Cut the delusions, Sup Forums. You've lost

Most of the country officially hates your alt-right guts. They don't care about Antifa, they don't care about your "Communism killed over 100 bazillion million", they don't care if you wear white polos or speak in grammatically sentences. The entire population wants to destroy you.

Trump is about to be shit-canned. His usefulness to his party is finished, the corporate world no longer has his back, and his staff is flipping like pancakes. Not to mention, he's going to jail with his friend Felix Sater.

You now have video that not only has people convinced you're all just mouth-breathing mentally disturbed hillbillies who wanna kill people because you can't get laid (all true btw). Other than the clips of you killing and beating apparently innocent people (nobody cares about your "eyewitness reports"), we have clips of one of your comrades taking his white polo off and waving it in surrender, saying "I'm not really white power man, I just came here for fun!" (, we have clips of one of your alpha god-emperors crying like a bitch and admitting he just "talks a lot of shit on the Internet" after acting hard for Vice News ( We have photos of a bunch of clearly virginal dumbfucks with their mouths gaping open chanting for genocide, with faces filled of impotent rage at the knowledge that their anime porn will never be real life.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is now singing the praises of the Antifa/anarchists/Communists.

You fucking lost Sup Forums. It's over. You haven't accepted it yet, but you might as well get started on acceptance. This was your only chance to change the demographic destiny of the country, and you blew it. You weren't smart enough. Your autism prevented all of you from being able to do anything without coming off bad.

Other urls found in this thread:


>rawstory com/2017/08/longtime-trump-business-partner-told-family-he-knows-he-and-potus-are-going-to-prison-report


>, they don't care about your "Communism killed over 100 bazillion million",
If this is true, then it's what I'll use. You are sociopathically unempathetic about the genocides committed in the name of Marxism.

And you're still doubling down on telling us we are the bad guys.


Didn't read

>. Not to mention, he's going to jail

THRBRUMFPFTTTT is finished this time!!! I sweaR!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday Trump will announce hte DNC killed Seth Rich. He will label Antifa a terrorist organization. He will systematically arrest the hierarchy of your "loose groups" that you love to brand yourselves as.

You will see the inside of a prison for 5-15 years. Good Luck.



And you know who beat you?

This guy.

Obama was playing the long game all along. Let's not forget that Obama was well-documented to be a Marxist in college. That never changed. His entire Presidency was predicated on the praxis of "accelerationism" (look it up for yourself, autists). Long story short, you did exactly what he wanted you to - and it gave exactly the results he wanted.

Up next, a huge swing to the left in 2018. In 2020, President Pence gets BTFO due to guilt by association with your failure of all failures, Trump, and gets succeeded by a leftist who will make Sanders look like Ronny Raygun by comparison. And the world will soon follow suit, as they grow envious of the massive success of an enormous wealth redistribution across the country.

This was your final chance. You had all the power. You SHOULD have had this.

But in the end, you got outsmarted by a Marxist black man.

You lose the game Sup Forums. Go back to your video games and pick-up artist blogs.

the mainstream media is shit
you are shit
RIP fat bitch

ITT: Alt-Left buttmad and hateful towards autists


Sup Forums isn't the alt-right


>Marist poll
>No change in approval ratings
>44% of dindus disapprove of removing statues

This seems like a demand post if anything

You are the bad guys, regardless of your feels. The entire world agrees: they'd rather ally with Communists than reconsider ethno-nationalism. Why are you so surprised? It's always been that way. Pic related.

Shoulda paid attention in school.

>They don't care about Antifa

you keep saying this but you're wrong

>Reveals power level
Oh your a faggot

Boredd! Can you just start this shit already istead of being a larptard,

Plug your ears, stomp your feet and tell yourself it's all fine all you want.

You fucking know you are finished. How could you suck so fucking bad, to LOSE with a golden opportunity like this? Could it be because you are just as stupid as all the non-fascists have always told you?

>You are the bad guys
Well, Aussies are notorious shitposters but I don't see what that has to do with ethno-nationalism.

I'd don't care.
I'm not changing my stance a bit, anime villain. I'll go an honorable death for what I believe in

> we lost
> leftists repeatedly embarrass themselves and destroy their credibility with violence
> even my black coworkers have talked shit about leftists

Things are looking up, bros.

It doesn't matter if we lose, the left will collapse on itself. All of you hate each other. You really think the dindus, Chicanos, gays, feminists, Muslims, communist and anarchists larpers are gonna get along? Fuck no. When you guys gain power all of your little factions are gonna turn on each other.

Is objecting to genocide and constant threats of nuclear war just feels? Have you become that cavalier about Marxist globalised psyops terror?

>Shoulda paid attention
Perhaps you should have.

too long; didn't read

>26 replies

Please stop posting if you aren't a shitposter

>Oh he's Russian spy
>oh he a Raciest
>he's got white supremacist
Jesus fucking Christ can you commies stick to one story

Shit bait

the alt right will never end. i'm serious. the ideas/seeds are now planted for good.

perhaps it will recede, but then it will resurge. cyclically, constantly. it will ebb and flow, and never end until america is 99% nonwhite. the biggest mistake you leftists assume is that this is a temporary phenomenon, a sporadic surge. there is a massive pressure growing, and it's literally in its infancy. the youth are growing up with this now, these ideas. just wait until they have positions of power, in 10-15 years.


There's nothing to start. It's fucking finished. Your side KNOWS it's finished. Where were you guys in Durham today?

Looks like now that the reality has come crushing down on you - that everyone does and always will hate all of you - you're done trying. Those of you who aren't fleeing from the web and deleting your social media accounts are having them deleted. Your apps are gone, your fake news sources are disappearing, you're getting kicked off of the dating websites nobody ever messages you back on. Many of you are being fired and publicly shunned.

It's over. You all know it. Accept it. Quit living in denial. The jig is up, the war is over, and the only casualty will probably have a statue erected of her in place of Lee.

and yet
even after all that, you commie wannabes can't make a simple poll twitch over a single week. If 44% of the nogs aren't with you on this, what does that have to say about your efforts?

You're living in the past, and you know it. A huge swath of the country has caught "Nazi fever". They wanna kill all of you. Suddenly Communists like Heyer are national heroes. In just a few days, everything changed.

"Sometimes decades pass where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen."

This week was the decade of the death of the fascist right in the U.S.

Doesn't matter. You lost.
Zzzzzz. You lost.
Refusing to look won't change your situation.
You don't fucking get it, do you? Do you realize that this was basically your last chance to reverse demographic course - and you've failed? It would take decades for you people to rehabilitate your image again - and by that time, there won't be enough pinkies for it to make a lick of difference. You're finished.


I lost so hard at that gif

I like how you keep ignoring that you can't even get the dindus on your side.

>disagreeing with removing Confederate statues
>agreeing with instituting a fascist ethno-state

are not exclusively mutual. There are many who are just genuinely dumb and think the Confederate statues are history or whatever. Most of them STILL hate your Nazi ass.

You are finished. Look around at what's happening. This was an utter failure. At least Hitler got started before he got BTFO. You couldn't even hit the double digits on the body count before everyone turned on you.

>You lost
Said the increasingly nervous Marxist terrorist for the 65th time today.

>Look around at what's happening.
All I see are a handful of washed up old media corporations circlejerking while the real data shows our side growing stronger. The over reaction this week has done more to cement right-wing sentiment than the past six months combined.

>everybody hates the anons

Do you consider this news?

>implying anyone here is gonna read all that nigger shit

This too shall pass.

you're trying too hard

You're not even in the U.S. dipshit. I, like everyone else in the world, don't care what's happening in Australia. In the U.S., this movement is done. The Nazi hysteria right now is amazing. And deeply satisfying. Even the soft-racist Republibillies want their blood. They showed their hand too quick and now their movement is officially dead.

>reconsider ethno-nationalism

you are a moron

the entire world is ethno nationalist except white countries

> They don't care about Antifa, they don't care about your "Communism killed over 100 bazillion million"

Pretty much. ANTIFA has the elites and system on their side, Charlottesville broke all pretenses.

The Alt-Right, for better or worse, has been etched into the national and international consciousness. Charlotsville was our Beer Hall Pusche.

You don't get this type of media unless you're threatening the status quo.


His own party is turning.

His own corporate buddies are turning.

AND, if you have more than 5 friends or don't delete everyone who disagrees with you, have a quick scroll through your Facebook feed. The entire country is out to get you now. Check and mate.

Oh look, the right wing has to steal the left's symbols and rhetoric again. Imagine my surprise. Also, quit burying your head in the sand.

Remember when gawker took us on in gamergate? Wheres gawker now?
Didnt they say gamers were dead?
Listen sweetheart, when hitler rose to power, it was because he harnessed a pent up rage in millions of people.
Theres enough rage pent up from the mistreatment of white ppl that some of them are going bowling for faggots with their cars. The 4th reich is coming, wanna know why?
Because this time its us who dindu nuffin rong.
Aside from the hate, the internet is a tank of gas and reason is an open flame.
People are going to realise that taxation and child support is not only theft, but an attack.
The german nazis didnt throw the first punch, and neither did we

>he keeps typing essays no one will read

When our feminazis think it's acceptable behaviour, usually from watching your manipulated media, they imitate it here. This means sexually harassing men, this means violence, this means aggression in general.

By making sure everyone knows the strategy is to make it very, very obvious you are the bad guy, then everyone will very naturally want you to lose and because it's what people want and that this is a culture war completely fabricated with narratives it will happen.

Everyone flying antifa flags will be arrested eventually. You're terrorists, you deserve nothing less.

The damage has already been done. There's no stopping the dominoes from falling now. You are powerless to do anything past your shortsightedness and naivety.

The fire rises.


It's over.

Nazi fever has started.

And they won't differentiate between you and them. Nor should they.

Yup! Why so surprised? The U.S. allied with fucking Stalin to beat the Nazis, for fucks sake. Everyone here hates you people.

No. The Beer Hall Pusche was Trump's announcement he was running. His election was the Third Reich. And, just as quick as it came, Heather Heyer was the Battle of the Bulge.

It is over. Everyone despises you.

>His own party is turning.
The heads of it, sure. The voters... not so much. How did that work out for the GOP establishment in 2016 again?
>corporate buddies
Are still going to be involved, just privately.
Of course you only see people who agree with you, that's how facebook works. It's an automatic echo chamber. Of course an antifag would be dumb enough to think that their own feed is representative of an entire nation.

Also, op, your myopia in this issue makes you look very stupid/inferior, which is typical of the left who simply cant comprehend 4d chess

>It's over.
>Nazi fever has started.


Last I checked it was 1-0 us.



Thanks for the look into the mind of a schizophrenic.


>The U.S. allied with fucking Stalin to beat the Nazis,
This has been widely regarded as a mistake, or more accurately, THE mistake



y'all are so deluded. street fights and murder are perfect media fodder.

This isnt germany in the 20s, yr not promising to pull anyone out of poverty, and most folks can afford bread already. Y'all are just splurging about the globalist jews while yr "leaders" bail anytime a fight breaks out. Richard Spencer was pleading with police not to shut the rally down, what a coup.

We have jobs, you faggot.


Guess what, the public is turning on antifa. The public is receptive to white identity (not supremacy).

All this did was teach the alt right to rebrand to white identity not supremacy.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis bread is now for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
Be ded

Quit trying to live in the past. 2016 is finished. The polls were dead on accurate in 2016; electoral college is the only reason Trump won. He was never popular, and as those same polls show, he's even less popular now - much less popular. And you Sup Forums fascists are even less popular than that after Charlottesville. What a total mess you autists have created for yourselves.

>Heather Heyer was the Battle of the Bulge.

Hell of a bulge alright!

>It is over.

Here this guys? The pendulum, despite swinging back and forth for thousands of years has for the first time in history stopped! Antifa on Sup Forums told me so.

We have to stand against your garbagephobia

you seem to care so much that you can suck my fat, huge, white cock

> you lost
> social shaming, social shaming
> you lose!!!

You argue like a woman.

Science fiction

She was just saving up for communism

If the system breaks down the most extreme of ideologies will be the ones fighting eachother for control. The fact that we're in the fight makes people nervous. It makes you nervous.

>Up next, a huge swing to the left in 2018. In 2020, President Pence gets BTFO due to guilt by association with your failure of all failures, Trump, and gets succeeded by a leftist who will make Sanders look like Ronny Raygun by comparison. And the world will soon follow suit, as they grow envious of the massive success of an enormous wealth redistribution across the country.
Haha oh wow.
This is why I come to Sup Forums.

Do you believe you're actually doing well to discredit me through a very serious mental illness? Or are you just showing everyone how hypocritical it is to expect you to actually care about people with troubles?


lol so inferior
doesn't even rhyme properly
you basically used a method rappers (BLACKS) use to rhyme words that don't quite work by going off pronunciation. you fail faggot

Dude, if you had an iq over 130, you would realize that your only hope is to censor the internet, and censor us.
Short of that, you are hopeless, and YOU will lose.
Think of what percent of the population currently knows that black ppls poverty is due to their low iq and not discrimination. Its probly like 20 %.
The internet will raise that number to 80 percent in the next 20 years.
Where will that put people in your camp?
Out of business.
We are the bearers of reason. The powers that be thought they could claim race didnt exist. How did that turn out?
Oh right, the internet put that myth in a barrel of acid and watched it slowly decompose.
Haha, youre not only going to lose, inferiorboy, you are FUCKED.

I was trying to pinpoint what their repetitiveness sounded like. This is it...

Right. No one gives a shit about Antifa. Who would give a shit about a bunch of cross dressing, crybaby, not knowing what gender you are from day to day, faggots who have nothing better to do with their time than bitch, moan, cry, squeal and literally shake in public about unfairness?

No one. Not a damned soul.

Didn't you rip that off from the niggers?

>battle of the bulge
and the ripples could be felt throughout the nation

its Elspeth trolling us, trying to appearserious leftard an shiet , abort

>Up next, a huge swing to the left in 2018. In 2020, President Pence gets BTFO due to guilt by association with your failure of all failures, Trump, and gets succeeded by a leftist who will make Sanders look like Ronny Raygun by comparison. And the world will soon follow suit, as they grow envious of the massive success of an enormous wealth redistribution across the country.

Confirmed troll

Get wreck'd alt left!

No shit, because xirs argument is entirely baseless. I imagine Xir is just blowing off steam because I assume he realizes how ineffectual it is beating up trashcans is, and is realizing that nobody actually believes anything the media says anymore.

yeah people seem really supportive of your skinhead ass.
you should really pull your bald head out your loose asshole and take a look at the world that is quickly turning on you.

nobody wants hitler. it's just you

Mondays gonna be beautiful. Pepper your Angus!

Wow. I never knew about this. Thanks user

but waii

>only chance

doesn't rhyme, you sound like a retard

if by nervous you mean yr existence has lit a fire in our bellies to shut you down at every turn, than ya, so nervous.

The fact that "we" have been able to meet in public and organize at a community and grassroots level for decades while you fucks are afraid of getting doxxed and having folks know yr ideologies irl shows we've always been winning.