes their narrative.