Why are young, white males becoming radicalized?


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huh idk maybe it's those violent video games

1. Student Loan debt.
2. Gloabalization

Report and sage all shill threads.

Hmm I do not know shill. Why not ask your progressive friends. It could not be the destruction of our national identity and cultural marxism...

Constant anti-white messaging in the media

Communist iconoclasm directed towards white history and heritage

Identity politics pushed so aggressively for the past decade that heterosexual white males are now forced to adopt it. All these leftists screeching about Nazis are to blame for the very thing they're freaking out about.

rule 7

i like duke but his gambling scandal is really off putting

Combination of society telling us our past is evil and we have no future, and active discrimination against us with things like affirmative action and importation of workers to either force us to work for pennies or be NEETs.

I blame places where you have anonymity. When there are no consequences for your words, you try to "out edge" everyone else. Eventually it goes too far. It spills out into the real world, and they get snaped back to reality. Sup Forums is currently recovering from that snap. Will they learn from their actions? Or will they go back to their old ways, and continue on this path? Will the next snap be more extreme?

I guess we will find out soon

misdirected energy, will to change something that started externally and not internally causing them to pidgeonhole people into categories and create an imaginary opposition ("jews","antifa", "sjw", etc.)
this is caused by lack of positive Love to guide and balance the young human into the positive path of self-realization

i could go on but its late
see ya in spirituality general

Because when women have a level playing field it hurts their fragile egos that they literally cannot compete. #thefutureisfemale

>all straight white men need to die!
>gee, why are all these straight white guys getting all uppity?

They're smart enough to notice that with the current immigration policies and birthrates, the US is on a firm course to become a socialistic SJW shithole with no freedom. Maybe is that?

Less reason to exist and people want purpose
>why does everyone say war is bad
>yet when it's been decades since a non-Jewish war everyone is itching got a mega war
Why have mass shootings gone up

We've spent our entire lives living in a society which is hostile towards us.

Sophisticated astro-turf campaigns funded by an intersection of billionaires, international capital, and the intelligence community (particularly military intelligence) to divert a dying generation away from the fact that capitalism has failed them.

Idk it's not like anyone has been mocking them or discriminating against them or threatening their very existence and applauding their demise

Because they're rural and suburban retards.

Bored. No god, our leaders are corrupt and uninspiring, the west in general is in decline, the school system wants us to act more like girls, constantly told that our ancestors are evil, nothing for us to hope for or to fear.
It all combines and either drives a man to retreat from society at large or join some extreme group.

This is not your average boredom, this is advanced boredom. The kind of boredom that makes people start fires just to watch something burn.


Spoiled brats, stupidity, can't handle the real world, blames everything on everyone else for shitty life.

The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is that one day I believe I will be called to defend against tyranny and lawlessness and I will happily give my life on that day. I'm ready to die to protect our freedoms and I truly mean that.

Young men are typically always radicalized in whatever they do. The fact we all are interested in politics should scare (((them)))

You have to figure out what tyranny and lawlessness is before you go into combat against it. You have to know what your freedoms are before you can defend them.

Make sure you're not just a dupe for another billionaire when the day comes.

It's true that Russian military intelligence astroturfs extremist movements on the American right and left, but this is to serve long term geopolitical goals, not to preserve current economic relations.

>institutionalized acceptable target for ridicule in modern culture
>traditional culture and values are being stigmatized
>nostalgia for recent past with 100% less SJW insanity

It must be the lack of jobs and gainful employment opportunities.

lol who cares what they think

I think you're gonna get you chance to do just that, bud.

Blacks are ugly, stupid, and violent, and we aren't allowed to say it.

Kek, maybe you're right, maybe that whole debacle had a point after all.

I'm not talking about Russians.

Ov vey goyim only talk about politics and religion in private!

This if you corner an animal and try to kill it what the fuck do you think is going to happen

Zimmerman and the Ferguson shit really opened my eyes. The media coverage of the 2016 election made me far-right.

Why dose the NSA / university faculty member / cuckservative boomer keep asking this bullshit question?
You looking to write some pozzed paper you liberal piece of shit.

>They need more diversity
>Their countries need to be more non-white
>Their women need more power
>They need to stop having families
>They need to pay taxes for everyone else


>particularly military intelligence
This isn't really what MI does. Unless you mean foreign MI that is trying to destabilize the West. That's probably taking place.

got any proof they are? cause your post sure is fucking empty for a shill. Did you forget to paste in your bait points?

Media keeps on marginalizing white people.

based hispanics it seems, perhaps we should sue for peace before the race war, they can have cali and new mexico

Here's your answer lefty professor. Video games.
Your paper is complete.
It's two words long: Video games.
I suggest you reference kotaku in your bib.

>tfw you see through every single virtue signalling platitude from celebrities which are made in order to stay relevant among an over 70% female TV/Film base as men have dropped out of society so they don't have to be catered to on an ideological level by people who want to continue receiving contracts in an industry that also has everyone making the same platitudes in order to compete for the same contracts

cultural marxism blowback

>Why are young, white males becoming radicalized?

Explicit and implicit attacks on White identity are increasing.

I mean, Bannon is ex-Navy Intelligence. Flynn was DOD. Posobiec was just outed as naval intelligence.

That's just scratching the surface. MI is very cozy with heavy industry, which traditionally funds the rise of fascism. If you follow the money the entire "movement" right now is heavily seeded with shadow money leading back to this stuff. Pharmaceutical too.

I played deus ex once and now I do murder tourism whenever I have the money

Fuckhead. I used to be able to talk about whatever wherever. Then the SJW culture hit and people report you for wrong-think & though crime.
Then they put their HR stazi officers in the workplaces. They mark you papers badly for illiberal opinions at their culturally Marxist schools.

>Destroy a person's culture
>Indoctrinate them that wanting their culture makes them evil
>Indoctrinate them that they are evil by nature
>Take away their escapist outlet
>Fuck up their women with a toxic culture
>Destroy the institution of romance
>Poison marriage at the legal level
>Expect them as a population to hold up the rest of society

I may be a cultural Marxist, but cultural Marxism isn't real and was made up by right wing ideologues.

I'm sure it couldn't have anything to do with them constantly being vilified and told to be ashamed for their ancestors and history.

Because they refuse to check their privilege

The destruction of the institution of marriage is the biggie. The other is the inability to control borders. Rampant degeneracy too.
Those combined will make whites fire up the ovens again.

>All these facile responses phrased sarcastically

It's the economy, stupid. Culture wars are distractions. You can choose to fall for it if you want, but you're just going to be continually immiserated if you do.

Between 2000 and 2010, rents increased 12 percent while incomes fell 7 percent. Think about that one for a minute. Think about your objective material conditions.

>Limited job prospects
>Limited long term relationship prospects
>Original sin, simply for being white and male
Golly gee I wonder why they getting uppidy. Average men who are busy fucking their wife, rasing kids and while having a stable career don't so this shit.

man is not meant to spend this much time living around niggers

because they're increasingly becoming incels and that drives a man insane

Radicalised Lefties. It's a fucking death spiral. Nobody will win

Redpilled is a code word for people who don't understand how they are being fucked.

If a good woman dropped into my life at this moment, someone I felt I could legitimately love and care for, someone I could start a family with- I'd leave this site forever.
I'd be willing to drop it all and live the rest of my life content. But what do I see?
>Sluts and whores
>(((Empowered))) women
>Childish brats who have never faced adversity
>Women who are convinced motherhood is a negative
>Women who just want to "live it up" for as long as they can
You know, for the longest time I was willing to think it was me. I started from nothing and worked my way up- got more friends, better job, cleaned myself up. I regret none of it and haven't been happier since.
Here at the top there's still NOTHING. Just women who can get any fucking thing they want while doing no work. And GOD FUCKING DAMNIT I will neck myself before I let my life turn into a piggy bank.

Expected to pay for everything while being shat on as the primordial evil.

All the cost, no reward, gratuitous insults.

If you want us to keep blindly and silently working to pay for the excesses of the left and women, at least have the decency not to constantly insult us for it.

While we'll be occupied with the useful idiots, the real enemy will slip by while all of you aren't looking.



also nice trips

tl;dr, we're fucked

All pushing open borders and communism on everyone while trying to silence free speech. The natural response is to rebel and go back to traditionalism while trying to fuck over the commies which are ironically enough slaves to billionaire bankers. The globalist establishment is trying to exterminate whites. Whites are fighting for their existence.

Yeah young white males!!! Whats the matter?!!! Bunch of fucking losers!!!

>Billionaires and Bankers pushing communism

Toxic masculinity resulting in them having a hard time talking to others and subsequently becoming incels

Women are being radicalized to the left

Because the way were we raised by the Boomer's makes us feel important/special. We feel like we matter because at a young age we were told we are unique and important and always right.

This is why we have radical SJWs hitting people with bike locks, and the White Nationalists countering them.

>Implying George Soros and Rothschild family isn't doing exactly that.
You are what the Jew who renamed to Lenin calls "useful idiots".

Maybe you need to move to the rust belt.
If you want women not on that list, you maybe try dating based latinas.

George Soros and the Rothschild family are not pushing communism. This is literally an absurd proposition. I wish they were, but they do the exact opposite. George Soros' Open Society Foundation's whole shtick is about how Communism is just as bad as Fascism.

1. Being constantly demonized and backed into a corner.
2. Being pushed out of society.
3. Realizing that we can't "just get along" with everyone.
4. Realizing that people are what creates culture/civilization.
5. They messed with video games.

On god, this is the best answer ITT. I genuinely think that this meme image is the most accurate description of modern western young male's mental anguish in existence.

"Investor and philanthropist George Soros established the Open Society Foundations to help countries make the transition from communism."

This generation is dying younger than the one before it. It's nothing to do with boredom, it's the engineered impoverishment of the world, accomplished through the rolling back of the gains working class movements made in the 20th Century.

You forgot automation and pharmaceuticals


He is flat out funding socialist and communist groups throughout the US/Canada/Europe. His main goal is a one world government with communism with him and his buddies at top of it and a lower class with mixed race people with low intelligence. He has it all mapped and wants his one world government by 2024. He plans on using capitalism to unite the world's economies and crash them all at the same time.

Psh, this is nothing new, OP. I've been drawn to NatSoc for at least 15 years now (half of my life)

Only in the last 6 years or so have I really came to understand it and apply it to myself.

>Move to an economically depressed meth-head ridden area.
>Race mix
Since options there pal.

I've seen dcleaks. He's not. It literally makes zero sense. Communists hate Soros and would expropriate every dirty dollar he stole from the working people of the world when we come to power.

It's called controlled opposition. There are plenty of fake left organizations in the world.

Buddy we have been sabotaged ((((too))) perfectly.
These women are incapable of raising children or being wives. That was the plan all along.

Communists are stupid if they hate him because he is literally their master. Once he crashes the world's economy he is going to use all the communists groups he has been funding to take over territories and eventually merge into his dream one world government which he is going to base in Europe.

They already have them, desu

Literally a retarded person. Soros is a ne plus ultra capitalist who hates communism.

"Maybe total and unlimited progressivism isn't always the best thing."


>Documents say he is usually capitalism just so he can crash the world economy.
>Literally funding basically every communist group worldwide.
>Plans on installing a one world communist government.
Somehow I am the retarded one. Not my fault that you don't understand he is using you to get what he wants.

The site doesn't even load. You're literally making up crap. He was integral in taking down the Soviet Union.

White men are objectively the most creative and constructive but also by far the most dangerous species of animal that has ever walked this planet.
What you are seeing now is a mere growl telling the emboldened scavengers to fuck off.
All the warning signals are there telling them to back off, but they are retarded so they keep pushing.
There will come a time when these cunts will wish they had just shut their fucking mouths and enjoyed the unprecedented levels of freedom and prosperity that white men provided.
It didn't have to be like this...

>largest cross border movement of people in human history
>whites becoming minoritys in under 100 years all across europe and the anglosphere
>government institutes ensure it
>private institutes promote it
>laws in place to silence anyone who speaks out about it

The real question is why is globalism being pushed so radically? We're the reaction not the cause

You're not going to get anyone to side with you.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>It was the cuckservative boomers sellouts.
Hmmm how much should I let the left fuck my culture in the ass this year? A little bit or a lot?
I think a medium amount of leftist buttfucking is the right amount this year.
Yes, I'll go back to my electors and proudly explain that the amount of cultural pozz we will be consuming this year will be a medium amount.

Boomers fucked the world up, and now we're having to clean it up. Then on top of it kikes have turned the entirety of the mainstream public against us.

Half south-america are direct European (mostly Spain and Italy) descendants. So u can find a white European latina with a based culture, not on the OP list. Just feminine women.


I think so too. If it gets violent white children will be hurt and then all the white women will be on board too.
The leftist filth are playing with fire.

so true lol

Are those his real arms?

Do you like to make a silent takedown?

I'm thinking about my material conditions and they're pretty much satisfied, as with many more there. We are living luxury lives if we compare our material conditions to that of our ancestors or even much of the world. Yes, we had a big crisis and it affected but is not the cause. Think about what do all of them miss in their lives. It's not money. It's not food. It's not a PC. The same goes for SJWs. Historically many of those that formed the intellectual avant-garde of the left were not poor. The came from rich families or had a privileged lifestyle. Did they also became radicalised because of their material conditions?