We need to ally with non-whites

Non-white right-wingers need to form nationalist movements and we need to ally with them.

The fact is that America is a multi-cultural and multi-racial nation. We're not going to change that, and we need to ally with the non-whites who are already here.

All races united against the Jew, and against leftfags.

Non-whites of Sup Forums, where you at? Comment in this thread, identify yourselves, and let's discuss how you can make a nationalist movement for your race.

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>ally with non-whites

what else is Sup Forums?

See, I don't mind allying with non-white ethnonationalists.
But I'm not conceding that multiculuralism and multiracialism is not gonna end in the US.

No, fuck off.
Our European ancestors were good enough to control most of the world, not much changed since then in terms of potential power

kek the Jews at SPLC got triggered over this bit from The Right Stuff:

>P: The other thing about Proud Boys, at least from what I’ve seen, there are a lot of Hispanics and Latinos in the NYC Proud Boys. Now, I’ve gone and hung out with these guys. We’re not at the point where we’re sending people back, whatever, we need to build relationships and things like that. Let me tell you something. You don’t need to be 100% white to not like Jews. Like we all know this. We’ve been on 8/pol/, right? Like you really don’t.

>A lot of these non-whites or half-whites or off-whites or mixed race whites or whatever, they don’t care about the same kind of taboos that white people care about and they’re just like, “Fuck these Kikes.” Straight up. Like a lot of these Latino guys are just like, “Fuck these Kikes. Like Fuck them. … I sit down have beers with the leader of the New York City Proud Boys and all we do is talk about the fucking Kikes. For real.

Allowing racial foreigners is the most fucking irrational think you can do. How does it feel to get BTFO by basic biology on a daily basis?

The only way to keep it as natural as possible is radical exclusion. It's literally unnatural to care about those who are not of your own. Empathy towards those genetically dissimilar is literally a sign of genetically inferior individual good only for sterilization. Genetic altruism fails the evolutionary group strategy greatly.

Civic "nationalism" is multirculturalism. Culture is a racial ethno-linguistic product alone. That's about it. One way to deal with it: In Europe DNA based citizenship within the subracial group only; in USA - Balkanization. A multiracial society is just some bizarre perversion dreamt up in the minds of marxists with sad childhoods and literal rootless jews (not even a conspiracy, look up the ethnicities), biological organism following their biological perogative when inserted into it is not strange or surprising. You guys act like Brazil, USA, Russian Federation and South Africa don't exist. Population groups compete for resources; bringing a bunch of different subspecies of primate into one administrative region and saying "okay, you're a country now" doesn't change that.

But once again, you being a racemixed mongrel is a good explanation why you can't understand what it's like to have genetics worth preserving in the first place

And this is why you are failing, and why you will continue to fail. Non-whites dominate western society. Unless you redpill non-whites into fighting for your cause, you will never succeed. If you're not willing to use any utility availiable to you to ensure the future of your race, ask yourself if it's truly worth saving.

>Let's ally with the same people who want us to become a minority pedes

How about keep whites the majority by reproducing with other whites and not filthy gooks and niggers.

Wtf are you guys talking about?

No I am saying that minorities should assemble right-wing nationalist identitarian groups and we should ally with them against common causes. Unite against the Jew, Antifa and libshits.

I didn't say that non-whites should join our group. They should start their own group and we should ally with them.

Like Germany allying with Japan.

>Non-whites dominate western society.
The only thing they dominate are welfare lines, abortion clinics, low paying jobs and crime stats

Fuck off.

all hope is lost unless one of us perform the miracle.

t. wants to lose and alienate a shit-ton of potential allies.

Btw guys, I made threads on other boards about this and tons of non-whites said they stopped going on Sup Forums because it went full white nationalist and they unironically want to gas non-whites.

These are potential allies.

We are not going to "exile" tens of millions of people. Our economy would completely crash and we would get conquered by China/Russia. We need to turn non-whites into right-wing ethnonationalists and we can all segregate into our own states, but keep our economy together.

A country of people who hate each other is doomed to Balkanize. If you want to kill them all go ahead and get to work. But even uncle Adolf thought the way we treated blacks was a disgrace. National Socialism is first and foremost about pride in one's race and orienting the state in the interest of one's people, but it's also about recognizing the truth and accomplishments of the individual as a contributing member of society. The Jewish problem is rightly identified as a deeply ingrained sense of tribalism. If you are unable to look past your own traits and recognize the value or character of a people then you are no different than a Jew.


>the imperium needs to ally with khorne

Now youre getting the picture, keep pushing this OP. Conservatives of all races share the same values, and most of them want their own communities. The wise need to lead the ignorant and force them to do whats right.

OP is right, but Sup Forums will call you a shill.

>The fact is that America is a multi-cultural and multi-racial nation. We're not going to change that
The kikes changed our nations, and we can change it back. Subhuman colonists have no future in our lands.

>The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians


>We are not going to "exile" tens of millions of people. Our economy would completely crash and we would get conquered by China/Russia.

We made it to the moon before the subhumans began to flood into our country. Exterminating all non-white parasites in America would create the greatest economic boom in American history.

oh, speaking of sub-humans...

>we can change it back

We literally cannot change it back. I believe there are nearly 80 million non-whites in America. If we "exile" them, our economy will completely collapse and we will get rek't by China or whoever our enemies are at the time.

Our best bet is encouraging right-wing non-whites to start a nationalist identity movement for their race and then allying with them. We can all agree to peacefully segregate within the USA, and possibly create our own governments for each race.

We can set up trade deals with the other races and stuff like that. We can all just agree that natural consensual segregation is the best move forward and respect each other from a distance.

And also gas the lefties

I said this a long time ago

>b-b-but muh civcuck nationalism

WTF I love the proud cucks now

gotta protect the mighty white race!

>We need to ally with non-whites
Maybe in Meltingpotland you have to.
I was forced to live door to door with non-nig non-whites, and trust me, they're not better. In fact I became a racist only because I was forced to live in the same apartment building with them. Moved out as soon as something else became available.

The only form of multi-culturalism that could work is a segregated mutli-cultural country.

The black ethnostate could have it's own police force, all black. All black government and police.

The different racial ethnostates within the USA could exchange ideas. Latino musicians could perform in the white Ethno-state.

That would actually be a multi-culturalism where people could gain something from each-other. Having everybody together is just a big chaotic mess where there is no culture.

There is a demographic of right-leaning black people, and definitely a demographic of right-wing Asians. I think the majority of Asian male Gen-Zers are actually asian? They would totally create an identitarian movement. We could ally with the Japs once again.

Imagine a right-wing rally with formations of right-wing death squads marching in blocks of different races to gas marxists and feminists.

Could be aesthetic. Would definitely be the ultimate mind-fuck to leftist faggots and the establishment as well.

taco reporting in
>murrica will never be white again
well duh, the sole thought of US being a white ethnostate is hilarious as fuck
>we should ally with non-whites
i don't know about asians, some of them might like to do that, but then again they're pretty conservative and prefer to stick with their fellow changs such a thing doesn't look well for ya as it wouldn't be fa-fetched that they decide to turn burgerland into ching chong chang federation
>then what about latin americans
considering the hatred chicanos have for you as well as the fact that the greed of your politicians and their henchmen and your arrogance, ignorance and stupidty literally led to our middle class to be utterly obliterated (and yours as well AYYY FUCKIGN KEK and after this you have the nerve to telling us we were the greedy bastards) i don't think many will be happy about being your friends (and since the nation is polarized and many latin americans are pissed off or at least a afraid of what might happen tomorrow, things won't work)
>and what about niggers
AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TOP KEK, they are the ones who hate you the most since niggers have been used as fucking burden beasts by whites since forever (actually, they hate everyone regardless of race, you are their predilect prey as WE DINDU NUFFIN YOU DAMN CRACKAS)
nah, you ain't muslims and don't worship their pedo prophetn, thus thinking it is possible is laughable
nah lad, your nation will balkanize at this rate, and no orange savior will stop it from happening.

I lost but sounds like its good. Explain?

No you're not listening

I am saying we encourage non-whites to form their own rifght-wing identitarian groups, and then ALLY with them with the end goal of creating our own segregated ethnostates within the USA.


> I believe there are nearly 80 million non-whites in America.
90% of non-whites in America are net welfare recipients who suck the blood of the European-American taxpayer. The remaining 10% are gooks, kikes and streetshitters who form tribal preference networks and squeeze Europeans out of entire industries. It is in the overwhelming interest of European-Americans to eradicate this alien infestation.

>we will get rek't by China
Gooks are irrelevant subhumans. They are only a threat to us if we let them infiltrate into our nations and steal our technology. Gooks are biologically incapable of creativity. Once we cut off all technology transfers, gooks will cease to develop and can be exterminated at our leisure.

>a bunch of non-whites are on welfare

Yeah and the right-wing non-whites who actually go to work every day can agree that the bloodsuckers need to go. Just like right-wing whites can agree that leftist cucks need to go.

>The fact is that America is a multi-cultural and multi-racial nation. We're not going to change that, and we need to ally with the non-whites
Based Civic Nationalist

No. Those non-whites are the cause of all the division in the first place. Democrats started by appealing to the blacks for votes, then the mestizos, and now to every other new minority group they dragged in through immigration. Now the democrats are full on communists and if birthrates aren't fixed fucking fast demographic democracy will be the end of the country. America was created by whites, for whites. Slavery and the 1965 Immigration Act were massive mistakes.
To any of you here who are aren't white and aren't communists, sorry, but there is nothing we can do. The only way the country/constitution/culture can be preserved from becoming a horrible mixture of South Africa and Brazil is if the whites take over again as an enormous ethnic majority or break away to form a new America.

That's how the Blood Angels stopped Hive Fleet Leviathan. No really, Khorne daemons purged an Imperial world of tyranids and then left.

Blame nu-GW fluff and their Guilliman mary sue ruining 40k.

Ok. Go redpill the blacks and mestizos, get them to form nationalist groups, and then come back and let us know who to ally with.
Oh wait BLM already exists and is a proto-communist disaster, and La Raza is just Mexico Reconquista combined with Mexican't Socialism. Great allies.

America is white, and always will be. Everyone else just happens to live here.

Half nig half white where do I sign up to become full white?

top kek

>if the whites take over again as an enormous ethnic majority
dude, in case you haven't noticed, mos tof your people are so brainwashed that even to me it is fuckign frightening, not to mention ridiculous. All they car eis shekels and feel like good goys cough cough i mean boys. You may want to spreg out about muh national socialism and things of the sort, but the whites form back then and before that were a lot different from you, many things have been said and done, thigns that can not be undone, which have made those whites to simply disappears, you're just like rest of the people on this world: simple pawns in a game being played by literal psychopaths. Game over, lad


They look like good , hard working people - You got something against good , hard working people ? Is it the good you dont like or the work ?

>Non-white right-wingers need to form nationalist movements
If the New-York polacks of HWNDU is anything to go by, that movement exist and it's called /pol.

>These are potential allies.
after all the shit that's been going on, i wouldn't be so sure about that for a lot of reasons

Outside of using sterilized gooks and spics as cum dumpsters there is literally no reason to allow non-whites in a free society.

I'm sure there are more than a few non-white White Nationalists.
Possibly among Asian, who surely prefers 1960's white america than the fuckfest Weimarica is becoming.

We are not going to redpill the majority of non-whites, but there is definitely a demographic of non-whites who are waiting to be redpilled

Then those non-whites can recruit other non-whites into their right-wing identity movement to gas the libshits. We need to create a right-wing version of black lives matter for blacks, or convince them to start one.

>asians will preserve white nation
dude, they are literally taking over africa and shit tons of them are already in europe (even here in tacoland you can find a lot fo them as well as koreans, which caught me by surprised to be quite fuckig honest, never thought i'd get to see koreans)

quit purity spiraling wtf

europe and the untied states have literally raped latin america. its been going one for over 500 years. its nothing new. its only right that latinos hate the US. our construction and natural resource companies exploit the fuck out of latin america. thats why its so poor barring mexico argentina and chile

No we don't want non-white white nationalists. Asking non-white to be white nationalists is asking them to cuck themselves which is disgusting

There needs to be a right-wing black nationalist movement who agrees to wanting their own black ethnostate within America and wants to gas the degenerates

Same goes for latinos and Asians

> I fail at both history and economics: the post
I hope you will convince your wife's son to vote Sanders.

I'm white, and if millions of whites were invited here and started shitting the country like they do in Europe (socialism, degeneracy, african multicultism), I'd have no problem joining a Taiwanese nationalist movement to throw them out.

This, honestly.
Our goal is to secure ourselves a future with no risk of disappearing as an ethnic group. As it stands, there are ethnic communities within Canada and the US that each contain a majority ethnic group that isn't white.
The Left has a mind to increase integration to the point of drowning us out in all white neighborhoods, as a means to make us a genetic dead-end.
Sufficiently right-wing non whites, I suspect, would be more than happy to join our efforts to secure ourselves a future. At the end of the day, having a China town or a little Iran in the country won't hurt us if and only if those cities are independant enough that federal candidates do not pander to them at the expense of the rest of the country.

>US should cease to exist and each ethinic group should take its share.
And so ching chong change federation, estados unidos del taco, the northern american caliphate and detriotistan were born,

>and where are whites
in cuckland, aka canada, their own degenerate land

A big part of me is already allied with her.

>We're not going to change that

This is precisely why the ALTERNATIVE right exist


Fuck you shitskin.

Too late to ally with us. You are now the enemy.

Agreed, once the Jew is out, we can return American demographics back to normal.

>considering the hatred chicanos have for you
cool story bro in prisons chicanos ESE's are allies with the ARYAN BROTHERHOOD, WOODS AND NAZI LOWRIDERS.


Not a race

Call brown people mestizos

>their so claled saviorhas fired bannon to now listen to a greedy kike
top kek
within 50 years your grandchildren will be eating either tacos, chinese food or kebab and knowing more than two languages


I'm pretty sure the Asians are on board with us at this point. Most Chinese come here to escape communism; and the SJW establishment has started targeting Asians as "privileged" because they're too smart, and they're beating niggers and spics in the race for college enrollment and jobs. I'm sure Asians would be interested in preventing leftism from advancing too much.

I'm not allying with no none whites! kek

>honorary white
Gets me every time

really? because you should look up SWEC, enron, halliburton, standard oil, united fruit and so many others. they are all massive american and european contractors and they have been responsible for the domination of latin america.

please do this

>honorary white
>his sole presence is displacing the real whites
the eternal chicano strikes again

sure as fuck he is going to say that muh nature is that way n sheeeeit, but the likes of him often whines about obnoxious rich fucks like zuckerberg or trans corps executives making shit tons of shekels at the expense of american people (like they did with nafta) oh no but no that is unfair. The monster has just turn around and bite you in the ass, those rich psychos give a damn about teh rest of whites and simply let you get BTFO, in this paradigm you that want cozy places to work for a high wage are degenerates and need to be purged, in this particular context you are the weak and backward-minded pricks

I just can't see this going anywhere. Most of us hate niggers, so those are out of the question. Hispanics? Also out of the question. Then you have Asians, which would only make a mockery of themselves with how skinny they look. Let's face it, we can't make a nationalist multi-racial movement.

it would implode in no time if there were autist dumb enough to start it, the rest of their communities will see them as uncle tom, chang and juan respectively.

I've been following your ridiculous movements for years and allying with white nationalists/solidified blocks of racists is the most anti-american, counter intuitive thing for someone existing in a multi-racial society could do.

The problem that minorities have had to deal for centuries are white supremacists. Why on earth would we agree to adhere to supremacist ideology in order to what would inevitably lead to an even larger block of white nationalists reinforced as our enemies?

Maybe you cunts can't see how you're working against yourselves, but I certainly won't be involved in aiding a bunch of cunts who need to see their ideology wiped from the face of the earth for the betterment of mankind.

Even the notion is idiotic though reflective of the movement so I'm not surprised such idiocy would be entertained here.


No. I will never work with white people. Many of you faggots degrade chinese/jap/koreans and think you're superior. I will enjoy enslaving niggers when Whites are bred out.

In the mean time I will continue breeding with white females. Contrary to what you think they love singaporean cock

youre fuckin delusional kid. keep posting from singapore, mongoloid
...and dont try to enter the big mans problems, chink. we adults will handle this while you eat each other in your own decrepit shit hole of the east

This was prior to Trump's win. The white birth rate increased to the majority last year and Trump said he is interested in getting more migrants from Europe.

How did we do that? allied ourselves with the asias

Yes, the extreme segregation that was set by God at some point that divided people across through globe due to geographic and movement limitations was TOTALLY enough to keep populations separate allowing them to develop without intervention from greedy and pioneering foreigners. You hear my sarcasm, right?

The only people that primarily stayed in their ancestral lands were the people you folk affectionately refer to as "niggers".

>your nation will balkanize at this rate, and no orange savior will stop it from happening.
We know. Everyone on the right blames racial tensions on Obama, and the left blames Trump. The ball has been rolling for awhile now, balkanization may be inevitable. It all depends on how fast the left acts, frog in a pot of boiling water and all that.

>Nazi lowriders
Fucking wew.
Depends on what you mean by chicano. A few are descendants of white mexicans, sure, but most are just the same as the mestizos.

It actually makes sense if people were honest about their intentions and actual racial nationalists, like the Hoteps, but they are a tiny fraction of what BLM is. BLM would never want to form a nation of its own because they secretly enjoy the benefits of living next to whites, and just want even more. La Raza types would never be satisfied with the amount of land they're given, or what government controls it, and they believe they can simply take the country over through demographics, which isn't wrong unless whitey stops them.

give us new york bitch

No I am saying that we convince non-whites to start their OWN racial group.

The right-wing version of black lives matter. You see?

It's not about other races empowering white nationalists. It's about right-wing non-whites joining together in their OWN nationalist group. So Asians could start an Asian Nationalist movement.

White nationalists could ally with Asian nationalists, then black nationalists, and latino nationalists.

Our common goal would be to remove the leftist filth that plagues all of our races of people, and then to naturally segregate and respect each other's own ethno state from a distance.

It's not about white nationalists hurting other people.

I actually like Asians, but you're in Singapore so nobody cares

I would say we divide the land mass by precentage of population.

So blacks take 13% of U.S. land. Asians take 4% of US land. Whites take 60% or whatever, then all form our own republics, but still under the United States.

We all continue to be Americans and allies under the flag, and maybe even the blood of Christ if there is a large Christian population, but we are consensually segregated.

dont get me wrong, im not saying that white people are inherently bad nor corporations, they MUST exist for the world to turn. its the exploitation of natural resources and perpetual debt induced loans that are the bad things here.

just look at panama and the canal. omar torrijos, as much of a dictator as he was, was truly looking out for his people. he died in a "plane crash" because of it. the company who owned all the land around the canal was making not millions, BILLIONS off of it.

how do we control this? taxing the rich does not work. you cannot tax the rich. enacting laws? no, that always justifies more federal power which will strip liberties in the end.

EDUCATION. I argue education is the single most important medium for the citizens of the world. it allows you to make intelligent decisions when electing officials to represent you and to see past the bullshit spewed by the mainstream media. it allows you to think critically and most importantly AUTONOMOUSLY

>It's not about other races empowering white nationalists. It's about right-wing non-whites joining together in their OWN nationalist group. So Asians could start an Asian Nationalist movement.

I'm saying the empowerment of white nationalists would inevitably be the result and racialized nationalist movements would only reinforce the ideology of white supremacists that would outnumber in force those segregated non-white nationalist movements.

>It's not about white nationalists hurting other people.


>Don't worry goy, it's not genocide, it's an alliance!
>You can trust me goy

I'm a right wing Arab. Where the fuck do I fit in all this?

Dear white people,

Do not allow what you have created to be destroyed. And how long until the rest of your ilk finally realize the Jew is the real enemy of people?

USA has no culture, you don't have a culture minister. You are just a degenerate race mixer, a dumb Christian integration/assimilation bible retard that speaks language of British. A dumb capitalist. USA has no racial policy and has no culture policy. There's no multiculturalism in USA, you have no laws relating cultures or races.

no USA is white

if whites ignore BS and ostracise democrat whites

then win

catering to minorities is FAIL

trying be partially commy is FAIL

With the right technology, non-whites can have the shitskin edited out of them.

So you're saying that white people would have too much power as an ethno-state co-existing with other ethno-states and it would put the other ethno-states at risk?


Not a race dipshit

You think criollos would side with mestizos over whites?

Uhhh right-wing arab nationalists?

Would probably turn into ISIS with that many islamists in one ethno-state though

Can a Jap like me still side with the right in the upcoming civil war?

No islam allowed. They would cut my head off knowing what I believe.

Yes this is what I am saying.

Asians form their own right-wing Asian nationalist group, and the white nationalists ally with them.

Even if it's like 20 fucking Asians, it doesn't matter.

An arab right-wing nationalist movement could be started that bans Islam and the Quaran

>The fact is that America is a multi-cultural and multi-racial nation. We're not going to change that, and we need to ally with the non-whites who are already here.

That whole paragraph is retarded, America USED to be a white only (excluding the natives) nation then it got mongrelized. Time breaks down all bonds, it's Humanities destiny to fight against it even if it's ultimately futile. Whose to say in a couple centuries time when we have a white only area of America called Whitemerica that shitskins won't just start pouring into it because suprise suprise, the inferior would rather just pack up and leave to a place that works then fix their own shit.

Then your retarded descendants will say "The fact is that Whitemerica is a multi-cultural and multi-racial sub-nation.We're not going to change that, and we need to ally with the non-whites who are already here", so then Whitemerica gets divided up again so that whites can have a white only area in there called REALLYWHITEMERICAWEMEANITTHISTIMEMERICA!!!

Then shit will keep repeating till the only white-only area is a small town that gets invaded and all the whites killed so then whites have no area of their own till the remaining whites get out-bred, then it's onto the Asians and so on till the world is a mongrolized shithole.

I'm starting to think the Jews aren't what's wrong with the world, I think the true enemy of humanity is just entropy.

Race-mixing is out of the question for me and I fully support separate ethno-states, but the question I've always had is that if the races were separated then would travel be allowed? Like say if I wanted to visit my white cousins for a week, would that be permitted hypothetically?

In Arabia. America is Christian, give us Constantinople and we'll stop protecting Israel, please don't touch Christian monuments or we'll have to take that too.

Also come to Christ, Muhammad was a false prophet.
Why do you need a minister to guide your culture. We have a culture, it is just under assault by the popular media. America is the largest white nation in the world, the minorities just happen to live here.

Wise words, bad grammar. You get a pass.