Sup Forums prophecy

The second sign has appeared.

( ) Three branches will become one.

(x) An island will drift away.
(2016 "Leave" vote wins Brexit)

( ) A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

( ) The star will gorge itself on clay.

(x) Idols will speak and move about.
(2017 monument controversy)

( ) The black flag will fly above the dome.

( ) The belly of the dragon will drip water.

( ) Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

( ) A rock will stand on seven hills.

( ) The ravens will starve.

( ) The bear will leave its cave forever.

( ) The rod and the ring will strike.

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I fucking hate these "prophecies", these are so fucking vague and inconsistent with each other.

Do you really believe Sup Forums prophets?

Shit wasnt even on /x/

>as long as you don't count the first, third, or fourth

Three branches become one was the Trump election.

Some have speculated the killing bolt might have been the Charlottesville torch march.

>( ) A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

North Korea?

That's because the person who wrote it didn't want to share the story of how they lost their virginity by summoning a succubus.

How are they inconsistent?

If the predictions turn out to be correct then I'll believe it. Two have definitely been fulfilled as major historical happenings so far.

It was when Trump shot all those tomahawk missiles at the airfield and didn't kill anyone.

The guy who made the prophecy said they weren't in order except for the weather cooling one and the rod and ring one.

Island drift away is iceberg, yes?

How amazing is it going to be when you guys realize these are just GoT spoilers

"Eclipse Turning Day Into Night to Send Temperatures Tumbling"

It will happen when the weather cools

Three branches one isn't fulfilled yet. The house and senate (legislative branch) and executive branch being Republican are only two branches of government. As far as I know the Supreme Court judicial branch is still Democrat majority or tied. If Trump appoints a conservative Justice then while the house and senate remain Republican then I'd consider it fulfilled. Likewise if a dictatorship is established in any country with a division of powers.

Killing bolt hasn't been fulfilled yet because North Korean missile tests haven't been intended to kill.

> tfw you don't smoke weed but read this shit and feel like you smoked all the sasquahana.

Source on this?

How are the idols speaking? If anything they are being gaged, ridiculed and destroyed. As far as moving about, not willingly, not willingly.

Pretty sure that part refered to the 2016 presidential election (Sept-Nov) when things started to get crazy.

I think it refers to how the conspiracy decided to push their plans forward in light of Brexit and Trump unexpectedly winning.


Looked it up. Sources say the missiles did kill people.

>The bear will leave its cave forever.
Secession of California

I sorta get what you are saying there, But if Robert E Lee spoke up, I don't think he would agree with what other words are wrot in his voice. (and yes Wrot is a word)

I feel something else need to be apart of it to make it true like, "Idols will speak and move falsely about"

But then again, don't focus on what is being taken down, but what is going up as a replacement. Pic Related.

(x) Three branches will become one.
Republicans winning all three branches.

(x) An island will drift away.
(2016 "Leave" vote wins Brexit)

(x) A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
NK missile testa few months back

(x) The star will gorge itself on clay.
North korea preparing for war, taking Guam as clay.

(x) Idols will speak and move about.
(2017 monument controversy)

>( ) The black flag will fly above the dome.
>( ) The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>( ) Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>( ) A rock will stand on seven hills.
>( ) The ravens will starve.
>( ) The bear will leave its cave forever.
>( ) The rod and the ring will strike.

Lurk more we even knew the names of the soldiers killed when it happened, it was around 22.

(x) Youre psychiatrist will ask you to take your meds.

( ) Your mother will feel proud of your accomplishments.

( ) You will become popular with young attractive women.
