Are Jews aliens?

Honestly.. Are they just super crafty and smart and were a bunch of dumb gentiles or are they literally a different species? What's their secret?

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No, jews are arabs.

We are just cuteee.

Close Encounters of the Six Gorillionth Kind

No. They are the remaining atlantians.
Look up why Atlantis sunk, it's the definition of jews

could anything be more racist than claiming to be gods chosen people?

Nobody takes the holy scriptures for granted, sweetie.

im posting this pic because every time i see it, i shit my pants laughing. and i rarely laugh.

having said that, this was also 1 of my theories. it makes most sense. especially when u realize that they hate everyone, including other j00z. plus watch this Russian General talk about this, taking it back to ancient Egypt.

u gotta watch all the general's video's. get red-pilled beotch.

They came from a very competitive area, the crossroads of three continents. They have faced natural selection that preferred cunning often. They stole alot of Euro DNA that faced natural selection that preferred organization (constant tribal war)and planning (winter). Alot of converts we're intellectuals who figured out Christianity was a meme and had nowhere else to go, or we're interested in usary.

Jews are aliens, niggers have HISTORICALLY been their slave race, and every other racial group needs to get on the same page and take them out.

That picture will always be one of the sickest fucking things i'll ever see, because it's true.

I thought it was opposite...

Why don't you guys do something with your lives instead of being jealous of us and blaming everything on us huh?

> What's their secret?

They challenged real gods to a duel so the real gods are toying with their prey.

Im not falling for your jewish tricks to get me to improve myself

not all j00z fucko. just the rabid racist extremist zionists. all the other ones can keep spreading herpes through oral suction circumcision all day long for all i care. wish them nothing but the best baby penis. and happiness. from baby penis.


Is it time to shut it down?

im new. wtf is that link? looks like mine. wtf?

Super fucking crafty

Explain that Image?

It's a bot that archives so you don't have to visit the news site (they don't get ad money)


>I'm new here
>I hate the Jews

Yea, checks out.

well that's outright disturbing

I never said I hate them.. Just fascinated by them, my kosher pal

They're the master race.
Why do you think they have so much of the world under their control? Why do you think Sup Forums is incapable of meaningfully striking back at them? Why do you think Steven left the White House?
It's the simple fact that every degenerate here isn't a speck of dust compared to them. The best thing you can do is find a nice jewish girl to settle down with and start studying a torah.

lolz. just the crazy world domination ones. they're the ones stirring shit up. all the other ones just want to peacefully bang their heads against a retaining wall while mumbling incoherently. who are we to say no?

I like your thinking, even though I don't think any Jewish girl would marry a white unless he has high education or achieved something in his life.
I mean I wouldn't...

Nah. Most people have a natural hatred of the Jews. It's just a coincidence he'd using pol.

Back in Rome they were often slavers, causing pic related and an ongoing decline in social cohesion. The spread of Christianity with its focus on ignoring social differences saw them coming into contact with increasingly unruly stock (note how "goyim" is often translated as "cattle", "lifestock") and so many saw strategic benefits in faking a conversion (or sometimes even actually converting, but mostly faking a conversion) to gun for priestly positions early on, ironically (or perversely in case of the bad apples) using their de-facto privileged situation as trained negotiators etc to maintain influence and (this is particularly important) preserve themselves from the fate worse than death that is physical labor. Compare the Second Temple (interesting side note: The most vicious campaigns against Israel came after Caesar Augustus foolishly allowed them to pay Temple tithes from anywhere in the Empire) to the Catholic Church and you can maybe see where that old "Jews are behind everything" thing comes from. When in doubt, look up the history and stated purpose of the Jesuits (to convert Jews), the family background of inquisitor Torquemada and the banking system of the Knights Templar. And for an added treat, look up how often they were opposed by Germans in their doings - while keeping in mind that we were for most of history already said to be the descendants of the Medes, credited in the Old Testament with wrecking Babylon (keyword to look up is "Ashkenas") - so that you may realise why we are usually trotted out as the model of backwardness and savagery in this (((civilised))) world that surrounds us.

Well, I mean, I wouldn't either. It's hard to blame them.

Derp, forgot pic

This Rabbi thinks so -

Whites are disgusting subhumans anyway. It's why they were tricked into WW II to obtain Israel for the Jews.

>what's their secret

Unity and a common goal to rule everyone who isn't them. You unite a group of people and give them a goal that benefits them all to strive towards and you have yourself a hell of a force.

"goy" is not often translated into cattle and lifestock, it's always translated into people or nation.
Rest of your wall is bs

Yea.. no..
World war II was a war for German expansion or ""reclamation"", no propaganda can change that.

I don't often address humans as cattle. But when I do I always use goy.

Show your true flag coward, I have a hunch it is still white and blue. What order is Pope Francis from again?

Take the Ike pill friend.

Not a bot u kikel

I'm not Christian so I wouldn't know, nor do I, frankly, care.
And I have multiple nationalities so having flag of one makes no sense to me, especially since I do not belong to that country.

Yeah, what ever you say Warburg.

They're parasites, subverters.
They are the antithesis of the Europeans, our eternal ideological competitor for the position of captain of humanity.

>There can only be one.

>Norwegian flag
>archives in 20-30 seconds almost every news link in almost every thread
>not a bot

Calling nordbot not a bot, ok.

LMAO even jews can't meme! Makes you think. It makes me think get in the chamber.

So definitely Israel then, gotcha. Nobody else evades like that on here.

White people are from Mars and came to Earth after they destroyed their own planet. Why else do you think they sunburn easily?


Because whites absorb the energy the blacks get from the sun through their skin. Power of the melanin. Don't you know anything?

lol. nice try fago. see pic.

in addition. white women were highly sought after and unfortunately, no1 wanted black women (too bad actually), otherwise, Romans would have been banging out black women left and right, they simply didnt want to (idiots). whatsmore, if the husband is away chopping muzzies and negros in half, some wives will ho. Rome had over 1mm inhabitants. of course a few hoin wives will choose the house servant, hes right there and convenient. hahahaha. keep on digging.

Hast Probleme wa? Klugscheißer

You gotta start listening to him.

Sure thing chief, lots of fried chicken in la-la-land after all.

Das hier ist ein Leckerli speziell für dich.

they are systematic, serious, hardworking, with the strong instinct for sticking together and preserving continuity.
they came to position of power hundreds of years ago with the rise of money and later virtual commodities and are constantly working on preserving and expanding that power.

that is the international jewry. the regular schlomo jew (the member of religion/country/nation) has nothing to do with international jewry and anyone pointing finger at him is a jewry tool.

Es zeigt nur das die Juden besser sind als ihr. Was war dein Ziel huh?
Auch ich bin nur 19 Jahre alt und bin 'ne Multimillionärin :^}

Who is this aliyah dahlia?