Have I fucked up?

So I was just trying to open a discussion with my gf about the state of left vs right (i.e Charlottesville situation) she's pretty leftist progressive as where I'm not sure where I sit.
So I ask her what she thinks of the conflict of white supremacist's gathering and she fucking turned like you wouldn't believe, opening with "Well it's illegal here in Canada for the KKK/Nazi's to gather, you're basically saying they should be allowed to do that here." Despite only having said up to that point that "Under their freedom of speech they should be allowed to voice their opinion I'm not one to advocate thought policing, no matter how inhumane their ideas." She said she's disgusted with me and questions if we should even be together, did I fuck up somewhere Sup Forums or was my opinion wrong?

>dating a leftie

LMAO bro just don't even bother

>letting a woman influence your beliefs

Hall her an intellectual and moral infant and leave her.

She's trying to exert her power. Be a man. She won't respect you if you cuck.

so I was screwed from the start?

I'll sooner croak than cuck

>was my opinion wrong?
Listen to yourself. Regardless of what you believe in, that's some gaslighting, make you question your ability to make decisions for yourself manipulative bullshit.


Never compromise OP if she respects you as a man she will accept your beliefs or maybe even let them reflect onto herself. But seeing as how she is a lefty and a fucking leaf at that I doubt she has any respect for men anyway.

Tell her you disagree on the very principle of disallowing representation of one kind of belief. If it is truly bad it will be able to be disproven on the fault of its own merits.

This will probably go right over her woman chimp brain but it will look like you actually have balls. Afterward if she still wants to have sex it's


that you FUCK the DOGSHIT out of herif you want to cement your position.

dont pitch the bitch

mightve been a shit test
whatever happens, dont cuck

Yes. Never date a lefty. Especially one of the magnitude you're referring to

i say its fine to date a lefty if you give her good dick she will come around eventually. Women are just like that.

If she gets so triggered that she dumps you, who cares?

Take her on a date.
To the gas chambers.

>a fucking leaf
>not sure where I sit

You sit on a maple syrupy dildo as it goes up your faggot ass

Younger people I am finding don't handle disagreement as well as they used to. This isn't a left/right issue either. Go check out some of the gay lords at the donald to see how they handle disagreement.

My wife and I have different political views but its not that important that we agree on 100 percent of things. If this girl gets disgusted by you not even arguing an especially extremist position and one that was once associated with liberalism then she is probably an insane person and its not going to work out.

I am a little older than the average pol poster though

There's a big difference between a real lefty and your average "apolitical" girl who thinks that the Democratic Party is the default option.

>She said she's disgusted with me and questions if we should even be together, did I fuck up somewhere Sup Forums or was my opinion wrong?

What a fucking cuck. Order in the bull now and save yourself some time.

Yeah bro you were fucked from the start

I hope you got some good bjs or whatever. Dating a leftist ALWAYS has an expiration date on it.

No don't leave her on that because her excuse would be to call you a Nazi. Wait a few months when all this blows over. Then dump her ass. That way you get to call her a Nazi. That's how relationships work right?

fair enough

If she's a normie mentally she won't respect you if you fold.

But if she was an intellectual she wouldn't have responded with "eww" so the point is moot.

it should be illegal for any pride based group to gather in a public space. renting private venues is different.

Don't listen to these virgins. Keep dating her. Also, keep a journal of all your interactions so you can post it someday.

You got only one option. Tell her that's your opinion and you aren't changing it and there are plenty other girls who would like to be with you so if she thinks she can find better then you leave.

Works for me but I got decent looks so they always stick around.

Move on...
Count as blessing red flag came up before purge...


Do your research into how commies/socialists are worse. Dig into how Lennin, Mao, and Stalin fucked up some of the best agricultural land in the world and cause massive famines.

Dig into Cambodia, Cuba, and how awful those regimes were and then compare them to how well Chile and Germany did with Fascist economic policies.

Start small.

In a few weeks tell her you were surprised to find out that when Jews do the head bobby thing at the Wailing wall they are actually fucking the female half of God. A bit later mention how Jews sterlized the ethiopan women that migrated just a few years ago. Link that act to the fact that Jews don't think Goy have a soul.

You just need to dick her harder
